Lake Windermere: Groyne marker installation

Learn about our project to install markers so that boaters will be aware of the low underwater structure that deflects river currents in Lake Windermere.

On this page

Project overview


Lake Windermere, British Columbia

Type of project


Lead department

Public Services and Procurement Canada

Project status

Public feedback completed

Next steps

Now that a new marker option has been chosen, we need to mark the structure, known as a groyne, to keep boaters safe. Long-term solutions will continue to be explored based on the feedback we received during the public consultation.

Project description

A groyne is an underwater structure that deflects river currents. The Lake Windermere groyne has deteriorated over the years, and in its current condition, poses a potential hazard to navigation. There is also a risk of environmental damage if a boat hits it. Navigational markers, including navigation signs and floating buoys, are used to alert boaters to underwater hazards. In order to protect the lake and those who use it, the groyne should be marked with navigational markers.

Options to mark the groyne in Lake Windermere

In 2022, we proposed 3 options for these markers.

Result of engagement sessions

We engaged with local First Nations, government bodies and community members on the 3 proposed options. Based on the feedback we received, as well as other factors, we determined that option 3, the marker buoys, was the best option to mark the groyne.


Lake Windermere is located near Invermere in southeastern British Columbia, within the Columbia River Valley. At 17.7 kilometres in length, it is one of the largest lakes in the region, and also has one of the warmest water temperatures.

Enlarged image of the regional map of Lake Windermere, British Columbia

Lake Windermere, B.C.—Regional Map (prepared by Hemmera, 2021/06/17)


  • Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licences—Government of Canada, Province of British Columbia, Province of Alberta
  • Basemap: ESRI World Topographic Map
Enlarged image of the aerial view of the Lake Windermere groyne.

Aerial View of the Lake Windermere Groyne (prepared by Hemmera, 2021/06/17)


  • Aerial Image: ESRI World Imagery

Project background

Our records show that we built the groyne in Lake Windermere in the 1800s for steamships on the Columbia River. It has wood cribbing and rocks placed on top of a brush mattress.

Since we built the groyne, it is an asset under the department’s responsibility. As such, we are obligated to ensure that:

Because the groyne extends from shallow water, near the west shoreline of the lake, to the shallow navigation channel on the east side, markers are required for its full length.

Contact us

For more information on the project, email the Lake Windermere Groyne Project team at or write to us at:

Real Property Services
Real Estate Services
1230 Government St
Victoria, BC V8W 2Z4

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