What is my reason to quit smoking

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Organization: Health Canada

Date published: 2023

  1. Improve my physical health. Within 24 hours of quitting, your risk of having a heart attack begins to drop.Footnote 1 Within weeks, you will be able to breathe easier and you will cough less. After 1 year, your risk of coronary heart disease is half than that of someone who smokes. After 10-15 years, your chance of getting cancer decreases by about half.Footnote 2
  2. Save money. On average, Canadians who smoke spend an estimated $3,600 before taxes per year on smoking. Money spent on cigarettes can really add up! Calculate just how much money you can save by using our cost calculator tool. Scan the QR code to learn more.
  3. Improve my quality of life. Regain a better sense of taste and smell, be able to breathe more deeply, and have more energy.Footnote 2 Live healthier days and years ahead.
  4. Protect my friends and family. No longer worry about exposing others around you to the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.
  5. Help the planet. Between 25-40% of global litter comes from tobacco product waste.Footnote 3 Quitting smoking will help decrease the impacts of deforestation, water contamination, and pesticide use.Footnote 3

Still need to find the motivation to quit?

Think about what's important to you: your health? Your family? Take some time to reflect and think about why you want to make this change.

For more information or to talk with a trained quit coach, connect with your local quit smoking line at gosmokefree.gc.ca/quit or toll-free at 1-866-366-3667.


Footnote 1

United States Public Health Service Office of the Surgeon General, & National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (US) Office on Smoking and Health. (1990). Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation: A Report by the Surgeon General. US Department of Health and Human Services.

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Footnote 2

United States Public Health Service Office of the Surgeon General, & National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (US) Office on Smoking and Health. (2020). Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation: A Report by the Surgeon General. US Department of Health and Human Services.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

No Tobacco. (2022). Tobacco: poisoning our planet. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240051287

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