Public Health Agency of Canada 2020-21 Departmental Plan: Supplementary Information Tables

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Published: 2020

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Transfer payment programs of $5 million or more

3-year plan for Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities (AHSUNC)

Start date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program
Provide Indigenous preschool children off-reserve in rural, remote, urban, and Northern settings with a positive sense of self, a desire for learning, and opportunities to develop fully and successfully as young people.

Expected results

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation        

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Aboriginal community-based non-profit recipients and organizations serving First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children and their families living off-reserve in rural, remote, urban, and Northern communities across Canada.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Recipients are engaged through targeted solicitations. Funded recipients are expected to deliver comprehensive, culturally appropriate, locally controlled and designed early childhood development programs for Indigenous preschool children and their families. They also support knowledge development and exchange at the community, provincial/territorial (P/T), and national levels through various types of training and meetings.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 32,134,000 32,134,000 32,134,000 32,134,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 32,134,000 32,134,000 32,134,000 32,134,000

3-year plan for Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP)

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Mitigate health inequalities for pregnant women and infants, improve maternal-infant health, increase the rates of healthy birth weights, as well as promote and support breastfeeding. The TPP also seeks to promote the creation of partnerships within communities and to strengthen community capacity in order to increase support for vulnerable pregnant women and new mothers.

Expected results

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation        

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Non-profit organizations, municipalities and local organizations, and other Aboriginal organizations.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Recipients are engaged through targeted solicitations. Funded recipients are expected to deliver comprehensive, culturally appropriate, locally controlled and designed programs for pregnant women, new mothers, their infants and families facing conditions of risk across Canada.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 27,189,000 27,189,000 27,189,000 27,189,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 27,189,000 27,189,000 27,189,000 27,189,000

3-year plan for Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Fund community-based groups and coalitions to develop and deliver comprehensive, culturally appropriate, early intervention and prevention programs to mitigate health inequalities and promote the health and development of children aged 0–6 years and their families facing conditions of risk. The TPP also seeks to promote the creation of partnerships within communities and to strengthen community capacity to increase support for vulnerable children and their families.

Expected results

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation        

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Non-profit organizations, municipalities and local organizations, and other Aboriginal organizations.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Recipients are engaged through targeted solicitations. Funded recipients are expected to deliver comprehensive, culturally appropriate, locally controlled and designed programs for at-risk children 0–6 years and families facing conditions of risk across Canada.Footnote 1

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 53,400,000 53,400,000 53,400,000 53,400,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 53,400,000 53,400,000 53,400,000 53,400,000

3-year plan for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention - Multi-Sectoral Partnerships

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.3: Chronic diseases are prevented.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Chronic Disease Prevention

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Leverage the knowledge, expertise, reach, and resources of multi-sectoral partners to support innovative approaches focused on the promotion of healthy living and the prevention of chronic disease.

Expected results

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional, and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (e.g., regional health authorities, schools, and post-secondary institutions); and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Open solicitations posted on PHAC’s website and targeted solicitations are utilized to attract possible recipients and partners. In-person or teleconference meetings with potential recipients are used to co-create initiatives through the exploration of various aspects of project design (e.g. technology, measurement of changes in health status/behaviour) and to share learnings from funded projects (e.g. evaluation, partnerships).

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 2,749,000 2,749,000 2,749,000 2,749,000
Total contributions 18,697,000 19,697,000 19,697,000 19,697,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 21,446,000 22,446,000 22,446,000 22,446,000

3-year plan for HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund (CAF)

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Grants and Contributions

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 2.1: Infectious diseases are prevented and controlled.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Communicable Diseases and Infection Control

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Purpose: To reduce rate of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI) in Canada.

Objective(s): Increase knowledge of effective HIV, hepatitis C, and/or related STBBI interventions and prevention evidence; increase access to health and social services for priority populations; strengthen capacity (skills, competencies, and abilities) of priority populations and target audiences to prevent infection and improve health outcomes; enhance the application of knowledge in community-based interventions; and increase uptake of behaviours that prevent the transmission of HIV, hepatitis C, and/or related STBBI.

Expected results

Projects funded at the national and regional levels will result in:

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; societies; and coalitions.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Applicants and recipients are engaged through performance measurement and evaluation processes, and regular meetings with stakeholders involved in the prevention and control of communicable diseases.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 8,084,000 8,609,000 8,084,000 8,084,000
Total contributions 18,335,000 18,335,000 18,335,000 18,335,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 26,419,000 26,944,000 26,419,000 26,419,000

3-year plan for Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Transformation Initiative (IELCC)

Start date
September 2018

End date
March 2028

Type of transfer payment
Contribution (as part of Horizontal Initiative lead by Employment and Social Development Canada [ESDC])

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care (IELCC) Transformation Initiative supports the implementation of the co-developed Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework. This framework reflects the unique cultures and priorities of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children across Canada. The Initiative enables greater control in IELCC through a new partnership model to facilitate Indigenous-led decision making to advance national and regional priorities.

ESDC is the federal focal point guiding this horizontal initiative, with Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) as key federal partners.

Expected results

The IELCC Transformation Initiative will contribute to the shared objective of providing high quality early learning and child care services that are also affordable, flexible and inclusive, as outlined in Infrastructure Canada’s Horizontal Management Framework.

Specifically, the IELCC Transformation Initiative will contribute to achieving expected results through reporting on the number of quality improvement projects funded that for example: would enable the development of curriculum content incorporating Indigenous traditions, cultures and languages; build community, administration and professional capacity and centres of expertise; and support staff training and other activities that will enhance access to high quality IELCC.

Targets will be determined with Indigenous partners.

