Resins and Rosins Group

Information sheet

These substances were identified for action under the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP). This screening assessment focuses on 12 substances referred to collectively under the CMP as the Resins and Rosins Group.

Summary of publications
Substance group CAS RN Abbreviation or common name DSL name Proposed order and RIAS Public comments on the draft screening assessment Final screening assessment Proposed risk management approach Conclusion on section 64 criteria Follow-up activities
Resins and Rosins Group 1740-19-8 DHAA 1-Phenanthrenecarboxylic acid, 1,2,3,4,4a,9,10,10a-octahydro-1,4a-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethyl)-, [1R-(1α,4aβ,10aα)] None HTML HTML None Does not meet None planned at this time
8002-26-4Footnote a CTOFootnote b or DTOFootnote b Tall oil


DTO: None


DTO: None

CTO meets one or more of the criteria

DTO does not meet

CTO: Refer to proposed risk management approach

DTO: Information gathering

8016-81-7Footnote a, Footnote c TOP Tall-oil pitch None None Does not meet None planned at this time
8046-19-3Footnote a, Footnote c Storax Storax (balsam)
8050-09-7Footnote a, Footnote d RosinFootnote d Rosin Information gathering and Significant New Activity (SNAc) provisions
8050-15-5Footnote a, Footnote c RHME Resin acids and rosin acids, hydrogenated, Me esters None planned at this time
8050-28-0Footnote a RMa Rosin, maleated
8052-10-6Footnote a, Footnote d RosinFootnote d Tall-oil rosin Information gathering and SNAc provisions
9007-13-0Footnote a RCa Resin acids and rosin acids, calcium salts
61790-51-0Footnote a RNa Resin acids and rosin acids, sodium salts
68186-14-1Footnote a RME Resin acids and rosin acids, Me esters None planned at this time
73138-82-6Footnote a, Footnote d RosinFootnote d Resin acids and rosin acids Information gathering and SNAc provisions
Footnote a

This CAS RN is a UVCB (unknown or variable composition, complex reaction products, or biological materials).

Return to footnote a referrer

Footnote b

Crude tall oil (CTO) and distilled tall oil (DTO) are both covered under this Domestic Substances List (DSL) name and CAS RN although they may have different properties, compositions and uses.

Return to footnote b referrer

Footnote c

This substance was not identified under subsection 73(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) but was included in this assessment as it was considered a priority on the basis of other human health concerns.

Return to footnote c referrer

Footnote d

May be used interchangeably by industry and are referred to under the same name (rosin).

Return to footnote d referrer

Follow-up activities

Although 11 substances in this group are not considered to be harmful to human health or the environment at levels of exposure considered in the assessment, 6 of the 11 substances (DTO, the 3 rosin substances, RCa, and RNa) are associated with ecological effects of concern. Therefore, there may be a potential risk if exposure levels were to increase. The proposed follow-up activity for these 6 substances is information gathering to track changes in exposure and/or commercial use patterns. It is also proposed to apply the SNAc provisions of CEPA 1999 to 5 of the 6 substances (the 3 rosin substances, RCa, and RNa).

Date Activity
February 18, 2023 Publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I, Vol. 157, No. 7 of a proposed order adding CTO to Schedule 1 to CEPA 1999 and start of a 60-day public comment period.
July 23, 2022 Publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I: Vol. 156, No. 30 of a notice of intent to amend the DSL to apply the SNAc provisions of CEPA 1999 to the 3 rosin substances, RCa, and RNa, and start of a 60-day public comment period.
July 23, 2022 Publication of the Final Screening Assessment for the Resins and Rosins Group. The Risk Management Approach for Crude Tall Oil (CTO) in the Resins and Rosin Group was also published for a 60-day public comment period. The related notice was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I: Vol. 156, No. 30.
June 22, 2019 Publication and start of 60-day public comment period on the Draft Screening Assessment for the Resins and Rosins Group (including follow-up activities for DTO, the 3 rosin substances, RCa, and RNa) and the Risk Management Scope for Crude Tall Oil (CTO). The related notice was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I: Vol. 153, No. 25


Two other substances (that is, in addition to the group of 12) were identified as being part of the Resins and Rosins Group at the outset of the third phase of the CMP. These substances were subsequently determined to be of low concern to both human health and the environment, through other approaches. The conclusion for CAS RN 26266-77-3 is provided in the Final Screening Assessment for Substances Identified as Being of Low Concern based on the Ecological Risk Classification of Organic Substances and the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC)-based Approach for Certain Substances. The conclusion for CAS RN 91081-53-7 is provided in the Final Screening Assessment for the Rapid Screening of Substances with Limited General Population Exposure.

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