P2 notices performance results

Pollution prevention (P2) planning notices published in the Canada Gazette under Part 4 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) require persons subject to a notice to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan in respect of a specified substance(s). Pollution prevention plan information is submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada in declarations of preparation, interim progress reports and declarations of implementation.

Measuring the overall progress and results that are achieved for an individual P2 planning notice is fundamental to evaluating the effectiveness of each notice in meeting its intended objectives. A performance report is posted on the notice's webpage following the reporting deadline.


This notice, published May 21, 2016, applies to any person who, in 2015 or any time thereafter, imports annually 100 kg or more, or manufactures or reclaims halocarbons that are to be used, whether alone or in mixtures, as a refrigerant in refrigeration systems or stationary air conditioning systems, other than domestic appliances.

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice is to manage halocarbon refrigerants in an environmentally sound manner in order to minimize the release of halocarbons into the environment.

Performance results

Notice is still in effect. All 9 companies subject to the notice submitted a declaration that a pollution prevention plan has been prepared and is being implemented. By implementing their P2 plans, all companies expect to meet the risk management objective.

Synthetic rubber manufacturing sector (isoprene)

This notice, published June 9, 2012, applies to owners or operators of facilities in the synthetic rubber manufacturing sector that, at any time, purchase, import or use greater than 100 kg of Isoprene per year and are involved in the activities specified in the notice.

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice is to reduce human exposure to isoprene through the reduction of industrial emissions of isoprene to the environment by 80% relative to the base year (2009), using best available techniques that are economically achievable (BATEA).

Performance results

Performance report: Notice is still in effect. Based on submitted information, 17 401 kg of isoprene were released to air in the base year (2009), and 14 791 kg were released to air in the preparation year (2012). Once the P2 plan has been implemented, isoprene releases are expected to be reduced by 80%, to approximately 3 480 kg.

Siloxane D4 in industrial effluents

This notice was published on June 2, 2012 and applies to any person who owns or operates an industrial facility that manufactures or uses D4 or a mixture containing D4, where the total quantity of D4 used or manufactured is equal to or greater than 100 kg during a calendar year, and, as a result of manufacturing or use, the effluent at the final discharge point(s) of the facility contains D4.

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice is to reduce total siloxane D4 releases to the aquatic environment from the sum of all persons subject to the notice by 80%, from the preparation year levels, by the end of the implementation period.

Performance results

Performance report: Notice is still in effect. By July 1, 2017, the six facilities subject to the notice had submitted their final declaration (schedule 5 of the notice) summarizing the outcomes of their implemented P2 plan. Five of the facilities have met the reduction target which consists either in reducing the D4 concentration in their effluents to a level that is less than or equal to 17.3 μg/L or in releasing a total quantity of D4 in their effluents that is less than or equal to 3 kg per year. The sixth facility also has fully implemented its P2 plan but, despite achieving significant reductions in its D4 releases, it has not met the reduction target set out in the notice.

Bisphenol A

This notice, published on April 14, 2012, applies to owners or operators of industrial facilities that:

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice is to achieve and maintain the lowest total bisphenol A concentration that is economically and technically feasible and is less than 1.75 µg/L in the effluent released at the final discharge point of the facility through methods other than dilution.

Performance results

Performance report: As of January 2017, four facilities have been subject to the notice and have developed and implemented P2 plans. The facilities have used several techniques to achieve their targets. Most have chosen the use of non-BPA alternatives. They reported their progress to Environment and Climate Change Canada on an annual basis from 2012 to 2016. Results indicate that releases of BPA to the environment were significantly reduced. Currently, the risk management objective was not achieved by two of the four facilities, even though those facilities have stopped using BPA. These facilities are continuing to work towards the objective and Environment and Climate Change Canada is monitoring their situation.

Polyurethane and other foam sector (except polystyrene) in respect of toluene diisocyanates (TDIs)

This notice was published on November 26, 2011 and applies to owners or operaters of facilities within the polyurethane and other foam sector (except polystyrene) which, at any time, purchases, imports or uses greater than 100 kg/year of toluene diisocyanates (TDIs) and is involved in the activities specified in the notice.

Risk management objective

The risk management objective is to reduce human exposure to TDIs through the reduction of industrial TDI emissions to the environment to the greatest extent practicable, using BATEA.

