Consultation: Comment period for the danger to human health or safety assessment for portable electric heaters

Current status: Closed

This consultation was held between February 19, 2024 and May 19, 2024.

Health Canada added portable electric heaters to Table 2 of the General Prohibitions process, and sought input on whether these products may pose a danger to human health or safety if they do not meet critical health and safety criteria (read about additional details on this process).

Health Canada completed a danger to human health or safety assessment for portable electric heaters. This assessment proposed that all portable electric heaters meet certain critical safety criteria to help protect consumers from burn and fire hazards that certain products may pose. This proposal did not constitute a ban on all portable electric heaters. In fact, many portable electric heaters currently on the market are compliant to these safety criteria and would continue to be available for purchase. Only products that do not meet these safety criteria would be impacted.

Health Canada invited stakeholders to provide comments on this danger to human health or safety assessment. Health Canada will take into consideration the information that was provided during the consultation period when making a determination on whether there is a danger to human health or safety posed by portable electric heaters that do not meet the safety criteria.


We invited the public to provide comments or feedback on this danger to human health or safety assessment by May 19, 2024

Privacy Notice Statement

The personal information you provide Health Canada will be collected by the Consumer and Hazardous Products Safety Directorate (CHPSD) under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and handled in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Why are we collecting your personal information? Any personal information that you share, such as your name, contact information, opinions, preferred language and organization, will be collected by CHPSD, as part of a consultation addressing the dangers to human health or safety posted by portable electric heaters.

Will we use or share your personal information for any other reason? Your personal information may be shared internally within the Government of Canada. Only de-identified information and general feedback may be shared with stakeholders through correspondence, or may be publicly posted on the Government of Canada's website. In some cases, information may be disclosed without your consent for purposes not outlined in this Statement pursuant to subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.

What happens if you don't want to provide your personal information? Participation in Health Canada's consultation regarding portable electric heaters is voluntary, as is the personal information you choose to provide to the Government of Canada. There are no consequences if you decide not to participate or share your personal information.

What are your rights? You have the right to access and request a correction and/or notation to your personal information. You also have a right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada if you feel your personal information has been handled improperly. For more information about these rights, or about how we handle your personal information, please contact the Consumer and Hazardous Products Safety Directorate at

For more information: The collection of your personal information is described in Info Source. Refer to the personal information bank entitled PSU 938 – Outreach Activities.

Who is the focus of this consultation

Goals of the consultation

The goal of the consultation was to seek input on whether portable electric heaters may pose a danger to human health or safety if they do not meet critical health and safety criteria. Health Canada will take into consideration all of the current information that was made available to help us with the next steps. Health Canada may conclude the hazard of concern is a danger to human health or safety and add portable electric heaters to Table 3 of the General Prohibitions process. In doing so, portable electric heaters that do not meet the recommended safety criteria would be prohibited from manufacture, import, advertising or sale in Canada. If there is insufficient information to conclude that there is a danger to human health or safety, the assessment documents will remain in the Closed for Comment section of Table 2 and it will be labelled as not currently being considered for Table 3. Health Canada will continue monitoring the hazard.

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