Smoking triggers and coping 101
Organization: Health Canada
Date published: 2023
What are triggers? A trigger is anything that you associate with smoking, or that leads you to crave a cigarette, like feeling stressed, drinking coffee, or driving.
Here are some ideas to help you cope with triggers and cravings:
The 5Ds
When you feel a strong need to smoke, try the 5Ds.
- Delay: Try to delay smoking for as long as you can. Set a timer for five minutes. If you are craving a cigarette, try to delay smoking for another five minutes. Cravings will pass, and will get shorter and weaker over time.
- Distract: Do something that requires concentration – play a game, browse the Internet, text and/or call a friend, engage in a hobby, or get started on a project.
- Deep breathing: Practice deep breathing. Close your eyes and begin by breathing in through your nose expanding your stomach. Exhale slowly through your mouth.
- Drink water: Drink a glass of cold water to change the feeling in your mouth and to keep your hands busy.
- Discuss: Talk to someone you trust like a friend or quit coach. You can also try to take some time to self-reflect. Think about what could have triggered the feeling that you need to smoke and how you can cope with this situation in the future.
For more information or to talk with a trained quit coach, connect with your local quit smoking line at or toll-free at 1-866-366-3667.
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