Performance Results

Performance report: Notice is still in effect. Results in the reports submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada over the lifetime of the notice, demonstrate that all 14 facilities achieved the risk management objectives of the notice. The overall reduction of TDIs releases for the eight facilities that measured or estimated actual on-site releases of TDIs to air was 55%. The reduction of TDIs releases for the six facilities that used modelling to predict TDI concentration in ambient air was of 94%. All 14 facilities either remained or reduced their releases under the limits identified by the notice.

Previous performance report

Dental amalgam waste

This notice, published on May 8, 2010, applies to all dental facilities that had not implemented all of the best management practices set out in the Memorandum of Understanding Respecting the Implementation of the Canada-wide Standard on Mercury for Dental Amalgam Waste between the Canadian Dental Association and Environment and Climate Change Canada for the voluntary implementation of the Canada-wide standard on mercury for dental amalgam waste.

Risk management objective

Risk management objective for mercury releases from dental amalgam waste: contribute to a 95% national reduction in mercury releases to the environment from dental amalgam waste, from a base year of 2000.

Performance results

Performance report: Notice is still in effect. As of December 31, 2010, Environment and Climate Change Canada had received a total of 204 declarations that a plan had been implemented. This was five times less than the estimated number of dental facilities subject to the notice. In response to the low participation rate, a survey of dental facilities across Canada was commissioned in 2012. The 2012 survey indicated an increase in the number of dental facilities that had adopted best management practices (BMPs) and that had installed dental amalgam separators. Several factors outside of the scope of the notice, including an increased environmental awareness of mercury waste management among dental facilities, marketing efforts from dental amalgam separators suppliers, and provincial and municipal initiatives, may have played an important role in the implementation of BMPs, including the use of dental amalgam separators. These factors contributed to the achievement of the risk management objective of 95% national reduction in mercury releases into the environment from dental amalgam waste, from a base year of 2000.

Mercury releases from mercury switches in end-of-life vehicles

This notice, published on December 29, 2007, applies to vehicle manufacturers who, at any time since January 1, 1988, are or have been a manufacturer of vehicles that contain one or more mercury switches, and all owner or operator of a steel mill that processes end-of-life vehicles or steel scrap derived from end-of-life vehicles to produce steel or steel products.

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice is to reduce releases of mercury to the environment through participation by vehicle manufacturers and steel mills in a mercury switch management program in Canada.

Performance results

Final report (2013): Notice completed. The risk management objective of reducing releases of mercury to the environment through participation by vehicle manufacturers and steel mills in a national mercury switch management program in Canada has been achieved. The annual targets and capture rates of mercury switches set by the vehicle manufacturers have been achieved for the most part. However, the ultimate goal of achieving a capture rate of 90% within the first four years of the program, as listed in the notice, has not been achieved, as reported in the declarations of implementation.

Previous performance report

Base metals smelters and refineries and zinc plants

This notice, published on April 29, 2006, applies to owners or operators of base metal smelters, refineries and zinc plants that are listed in the notice.

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice is the application of best available techniques for pollution prevention and control to avoid or minimize the creation and release of pollutants and waste and to reduce the overall risk to the environment or human health.

Of the 11 facilities subject to the notice, nine facilities have 2008 and 2015 annual limit targets for both sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM). In addition, one facility is subject to a 2008 target for mercury, and another facility to a 2008 target for dioxins and furans. Two facilities that are subject to the notice do not have targets due to their low-level releases.

Performance results

2011 Performance report: Notice is still in effect. In 2011, facilities have reported overall reductions of 50% for SO2, 61% for particulate matter, 83% for mercury, and 50% for dioxins and furans from the base year (2005). In addition, reported metal releases not subject to any targets under the notice (arsenic, cadmium, lead and nickel) have decreased substantially since 2005.

Previous performance reports

Wood preservation facilities

This notice, published on October 22, 2005, applied to five wood preservation facilities (listed in the notice) that used inorganic arsenic compounds, hexavalent chromium compounds, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and/or hexachlorobenzene.

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice was to reduce the release of these substances during wood preservation processes to the lowest achievable levels by the application of or by achieving equivalence with the best management practices set out in the Recommendations for the Design and Operation of Wood Preservation Facilities, 2004 and the Technical Guidelines for the Design and Operation of Wood Preservation Facilities, 2004.