The IELCC Transformation Initiative will also demonstrate progress on the shared outcome through reporting on the number of children accessing culturally appropriate and inclusive IELCC, with the target to be determined with the Public Health Agency of Canada (baseline 4,600 children).

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

General targeted recipient groups

Targeted recipients include existing AHSUNC recipients alongside distinctions-based (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) providers of Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Services.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The co-developed Indigenous ELCC Framework was informed by comprehensive engagement including over 100 engagement activities and 3,000 participants across Canada. This process was jointly led by ESDC and National Indigenous Organizations in 2017.

In implementing this framework through horizontal collaboration, PHAC’s AHSUNC-IELCC Partnership Strategy guides engagement with applicant and recipient partners. This active and ongoing outreach supports partners’ involvement in existing IELCC processes to contribute to holistic, Indigenous-led decision outcomes, including the development of allocation methodologies, results-based frameworks, and future priority setting.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 3,822,138 6,084,143 2,793,272 4,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 3,822,138 6,084,143 2,793,272 4,000,000

3-year plan for National Collaborating Centres for Public Health (NCCPH)

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)

Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health;
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours;
Result 1.3: Chronic diseases are prevented;
Result 2.1: Infectious diseases are prevented and controlled;
Result 2.2: Infectious disease outbreaks and threats are prepared for and responded to;
Result 3.1: Public health events and emergencies are prepared for and responded to effectively;
Result 3.2: Public health risks associated with the use of pathogens and toxins are reduced; and,
Result 3.3: Public health risks associated with travel are reduced.

Link to department’s Program Inventory

Evidence for Health Promotion, and Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention; Communicable Diseases and Infection Control; Foodborne and Zoonotic Diseases; and Emergency Preparedness and Response

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Purpose: As one of the three pillars used to create the Agency in response to the SARS outbreak, the program raises the public health system capacity in Canada by improving the ability of research to be applied and implemented in public health settings.

Objective(s): Promote evidence-informed decision-making by public health practitioners and policy makers across Canada. The National Collaborating Centres (NCCs) synthesize and share knowledge in ways that are useful and accessible to public health stakeholders.

Expected results

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation        

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Six centres focusing on public health areas (Indigenous, environment, determinants of health, infectious diseases, policy, and evidence-based knowledge) and public health priorities of host organizations in non-profit, academic, and local/provincial government settings.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

There are currently no initiatives in place to engage applicants and recipients as a solicitation was finalized in 2019. Contribution agreements with recipients will be renewed in 2028. Workplans are reviewed and approved annually.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 5,842,000 5,842,000 5,842,000 5,842,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 5,842,000 5,842,000 5,842,000 5,842,000

3-year plan for the Dementia Strategic Fund and Public Health Surveillance and Data funding

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)

Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health;
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours; and,
Result 1.3: Chronic diseases are prevented.

Link to department’s Program Inventory

Health Promotion, Evidence for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

This transfer payment program will support the implementation of Canada’s first national dementia strategy.

It is estimated more than 432,000 Canadians were living with diagnosed dementia in 2016-17, two-thirds of whom are women. Nine seniors are diagnosed with dementia every hour. As Canada’s population ages, it is expected that the number of people living with dementia could almost double in the next 20 years. The total annual health care costs and out-of-pocket caregiver costs for Canadians living with dementia has been projected to double from $8.3 billion in 2011 to $16.6 billion by 2031. This program will support the vision of a Canada in which all people living with dementia and caregivers are valued and supported, quality of life is optimized, and dementia is prevented, well understood, and effectively treated.

Funding will support the development and implementation of targeted awareness raising activities, the development and/or dissemination of dementia guidance, including guidelines and best practices, and an online portal to share information resources with the general public and targeted audiences. Funding for public health surveillance and data will support the enhancement and expansion of data and the development of new evidence to address priority evidence gaps related to dementia.

Expected results

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation        
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; Indigenous organizations working with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions; provincial, territorial, regional, and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by provincial and territorial governments (regional health authorities/councils, schools, post-secondary institutions, hospitals, etc.).

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Awareness raising:

Recipients will be engaged through a mix of open, directed and/or targeted solicitations. Funding recipients are expected to deliver culturally appropriate and culturally safe information, resources, tools, and/or events to raise Canadians’ awareness of dementia.

Dementia guidance:

Recipients will be engaged through a mix of open and/or targeted solicitations. Funding recipients are expected to support access to and use of dementia guidance including guidelines and best practices for dementia diagnosis and treatment and care, including by health professionals and care providers.

Public health surveillance and data:

Recipients of funding for public health surveillance and data activities are expected to generate evidence that may be used by decision-makers, public health and care planners at the federal, provincial/territorial, and regional level to inform their dementia programming and service delivery to better meet the needs of people living with dementia and their caregivers.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 774,466 6,897,767 6,986,867 7,044,100
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 774,466 6,897,767 6,986,867 7,044,100

3-year plan for Strengthening the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy (Harm Reduction Fund)

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Grants and contributions (as part of the Horizontal Initiative lead by Health Canada)

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 2.1: Infectious diseases are prevented and controlled.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Communicable Diseases and Infection Control

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The goal of the strategy is to protect the health and safety of all Canadians by minimizing harms from substance use for individuals, families and communities.

The Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy (CDSS) formally restores harm reduction as a pillar of federal drug and substance use policy, alongside the existing prevention, treatment and enforcement pillars, supported by a strong, modern evidence base across all pillars. The public health focus on the CDSS, along with the inclusion of harm reduction as a core pillar of the strategy, will better enable the Government to address the current opioid crisis, and to work toward preventing the emergence of new challenges in substance abuse.

