
On behalf of Parliament, the Public Service Commission (PSC) safeguards the integrity of staffing and the non-partisan nature of the public service. In this respect, the PSC works closely with government but is independent from ministerial direction and is accountable to Parliament. The PSC's mandate is threefold.

First, the PSC is mandated to appoint, or provide for the appointment of, persons to or from within the public service. The PSC provides staffing and assessment functions and services to support staffing in the public service.

Second, the PSC is mandated to oversee the integrity of the staffing system and ensure non-partisanship. This oversight role includes maintaining and interpreting data on the public service, carrying out audits that provide assurance and make recommendations for improvements and conducting investigations that can lead to corrective action in the case of errors or problems.

Third, the PSC is mandated to administer provisions of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) related to the political activities of employees and deputy heads.

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