Performance results

Notice completed. Of the five facilities that were subject to this notice, three implemented P2 plans that addressed the best management practices set out in the notice while the two other facilities closed.

Textile mills that use wet processing

This notice, published on December 4, 2004, applied to owners or operators of wet processing textile mills that discharged effluents to a municipal wastewater treatment system and had a daily effluent flow greater than 30 m3/day, based on average annual discharge, at least one year between 1999 and 2003. 

Risk Management Objectives

The risk management objectives of this notice were to reduce the annual use of nonylphenol and its ethoxylates (NP and NPEs) by at least 97 percent (from 1998 baseline) by 2009 and to reduce the toxicity of effluent from textile mills that use wet processing (TMEs) to a maximum acute toxicity of 13 percent of IC50 (50% inhibiting concentration) by 2009.

Performance results

Final summary report (2012): Notice completed. The NP-NPE reduction target of 97% has been surpassed; NP-NPE use was reduced by 99.99% from the base year (1998 for most mills) to the implementation year (2009 for most mills). Although the risk management objective for TMEs was not fully achieved, it was met or partially met by 92% of mills.

Previous performance report

Nonylphenol and its ethoxylates (NP and NPEs) contained in products

This notice, published on December 4, 2004, applies to manufacturers of soap and cleaning products and importers of processing aids used in textile wet processing, or pulp and paper processing aids who purchased or otherwise acquired 2,000 kilograms or more of NP and NPEs in at least one calendar year between January 1, 2003, and December 31, 2012.

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice is to reduce the total quantity of NP and NPE used to manufacture products and imported in products by 50% from the base year (typically 1998) by 2007 (phase 1) and 95% from the base year (typically 1998) by 2010 (phase 2).

Performance results

Final evaluation report: Notice completed. Based on the results of the reports submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada over the lifetime of the notice, 70 of 77 facilities met the requirements of the notice and a further 6 ceased operation or use of NP and NPEs. The overall reduction of NP and NPEs was 96% used in manufacturing of products and in imported products from the 1998 base level. Therefore, the phase 1 and 2 targets are considered to be met.

Previous performance reports

Inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents

This notice, published on December 4, 2004, applied to persons involved in the use of chlorine or chlorine compounds in wastewater systems and the release of chlorinated wastewater effluent to surface water.

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice is to achieve and maintain a concentration of total residual chlorine (TRC) that is less than or equal to 0.02 mg/L in the effluent released to surface water by December 15, 2009.

Performance results

2012 Performance report: Notice still in effect. Although the deadline to implement P2 plans was by June 15, 2010, several time extensions to implement P2 plans were granted. To date, 80% of wastewater systems have implemented P2 plans that considered actions to achieve and maintain a concentration of TRC that is less than or equal to 0.02 mg/L in the effluent released to surface water.  Based on information reported in the declaration of implementation submissions received to date, the concentration of TRC discharges have been reduced by 85% compared to the 95% anticipated reduction reported in the declaration of preparation submissions.

Previous performance report

Dichloromethane (DCM)

This notice published on November 29, 2003, applied to persons involved in the use of dichloromethane for the following activities: aircraft paint stripping; flexible polyurethane foam blowing; pharmaceuticals and chemical intermediates manufacturing and tablet coating; industrial cleaning; and adhesive formulations.

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice was to reduce aggregate dichloromethane releases from five targeted industry sectors by 85 percent from 1995 base year levels by January 1, 2007.

Performance results

Final performance report (2010): Notice completed: The risk management objective of reducing aggregate releases of DCM was exceeded. Releases were reduced by 93 percent compared to 1995 levels.


This notice published on May 24, 2003, applied to persons involved in the manufacture of synthetic rubber, where such manufacture uses acrylonitrile and results in releases of acrylonitrile to the environment..

Risk management objective

The risk management objective of this notice was to reduce the releases of acrylonitrile from synthetic rubber manufacturing sources to the lowest achievable levels by the application of BATEA by December 31, 2005.

Performance results

Final performance report (2009): Notice completed. The one facility that was subject to this notice successfully implemented their pollution prevention plan and reported significant reductions in releases of acrylonitrile. Fugitive releases decreased by 89%, and storage or handling releases decreased by 82% from a base year of 2006.

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