Expected results
Reduction in risk-taking behaviours among drug or substance users.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Federal/Provincial/Territorial stakeholders and people with lived and living experience with substance use.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Current federal/provincial/territorial (F/P/T) engagement is achieved through a number of F/P/T mechanisms, including the F/P/T Committee on Problematic Substance Use and Harms that is co-chaired by HC and the Province of British Columbia. Secretariat support for the CDSS is provided by the Controlled Substances Directorate (CSD) within HC.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000
Total contributions 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 7,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000

3-year plan for ParticipACTION

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Chronic Disease Prevention

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Support ParticipACTION’s “Let’s Get Moving” initiative to encourage and support Canadians to get active and help promote healthier lifestyles among children, youth and families across the country.

Expected results

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation        
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

ParticipACTION will work with its many partners, including sport, physical activity, recreation organizations, government and corporate sponsors, to coordinate and implement the activities associated with this initiative across Canada.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

ParticipACTION progress reports are delivered quarterly (in-year), and annually to PHAC. PHAC uses these to review the project’s progress, including the budget and work plan activities. Revisions to plans are made as required based on these submitted reports. Ad-hoc reports are produced in relation to the development of new or specific elements of the “Let’s Get Moving” initiative to ensure activities remain within the approved scope of the project. Representatives from PHAC participate as observers on the ParticipACTION Advisory Network, which meets three times annually.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0          0 0 0
Total program 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000

3-year plan for Preventing Gender-Based Violence: the Health Perspective

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Grant and Contribution (as part of the Horizontal Initiative lead by Department for Women and Gender Equality)

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)

Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

To advance promising programs and initiatives to prevent teen/youth dating violence and child maltreatment, and to equip health and allied professionals to respond safely and effectively to gender-based violence. This program is part of the Government of Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence.

Objective(s): By supporting the delivery and evaluation of diverse initiatives, develop and share knowledge of effective approaches to prevent child maltreatment and dating violence among teens/youth; and equip health and allied professionals to recognize, prevent and respond safely and effectively to gender-based violence.

Expected results

Performance indicatorsFootnote 2:

Note: Due to the nature of the intervention research and evaluation plans of the funded projects, some results may not be available until the final project reports (2023-24).

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation        
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Non-profit organizations (for example, charities, foundations, non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutions, health-related entities); and other societies. Not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; for profit organizations; unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, post-secondary institutions, etc.); and Indigenous organizations.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Applicants were engaged through open, targeted and directed calls for proposals. Recipients participate in a facilitated community of practice that connects and supports funded projects.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000
Total contributions 7,600,000 8,450,000 8,575,000 7,925,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 8,100,000 8,950,000 9,075,000 8,425,000

3-year plan for Supporting the Health of Survivors of Family Violence

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Grant and Contribution

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)

Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Purpose: The Supporting the Health of Survivors of Family Violence Program invests in development, delivery and evaluation of health promotion interventions to prevent harm, address trauma and promote best practices to recovery and healing for survivors of family violence, including but not necessarily limited to intimate partner violence and child maltreatment.

Objective(s): Develop and share knowledge of effective approaches to support the health of survivors of family violence through community programs; and equip health and allied professionals to respond safely and effectively to family violence.

Expected results

Performance indicatorsFootnote 3:

Note: Due to the nature of the intervention research and evaluation plans of the funded projects, some results may not be available until the final project reports (2021/2022).

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

General targeted recipient groups

Non-profit organizations (for example, charities, foundations, non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutions, health-related entities); and other societies. Not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; for profit organizations; unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, post-secondary institutions, etc.); and Indigenous organizations.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Applicants were engaged through open, targeted and directed calls for proposals. Recipients participate in a facilitated community of practice that connects and supports funded projects.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000
Total contributions 950,000 950,000 950,000 950,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 6,250,000 6,250,000 6,250,000 6,250,000

Transfer payment programs under $5 million

3-year plan for Addressing Evidence Gaps to Better Understand the Public Health Impact of the Opioid Crisis Among Select Indigenous Populations

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Contribution (as part of the Horizontal Initiative lead by Health Canada)

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Evidence for Health Promotion, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention - Enhanced Surveillance

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

In Canada, the dramatic and increasing number of overdoses and deaths related to the use of opioids is a national public health crisis. This funding opportunity will help address evidence gaps to better understand the public health impact of the opioid crisis among select Indigenous populations.

Expected results
Increased evidence base to shape promotion of population health policy and practice.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

General targeted recipient groups

Indigenous organizations with technical capacity and content expertise and/or eligible organizations with technical capacity, content expertise and established good working relationships with Indigenous organizations to ensure Indigenous rights to ownership, control, access and possession (OCAP) of their data are respected.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Under the terms of contribution agreements established, recipients will be responsible for submitting progress reports semi-annually until their close.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0

3-year plan for Addressing the Challenges Faced by Black Canadians

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Grants and contributions

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved mental and physical health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Chronic Disease Prevention.

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The new Promoting Health Equity: Mental Health of Black Canadians Fund ("Fund") will support Black Canadians to develop more culturally focused knowledge, capacity and programs to improve mental health in their communities. This program will also:

Expected results

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not Applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation
Not Applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

General targeted recipient groups

Funded projects must be led by, or developed in close collaboration with, Black Canadian community groups, not-for-profit organizations, and/or researchers.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

PHAC is coordinating activities to build capacity of funded organizations in areas such as research ethics, Sex and Gender-Based Analysis+ and mental health indicators. PHAC has also established a Mental Health of Black Canadians Working Group to provide strategic guidance on the funding program. PHAC is also facilitating the building of a network so that Black Canadian communities can sustain the momentum built by the Fund once the initiative sunsets.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 565,000 65,000 65,000 65,000
Total contributions 1,200,000 1,800,000 2,200,000 2,200,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 1,765,000 1,865,000 2,265,000 2,265,000

3-year plan for Blood Safety

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 2.1: Infectious diseases are prevented and controlled.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Communicable Diseases and Infectious Control

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Purpose: To reduce the risk of healthcare-associated pathogens and biological injuries due to blood transfusion/cell, tissue and organ transplantation in both institutions and community healthcare settings.

