How childhood vaccines keep your child safe (video)

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Transcript - How childhood vaccines keep your child safe (video)

The title “How childhood vaccines keep your child safe” appears on screen.

A child is walking towards an indoor play structure with a slide, swings and ball pit, while holding hands with their parent. We see other diverse families playing as well some wearing masks.

Voiceover: Every day you do your best to make sure that your children are happy, safe, and healthy. But some risks are harder to see.

Suddenly, abstract-shaped bacteria and viruses begin to swirl around and spread across different points of the play structure. A magnifying glass zooms in on the different shapes.

Voiceover: Without vaccines, vaccine preventable bacteria and viruses could spread in the places we live, work and play. They can make both children and adults very sick.

On a blue background the names of vaccine-preventable diseases start appearing: Influenza, Measles, Mumps, Polio, Rotavirus, Rubella, Tetanus, Chickenpox, Diphtheria, Whooping cough and Bacteria that cause meningitis

Voiceover: But you can protect your children from potentially serious diseases by getting them vaccinated and ensuring they stay up to date with all recommended vaccines.

Inside a doctor's office, a child sits on a chair, their father is beside them. They are wearing masks. The doctor prepares to administer a vaccine by disinfecting the child's arm with a cotton pad, and the camera zooms in to the child's arm. We see bacteria and viruses floating around and then forced out of frame by a force-field looking shield caused by a vaccine vial.

Voiceover: Children's immune systems are still developing, which can make them more vulnerable to getting sick. Routine vaccinations help the immune system learn to recognize potentially serious diseases and fight them off.

Camera zooms out to show a calendar. A vial is circled, representing a vaccination appointment in the calendar.

Voiceover: That's why it's so important to get children vaccinated on time and keep up with their vaccines.

In a lab, scientists are spread across different workstations. One is working with test tubes, one through a microscope and one looking at charts on a computer. A hand gives a thumbs up as a vial is placed in a box filled with vaccines and is then sealed shut, ready for dispatch. A magnifying glass over a vaccine vial then appears on screen with the words: Quality, Safety, Effectiveness.

Voiceover: Research and rigorous testing are done as vaccines are developed. When a vaccine is being approved by Health Canada for use, they review the data on safety and how well the vaccine works before approving it. After a vaccine is approved and is being used, it continues to be monitored for its quality, safety and effectiveness.

The words “Vaccines Work” appear on the screen. Followed by a graph showing the names of diseases whose numbers have reduced significantly due to vaccination are shown on screen: Polio, Measles, Rubella, Tetanus, Diphtheria. Their eradication percentages are represented by bars that reach from 99 to 100%.

Voiceover: Vaccines work! In fact, diseases that were once common are now rare in Canada because of widespread routine vaccination.

The camera is split in two. We see one a mother and daughter inside a car on one side and a mother, father and son wearing masks on public transit. Both have speech bubbles with a vaccine vial in it to indicate that they are on their way to the doctor's office.

Voiceover: So, when you get your child vaccinated according to your province or territories' routine vaccination schedule, you can rest assured that you've given them the best possible protection against vaccine-preventable diseases.

Back at the doctor's office, we see the doctor place a bandaid on the child's arm and the child, the parent and the doctor all give a thumbs up.

Voiceover: Speak with a healthcare professional about this protection. For more information, visit

The website address is shown on screen.

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