Update on Boreal Caribou Critical Habitat Reporting

The Government of Canada released its first Section 63 Report on the protection of critical habitat in April 2018, fulfilling our commitments to implement the Species at Risk Act (SARA). 

The next report will be released before the end of 2018 and will cover progress made since April.  

SARA recognizes the central role of provinces and territories in protecting species at risk, as well as the role of stakeholders and Indigenous peoples.  We have sought input to the latest report about activities that they have undertaken to protect critical habitat during this period.

We are encouraged by the increase in momentum and efforts that we are seeing in support of Boreal Caribou conservation across the country, driven by the hard work and dedication of many parties, including provincial and territorial governments.

We look forward to releasing both the upcoming Section 63 Report on critical habitat protection and the section 58 critical habitat protection order on federal lands before the end of 2018.

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