Objective(s): Support provinces and territories in monitoring adverse events associated with the transfusion of blood, blood products and cells/tissues/organ transplantation which could include infectious diseases, and allergic and immune-mediated events.

Expected results

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation        

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

P/T and Non-profit organizations (for example, charities, foundations, non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutions, health related entities).

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Provincial and territorial governments are engaged via meetings and teleconferences to support the assessment, validation and reconciliation of data and dissemination of surveillance information contained in the Transfusion Error Surveillance System (TESS), Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Surveillance system (TTIS) and Cells, Tissues and Organs Surveillance System (CTOSS).

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 2,190,000 2,190,000 2,190,000 2,190,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 2,190,000 2,190,000 2,190,000 2,190,000

3-year plan for Dementia Community Investment

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

This funding program will seek to optimize the wellbeing of people living with dementia and family/friend caregivers through community-based projects that address the challenges of dementia.

Expected results

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations provided they partner with a not-for-profit organization, unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions, provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and agencies, organizations and institutions supported by provincial and territorial governments (for example, regional health authorities, post-secondary institutions, etc.), and Indigenous organizations working with First Nations, Inuit or Métis.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Recipients will be engaged through an open, two-phased (letter of intent and invitation to submit a full proposal) solicitation posted on PHAC’s website and shared with stakeholders. Dementia Community Investment projects are expected to deliver community-based projects that deliver, test and scale-up knowledge, tools, and initiatives to optimize the wellbeing of people living with dementia and family/friend caregivers.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 3,400,000 4,775,000 4,400,000 4,400,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 3,400,000 4,775,000 4,400,000 4,400,000

3-year plan for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) National Strategic Projects Fund

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Evidence for Health Promotion, and Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

To collaborate with key stakeholders across Canada to develop nationally applicable tools, resources and knowledge that can be used to prevent FASD and improve outcomes for those who are already affected, including their families and communities.

Expected results

The FASD Initiative will support greater awareness of FASD and the risks of consuming alcohol during pregnancy as well as support the dissemination of nationally applicable tools and resources for use by health and allied professionals and others with the aim of reducing the number of alcohol-affected births and improving the outcomes for those affected by FASD.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation        

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional, and municipal governments; agencies, organizations, and institutions supported by P/T governments (e.g., regional health authorities/Councils, schools, post-secondary institutions, hospitals, etc.); and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Solicitations under the FASD National Strategic Projects Fund are posted on the Grants and Contributions funding page for the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 1,499,000 1,499,000 1,499,000 1,499,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 1,499,000 1,499,000 1,499,000 1,499,000

3-year plan for Healthy Early Years – Official Languages in Minority Communities

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

This funding will support communities to develop comprehensive, culturally and linguistically appropriate programs to improve the health and development of children (0-6 years) and improve access to early childhood health promotion programming for children and their families living in Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC). It is part of a broader government initiative aimed to strengthen official-language minority communities, improve access to services in both official languages, and promote a bilingual Canada.

Expected results

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation        
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Not-for-profit voluntary organizations/corporations, unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 2,835,000 1,890,000 1,890,000 1,890,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 2,835,000 1,890,000 1,890,000 1,890,000

3-year plan for Infectious Diseases and Climate Change Fund (IDCCF) - Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Grants and Contributions (as part of the Horizontal Initiative lead by Environment and Climate Change Canada)

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 2.1: Infectious diseases are prevented and controlled.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Foodborne and Zoonotic Diseases

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Address the impact of climate change on human health by building and increasing access to infectious disease-based evidence, education and awareness. The focus is on preparing for and protecting Canadians from climate-driven infectious diseases that are zoonotic, food-borne and/or water-borne.

The two Infectious Disease and Climate Change Fund (IDCCF) priorities are:

1. Monitoring and Surveillance

2. Education and Awareness


The Infectious Disease and Climate Change Fund (IDCCF) addresses the impact of climate change on human health in Canada by:

Expected results

Horizontal Management Framework for Clean Growth and Climate Change (CGCC) - Adaptation and Climate Resilience (Theme 3 outcome).

Outcome: Reduce the risks associated with climate-driven infectious diseases – (i.) Increased knowledge base of climate-driven infectious diseases, particularly in the health sector, communities and vulnerable populations, and (ii.) enhanced systems and tools support decision-making and knowledge translation.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation        
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments; indigenous organizations; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (e.g., regional health authorities, schools, and post-secondary institutions, etc.); and applicants deemed capable of conducting activities that meet the scope, objectives and priorities of the IDCCF.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients
Calls for proposals (solicitations - open, targeted, and/or directed).

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 400,000 500,000 500,000 500,000
Total contributions 1,550,000 2,559,319 1,500,000 1,700,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 1,950,000 3,059,319 2,000,000 2,200,000

3-year plan for Immunization Partnership Fund (IPF)

Start date

End date
March 2021

Type of transfer payment
Grants and Contributions

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 2.1: Infectious diseases are prevented and controlled.

Link to department’s Program Inventory

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Purpose: The Immunization Partnership Fund (IPF) is designed to improve vaccination coverage by focusing on three areas: enable healthcare providers to support their patients in their vaccination decisions; increase demand for vaccination; and, enhance access to vaccination services.

