Summary: What We Heard on self-care product regulation

This page summarizes feedback captured in the What We Heard Report.

The feedback was received during a consultation with the public in the fall of 2016. It will help us to improve our proposed approach to self-care product regulation in the future.

On this page

What is the What We Heard Report?

The What We Heard Report contains information we received during a public consultation held from September to October of 2016. Feedback about our proposed approach was collected and summarized in the report.

Who provided feedback?

This consultation was part of Health Canada's ongoing communication with a variety of people, such as:

  • consumers
  • retailers
  • regulators
  • researchers
  • healthcare providers
  • product manufacturers and distributors

What did Canadians say?

Feedback from Canadians showed us that self-care product regulation is an important topic. During the consultation, we heard from more than 3,500 people via an online survey or in writing. This level of interest showed us how much consumers and other stakeholders care about the changes we are proposing.

Some Canadians strongly support the ideas in the proposed approach. Other Canadians said they had a lot of concerns about the impact of the proposed changes.

Canadians want more information

One message that was clear during the consultation was that Canadians want more clarity and details on the proposed approach.

During the consultation, Canadians said they need more information about:

  • how we define risk
  • how products would be classified
  • what evidence is needed to support a claim

Next steps

Based on the feedback received during the consultation, we have made changes to the proposed approach.

Moving forward, we will be hosting in-person and online consultation sessions over the next few months. These consultation sessions will give us a chance to share the refined proposal with Canadians.

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