IRCC Anti-Racism Strategy 2.0 (2021-2024) – What we heard from IRCC employees

The comments received during consultation processes, together with sector commitments and plans, informed the scope of the Anti-Racism (AR) Strategy Action Plan (Annex B) and departmental priorities in the Strategy. Below is a selection from the suggestions gathered from IRCC employees during the sessions organized by the Anti-Racism Task Force and Sector Leads or received through the intranet in the first four months of 2022. These are grouped under an overarching theme regarding the main direction of the Strategy, followed by the thematic pillars of the Action Plan, which will be defined in more detail in the subsequent section.

Suggestions received from IRCC employees for the Strategy

Overarching suggestions regarding the iteration of Strategy 1.0 to 2.0

Pillar 1: Ensure leadership accountability

Pillar 2: Advance equity in the workplace

Pillar 3: Address systemic racism in policy and program design

Pillar 4: Address systemic racism in service delivery

Pillar 5: Build a strong evidence base

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