Objective(s): Improve vaccination coverage and vaccine preventable disease rates in Canada.

Expected results

Stakeholders have access to information and tools to improve vaccination coverage rates and control health risks associated with vaccine preventable diseases.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation        
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments; indigenous organizations; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (e.g., regional health authorities, schools, and post-secondary institutions, etc.); and applicants deemed capable of conducting activities that meet the scope, objectives and priorities of the IPF.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

In July 2016, provinces and territories (P/Ts) were invited to submit proposals aligning with the IPF’s first priority of “Enabling healthcare providers to vaccinate their patients – interventions that improve the ability of vaccinators and public health programs to identify under and un-immunized patients and increase vaccination coverage.” Directed solicitations were also used to establish contribution agreements with several non-governmental organizations.

In 2017-18, a second solicitation process, broader in scope, invited applicants to submit proposals addressing any or all of the IPF priority areas. In 2018-19, recognizing the capacity needs of the territories to manage their vaccination-related challenges, the IPF provided directed funding over a three-year period (2018-2021).

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 575,000 575,000 0 0
Total contributions 3,229,735 1,623,241 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 3,804,735 2,198,241 0 0

3-year plan for Integrated Strategy for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease – Enhanced Surveillance for Chronic Disease

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Grants and contributions

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.3: Chronic diseases are prevented.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Evidence for Health Promotion, and Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Enhance capacity for public health chronic disease surveillance activities to expand data sources for healthy living and chronic disease surveillance.

Expected results
Increased evidence base to shape promotion of population health policy and practice.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation        

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional, and municipal governments; agencies, organizations, and institutions supported by P/T governments (e.g., regional health authorities/Councils, schools, post-secondary institutions, hospitals, etc.); and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The Enhanced Surveillance for Chronic Disease Program launched an open solicitation; which closed September 25, 2019. Funding will be allotted for 2020/21 for a 3 year period. Under the terms of contribution agreements established, recipients will be responsible for submitting progress reports semi-annually until their close.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 395,000 395,000 395,000 395,000
Total contributions 2,334,000 2,334,000 2,334,000 2,334,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 2,729,000 2,729,000 2,729,000 2,729,000

3-year plan for Integrated Strategy for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease – Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriate annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours.

Link to department’s Program Inventory

Evidence for Health Promotion, and Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Strengthen federal leadership efforts to promote health and prevent chronic disease among school-aged children, and strengthen cooperation among federal/provincial/territorial ministries in support of healthy schools; build the capacity for health and education sectors to work together more effectively and efficiently; and promote comprehensive school health.

Expected results

Working to promote Comprehensive School Health approach to student well-being and achievement for all children and Youth. Based on the following four distinct, but inter-related pillars:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional, and municipal governments; agencies, organizations, and institutions supported by P/T governments (e.g., regional health authorities/Councils, schools, post-secondary institutions, hospitals, etc.); and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000

3-year plan for Integrated Strategy for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease – Observatory of Best Practices

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Grant and Contribution

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.3: Chronic diseases are prevented.

Link to department’s Program Inventory

Evidence for Health Promotion, and Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Build collaborative linkages, nationally and internationally, between researchers, policy makers, and practitioners, to increase the adoption of effective practices.

Expected results

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation        

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups
Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000
Total contributions 171,000 171,000 171,000 171,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 217,000 217,000 217,000 217,000

3-year plan for International Health Grants Program

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Grant and assessed contribution

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions
2013 to Ongoing (Terms and Conditions were updated in 2013)

Link to departmental result(s)

Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health;
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours; and,
Result 1.3: Chronic diseases are prevented.
Result 2.1: Infectious Diseases are prevented and controlled.  

Link to department’s Program Inventory

Chronic Disease Prevention, Evidence for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Injury Prevention, Communicable Disease and Infection Control, Foodborne and Zoonotic Diseases

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Purpose: Facilitate the Health Portfolio’s international engagement to advance Canada’s health priorities at home and abroad through knowledge transfer and capacity building; strengthen relationships with international partners; and, promote increased awareness and understanding of current and emerging global health issues to inform policy and program development.


Expected results
Immediate Results:

Intermediate & Long Term Results:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

Funding will be covered under four separate evaluations:

General targeted recipient groups

International entities (i.e. bilateral and multilateral international organizations and institutions with established relationships with Canada, such as the World Health Organization [WHO] and the Pan American Health Organization [PAHO]); and Canadian not-for-profit organizations and institutions, including academic and research-based institutions.

Note: The International Health Grants Program does not provide international assistance to national governments or health institutions. In addition to project funding, the International Health Grants Program pays assessed contribution to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), which is reported under the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy Horizontal Initiative led by Health Canada.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

International health grants are provided to support Canada’s leadership at various multilateral fora and to strengthen Canada’s relationships with strategic partners who advance the Health Portfolio’s global health interests. Funded recipients are expected to implement international projects and initiatives facilitating knowledge generation and uptake (e.g. applied research) and supporting international capacity building (e.g. the development of food safety regulatory frameworks in developing countries).

As a reporting requirement, international recipients are expected to submit a final report within thirty (30) days of the end of a project, outlining whether the intended deliverables of the grant have been achieved. Final reports are assessed to determine whether program objectives have been met. In the final reports, international organizations indicate the various performance measurement strategies they have used to internally measure the achievement of project results.

