# 2020-141 Medical and Dental Care, Spectrum of care

Spectrum of care (SoC) 

Case Summary

F&R Date: 2021–05–28

The grievor argued the denial of coverage for hearing aids, counter to a prescription from an Otolaryngology doctor for hearing aids, due to a tinnitus-related hearing impairment and the supporting hearing evaluation. The grievor maintained that the decision to deny the coverage of hearing aids is based on the Spectrum of care (SoC) policy, which has not reviewed the tinnitus treatment since 2008, in spite of significant medical advancement in hearing aids technology, and the evidence supporting that hearing aids help patients affected by tinnitus with amplification.

The Initial Authority (IA) found that the grievor was not aggrieved and was treated in accordance with the SoC. The IA asserted that there was not an exceptional reason to provide the grievor with tinnitus treatment.

The Committee found that the evidence supporting tinnitus masking devices is lacking and this form of therapy is not among the recommended treatments within clinical practice guidelines for otolaryngology and, as such, it does not meet all the guiding principles for an exception under the SoC. The Committee found that the grievor was not aggrieved and was treated in accordance with applicable policies. 

FA Decision Summary

The Final Authority, the Director Canadian Forces Grievance Authority, agreed with the Committee's findings and recommendation not to afford the grievor redress. 

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