National Operating Funding - Performance and Accountability Framework 

From: Employment and Social Development Canada

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Established in 1998, the Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability component (SDPP-D) is a grant and contribution program. This program invests in not-for-profit organizations to improve the participation and social inclusion of persons with disabilities.

In 2017, ESDC collaborated with the disability stakeholder community to renew the national operating funding stream of the program. As part of this renewal, the department developed a Performance and Accountability Framework.

The Framework addresses the main objectives identified by the disability community:

  • fairness – ensuring that eligible organizations can apply for operating funding through a competitive process
  • transparency – providing a more open and transparent process
  • predictability – bringing greater stability and potential to funded recipients
  • accountability – implementing reporting by recipients on performance, and expected outcomes to strengthen accountability for the use of public funds

This funding stream supports capacity building efforts of national, non-profit disability organizations in 4 capacity areas:

  • governance and accountability
  • effective leadership and operations
  • developing and maintaining partnerships
  • measurable impact

The Framework supports the intermediate outcomes of the SDPP-D Logic Model (Annex A), which are:

  • funding recipients build their organizational capacity
  • funding recipients foster partnerships and networks
  • funding recipients develop and utilize effective approaches (to support increased participation and social inclusion of persons with disabilities)

Performance reporting

Accountability is an ongoing priority for the Government of Canada. ESDC recognizes the diversity of the disability organizations and the current range of organizational capacity to undertake performance reporting.

As part of the Performance Accountability Framework, ESDC and the disability community developed capacity areas and performance indicators. These indicators help measure the results of SDPP-D operating funding to:

  • contribute to the health and maturity of the disability sector
  • advance the social inclusion of Canadians living with disabilities

Annex A: SDPP – Disability logic model

Figure: ESDC Departmental strategic outcome: income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities
Description follows
Text description - Figure
  • The SDPP-D logic model includes 6 rows. From the bottom to the top, the rows are: Inputs, Activities, Outputs, Immediate Outcomes, Intermediate Outcomes; and Ultimate Outcomes. The logic model shows these headings in individual text boxes on the left side of the page. Corresponding text boxes are to the right of each heading
  • The first row of the logic model has a text box with the title 'inputs' on the left-hand side. A single text box on the right-hand side lists 3 inputs: Program Budget, Human Resources and Information and Technology Systems
  • Two upward arrows connect this input box to 2 text boxes in the row above. Each text box lists a program activity. These activities are: engage stakeholder, measure program performance and provide analysis, and administration of Grants and Contributions. On the left-hand side, there is a text box with the heading 'activities'
  • Three upward arrows connect the 3 activity boxes to a single text box above. This text box shows the program's key output: Projects are funded to address evidence-based identified needs and priorities. To the left of this output box is a text box with the heading 'output'
  • Above the immediate outcomes row there is a dotted red line that shows the line of accountability
  • Two connected lines, with 2 upward arrows connect the 32immediate outcome boxes to the programs' 2 intermediate outcomes. The diagram lists the 2 intermediate outcomes in 2 text boxes, above the dotted red line (line of accountability). Twenty-two upward arrows connect the 2 intermediate outcomes to a single text box above, which lists the program's ultimate outcome. The ultimate outcome of the program is social inclusion of persons with disabilities. To the left of this box is a single text box with the heading ultimate outcome

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