The Office of International Affairs for the Health Portfolio, which manages the International Health Grants Program, routinely engages in informal discussions with international recipients to determine effective and streamlined processes for the administration of grants, and to discuss project activities and ongoing challenges. This intelligence informs, and is used to improve, the delivery of the Program to ensure the burden of responsibility of recipients is proportionate to risks and accountabilities.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 1,866,244 1,180,000 1,180,000 1,180,000
Total contributions 75,000 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 1,941,244 1,180,000 1,180,000 1,180,000

3-year plan for Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Grants and Contributions

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)

Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health; and,
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Purpose: To improve mental health for individuals and communities where interventions are delivered and to reduce systemic barriers for population mental health in Canada.

Objective(s): The Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund is a new funding program that replaces the Innovation Strategy in 2019-20 in an effort to support positive mental health for children, youth, their caregivers, and communities. The program builds on the best practices and lessons learned of the Innovation Strategy and uses a multi-phase-gate approach to fund the testing and delivery of evidence-based population health interventions. Knowledge gained from the evaluation of each community-based intervention is then applied to public health policy and practice.

Expected results

Performance indicators:

Note: Due to the nature of the intervention research and evaluation plans of the funded projects, some results may not be available until completion of the final project report for Phase 1, Phase 2 or Phase 3 (2023, 2027 and 2030 respectively).

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
2019-20 (Innovation Strategy)

Decision following the results of last evaluation        

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; universities; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments; and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Applicants were engaged through open and directed calls for proposals. Recipients participate in a knowledge exchange hub that supports projects. Knowledge exchange events, project monitoring and evaluation activities, site visits and stakeholder meetings are used to engage recipients.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 2,070,000 2,070,000 2,070,000 2,070,000
Total contributions 3,077,000 2,877,000 2,877,000 2,877,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 5,147,000 4,947,000 4,947,000 4,947,000

3-year plan for Nutrition North Canada

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment
Contribution (as part of the Horizontal Initiative lead by Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada)

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Purpose: To complement the food retail subsidy by supporting culturally appropriate retail and community-based nutrition education initiatives that are intended to influence healthy eating in isolated northern communities.

Objective(s): To increase knowledge of healthy eating, develop skills in selecting and preparing healthy store-bought and traditional or country food, and build on existing community-based activities with an increased focus on working with stores.

Expected results

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation        
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Non-profit organizations, provincial/territorial/regional/municipal government agencies, local organizations, and other Indigenous organizations serving eligible isolated northern communities.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Recipients are engaged through targeted solicitations. Funded recipients are expected to deliver culturally-appropriate, locally controlled and designed nutrition education programming, in partnership with existing community-based activities and local stores.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 469,000 335,000 335,000 335,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 469,000 335,000 335,000 335,000

3-year plan for Métis Nation Health Data

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Evidence for Health Promotion, and Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

This funding will support the Métis Nation in building capacity for sustainable health data surveillance systems within their governments by ensuring that the necessary partnerships and resources are in place to gather and analyse health data related to their citizens. Métis Nation-specific health data will provide evidence to further support policies and programs for health service delivery that is culturally responsive with the ultimate goal of improving health outcomes for the Métis Nation.

Expected results
Increased evidence base to shape promotion of population health policy and practice.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not Applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation
Not Applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Directed to Métis National Council and five Governing Members (ON, MB, SK, AB, and BC).

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Under the terms of the Treasury Board Submission and grant agreements established, recipients will be responsible for submitting progress reports annually until their close.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000

3-year plan for Pan-Canadian Suicide Prevention Strategy

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Purpose: Supporting the implementation and sustainability of a pan-Canadian suicide prevention service.

Objective(s): The pan-Canadian suicide prevention service will provide people across Canada with access to 24/7/365 bilingual crisis support from trained responders, using the technology of their choice: voice, text or chat. (Please note that the chat modality may not be available until 2022).

Expected results

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not Applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation        
Not Applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

The timing of the evaluation will be determined during the development of the next Departmental Evaluation Plan.

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; for-profit organizations; organizations and institutions supported by provincial and territorial governments (e.g. regional health authorities/councils, schools, post-secondary institutions, hospitals, etc.); and Indigenous organizations working with First Nations, Inuit or Métis peoples, including Modern Treaty Rights Holders.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 4,262,000 4,267,000 4,267,000 4,267,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 4,262,000 4,267,000 4,267,000 4,267,000

3-year plan for Public Health Scholarship and Capacity Building Initiative

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)

Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health;
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours;
Result 1.3: Chronic diseases are prevented;
Result 2.1: Infectious diseases are prevented and controlled;
Result 2.2: Infectious disease outbreaks and threats are prepared for and responded to;
Result 3.1: Public health events and emergencies are prepared for and responded to effectively;
Result 3.2: Public health risks associated with the use of pathogens and toxins are reduced; and,
Result 3.3: Public health risks associated with travel are reduced.

Link to department’s Program Inventory

Laboratory Science Leadership and Services, and Emergency Preparedness and Response

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Purpose: To increase public health capacity across Canada by enhancing knowledge mobilization in public health, and by improving applied public health intervention research and workforce skills in public health.
Objective(s): To increase the number and skills of public health professionals; to contribute to applied public health interventions and intervention efficacy; and, to enhance relationships between university programs in public health and public health organizations.

Expected results

PHAC and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) will continue to fund research that strengthens the impact of policies and programs designed to tackle pressing public health needs; PHAC will strengthen its ability to build public health capacity in new areas and address identified gaps.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Decision following the results of last evaluation

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 

General targeted recipient groups

Non-profit organizations (for example, charities, foundations, non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutions, health related entities); Provinces and territories (for example, provincial and territorial governments); Other institutions supported by P/T governments (e.g., regional health authorities or districts, and post-secondary institutions); and Persons deemed capable of conducting public health activities to contribute to enhancing public health workforce development and strengthening the capacity and knowledge of the public health sector (for example, individual farmers and fishers, veterans, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, families, researchers, workers, students).

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The Agency works at arm’s length as funding for the Program is transferred to CIHR. CIHR is responsible for engaging target recipients. As part of the next round of the Applied Public Health Chairs Program (2020) within the PHSCBI, the Agency has built new terms and conditions into its next MOU whereby CIHR will consult directly with the Agency each year to determine public health gaps, direction, themes, and priorities that will influence future research activities. The Agency and CIHR will collaborate to ensure effective and relevant performance measurement and reporting on key results is built into program design and delivery. CIHR Institute for Population and Public Health has well established networks with academia and engages potential recipients through its own mechanisms.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000

3-year plan for Support for Canadians Impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder Initiative

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.1: Canadians have improved physical and mental health.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Budget 2018 announced $20M over five years to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), for two new initiatives to support the needs of Canadians living with autism spectrum disorder, herein after autism, and their families.

Expected results

Projects funded at the national and regional levels will result in:

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian organizations that are:

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

For the first three years of the five-year funding under the ASD Strategic Fund, an open solicitation was posted on PHAC’s website to reach applicants. A second open solicitation will be launched for the remaining two years of funding under the Strategic Fund in late 2020 - early 2021. A targeted solicitation was used for the AIDE Network. In person or teleconference meetings with recipients are used to promote collaboration, evaluation, and knowledge synthesis, as well as to share learnings from funded projects.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 5,429,300 4,958,513 3,991,997 3,679,710
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 5,429,300 4,958,513 3,991,997 3,679,710

3-year plan for The Drug Overdose Crisis in Canada: Funding for Actions to Protect Canadians and Prevent Overdose Deaths

Start date

End date

Type of transfer payment

Type of appropriation
Appropriated annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Link to departmental result(s)
Result 1.2: Canadians have improved health behaviours.

Link to department’s Program Inventory
Health Promotion

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

PHAC will provide contribution funding to support large-scale projects that will reduce barriers and enhance pathways to care for people who use drugs. By reducing these barriers and improving access to services by creating new entry points and/or facilitating transitions between services, systems will better respond to the unique and diverse needs of individuals.

Expected results

Increased national capacity to implement system-level change to reduce barriers and enhance pathways to care.

Performance indicators:

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation
Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; for profit organizations who engage and collaborate with non-profit organizations; provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by provincial and territorial governments (regional health authorities, post-secondary institutions); unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions; and Indigenous organizations.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Applicants were engaged through open calls for proposals.

Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019–20
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 300,000 1,630,000 1,630,000 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 300,000 1,630,000 1,630,000 0

Gender-based analysis plus

General information

Governance structures

In 2020-21, PHAC will continue to implement a GBA+ action plan focusing on three key pillars:

  1. Strengthen use of evidence in surveillance, research, policy, programs and supporting functions;
  2. Increase awareness and build capacity; and
  3. Increase accountability.

PHAC will integrate GBA+ into decision-making related to programs and operations through routine discussion of GBA+ at senior management committees and consideration of GBA+ and health equity perspectives during the development of Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board Submissions.

An accountability mechanism, including an internal GBA+ attestation process, ensures the quality and accuracy of the GBA+ analyses carried out for those documents with emphasis on integrating gender considerations throughout policies and programs.

PHAC developed a database of key indicators and associated characteristics, including whether the indicator can support the application of GBA+, for example, data can be disaggregated by sex and other socio-economic factors.

PHAC’s GBA+ Champion will continue to lead the integration of GBA+ into the organization’s functions and programs with support of a GBA+ Responsibility Centre. The GBA+ Champion will also continue to work with PHAC’s functional leads responsible for the implementation of the Government of Canada’s Results and Delivery Agenda, and its commitment to gender equality in policy and practice.

PHAC’s Champion on Building Gender Inclusive Services will lead implementation of the new Policy Direction to Modernize the Government of Canada’s Sex and Gender Information Practices, which aims to modernize how the Government of Canada handles information on sex and gender.

PHAC’s intra-departmental GBA+ network of experts will support implementation of the GBA+ action plan, including implementation of Gender Inclusive Services across the organization.

Human resources

In 2020–21, approximately six full-time equivalents (FTEs) will be dedicated to GBA+ implementation in the Agency:

Planned initiatives

The following initiatives align with the Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-being pillar of the Gender Results Framework.

1. Communicable Disease and Infection Control - HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund

The HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund (CAF) invests in community-based organizations across the country to address HIV, hepatitis C and other STBBIs.

All projects funded through CAF require a focus on priority populations, supported by evidence that a particular population is disproportionately affected. As such, GBA+ considerations were mandatory in funding proposals and in the evaluation plans. These included consideration of gender, age, language, geography, ethnic origin, culture and language.

GBA+ metric availability and findings will be used for the evaluation of CAF projects and will inform future program interventions and initiatives.

2. Surveillance data for immunization

The 2018–19 seasonal influenza surveys included sex as a key socio-demographic determinant of immunization status. Using this data, a statistical analysis comparing immunization rates between males and females was conducted. Results will be published online by the end of 2019–20.

Differences in vaccination coverage by sex will be analyzed and presented in all future immunization coverage surveys. Published results may help to provide information on the most appropriate target groups for vaccine promotion efforts.

3. Dementia Community Investment

The Dementia Community Investment (DCI) funds community-based projects to develop, test and disseminate tools, resources and/or approaches to optimize the well-being of diverse groups of women and men living with dementia and/or their caregivers (i.e., family members/friends who care for them at home), as well as raise awareness and/or reduce stigma related to dementia.

Projects funded through the DCI will be asked to incorporate the consideration of sex and gender and other identity factors into their proposals and will be expected to report on these considerations in their annual reporting to PHAC.

4. Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention

The Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention (FFSP) is focused on raising awareness and reducing stigma, better connecting diverse Canadians to information and resources, and accelerating innovation and research to prevent suicide.

GBA+ analysis helped inform a number of efforts that PHAC undertook in relation to the FFSP. For example, the evidence related to men and boys seeking help informed PHAC’s efforts for safe and appropriate messaging on suicide as well as on training/standard development for the Canada Suicide Prevention Service.

The following initiative aligns with the Gender-Based Violence and Access to Justice pillar of the Gender Results Framework.

1.  Family and Gender-based Violence Prevention

The Supporting the Health of Survivors of Family Violence program is developing and testing community-based projects that equip survivors of violence with skills and knowledge to improve their health and building the capacity of health and social service professionals to work safely and effectively with survivors of violence.

The Preventing Gender-Based Violence: The Health Perspective program, which is part of the Government of Canada’s National Strategy to Address and Prevent Gender-Based Violence, focuses on preventing teen dating violence and child maltreatment. It supports the development of training curricula and resources about gender-based violence as well as trauma-informed care and safety planning for health and allied professionals.

A GBA+ analysis reveals that women and girls, as well as certain other population groups such as Indigenous women and LGBTQ2, are disproportionately impacted by family and gender-based violence. Recognizing this, a large number of projects that are funded focus on supporting women and girls, and several focus on supporting these additional vulnerable groups.

Reporting capacity and data

The following PHAC programs collect information that allows GBA+.

  1. Program Inventory: Vaccination
    1. Program captures GBA+ metrics and provides analysis for some indicators, related to:
      1. Sex
      2. Age
    2. Program has released the following public reports including GBA+ metrics:
      1. 2016-17 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Coverage Survey
      2. 2017-18 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Coverage Survey
      3. 2017 childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey
  2. Program Inventory: Foodborne and Zoonotic Disease
    1. Program captures GBA+ metrics and provides analysis for some indicators, related to:
      1. Sex
      2. Geographic distribution
    2. Program has released the following public reports including GBA+ metrics:
      1. Surveillance for Lyme Disease in Canada: 2009-2015
      2. National Enteric Surveillance Program (NESP), annual summary
  3. Program Inventory: Communicable Disease and Infection Control
    1. Program captures GBA+ metrics and provides analysis for several indicators, related to:
      1. Sex
      2. Age
      3. Geographic distribution
      4. Race/ethnicity
      5. Exposure category
      6. Population group (foreign-born, Indigenous, non-Indigenous Canadians)
    2. Program has released the following public reports including GBA+ metrics:
      1. Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System 2017 Report
      2. Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program (CNISP): Summary Report of Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI), Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial Use (AMU) Surveillance Data from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017
      3. Report on Hepatitis B and C in Canada: 2016
      4. Update on Sexually Transmitted Infections in Canada, 2016
      5. Chlamydia in Canada, 2010-2015
      6. HIV in Canada – Surveillance Report, 2017
      7. Tuberculosis: Monitoring (2017)
      8. The time is now – Chief Public Health Officer spotlight on eliminating tuberculosis in Canada
  4. Program Inventory: Health Promotion
    1. Program captures, at regular intervals, GBA+ metrics for some indicators, related to:
      1. Sex
      2. Age
      3. Indigenous Status
      4. Income
      5. Immigrant Status
      6. Education
      7. Family Type

    Trend analysis is conducted to determine which socio-demographic variables have a significant impact on outcomes gained by those participating in the Program.

To support more effective interventions to improve health equity and the implementation of GBA+, PHAC collects and disseminates health inequalities data through the Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Reporting Initiative. This initiative recently developed two key products:

  1. The Health Inequalities Data Tool: An online, interactive resource from which users can extract and download information on more than 70 indicators of inequalities in the health status and determinants of health of Canadians (Health Inequalities Data Tool).
  2. Key Health Inequalities in Canada - A National Portrait (released in May 2018). This is a narrative report on 22 key indicators that reflect some of the most pronounced and widespread health inequalities in Canada. In collaboration with its partners, PHAC developed infographic messages to communicate key results and messages from the report and a short video on health inequalities in Canada was released in January 2019. Understanding the report on Key Health Inequalities in Canada

PHAC also collects data that are used for regular monitoring and reporting on sex-based health inequalities through its several surveillance systems. Examples of such systems include the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS). This system is a collaborative network of provincial and territorial surveillance systems, which collects data on all residents who are eligible for provincial or territorial health insurance and can generate national estimates and trends over time for over 20 chronic diseases. Recent data from the CCDSS suggest that in Canada the rate of dementia is higher in females than males aged 65 years and older, and that the discrepancy between sexes increases with age.


Footnote 1

Families participating in CAPC often experience multiple and compounding risk conditions. These conditions include: low socioeconomic status (e.g., low income, low education, insecure employment, insecure housing, and food insecurity); teenage pregnancy or parenthood; social or geographic isolation with poor access to services; recent arrival to Canada; alcohol or substance abuse/addiction; and/or situations of violence or neglect. Special emphasis is placed on the inclusion of Indigenous families living in urban and rural communities.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Frequency of reporting varies depending on the indicator, data collection and methodology and results may not necessarily be reported annually. Some results may not be available until the Final Project Reports or until after project completion.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

Frequency of reporting varies depending on the indicator, data collection and methodology and results may not necessarily be reported annually. Some results may not be available until the Final Project Reports or until after project completion.

Return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

Data will be collected where possible, but may not be available for all identity factors within each modality. Data collection will become more robust over time once the service is fully operational.

Return to footnote 4 referrer

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