Laboratories Canada Western Region Architecture and Engineering Services

Fairness monitor final report: March 7, 2022

Addendum to final report: March 8, 2022

Submitted to: Director, Fairness Monitoring Program

Submitted by: BDO Canada LLP

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BDO Canada LLP (BDO) was engaged as the fairness monitor (FM) contractor on July 22, 2019 to observe the procurement process for the acquisition of architectural and engineering services including; pre-design services, site services and post-construction services to modernize laboratory facilities in Western Canada as part of a program of work related to Laboratories Canada (LC) issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) as a result of solicitation EP751-202885/A. BDO is an independent third party with respect to this activity.

We reviewed all of the information provided and observed all relevant activities.

We hereby submit our final report covering the activities of the FM, commencing from the process start date of March 12, 2020, continuing through the consensus meetings phase concluding on October 7, 2020.

This report includes:

Attestation of assurance

The FM hereby provides the unqualified assurance statement below concerning the competitive procurement process for LC Western Region architecture and engineering services through the consensus meetings phase concluding on October 7, 2020.

It is our professional opinion that the procurement process we observed or monitored, was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

Original signed by:

Kelly Campbell
Master of Business Administration
Project Management Professional
Partner, Strategy, Management Consulting
Fairness Monitoring Contractor’s Representative

Ian Brennan
Certified Supply Chain Management Professional
Fairness Monitor


Jocelyn Décoste
Professional Engineer
Project Management Professional
Fairness Monitor

Rick Wilson
Fairness Monitor

Project requirement

PWGSC intends to retain an individual consulting firm, or joint venture, to provide professional services to modernize laboratory facilities as part of a program of work related to the LC initiative in Western Canada.

The base contract is the Sidney Centre for Plant Health Laboratory and greenhouse facility for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in Sidney, BC. PWGSC may add incremental consultant services to the contract through contract option(s). Science Facility laboratories in Sidney, British Columbia and Winnipeg, Manitoba may form part of the overall contract as determined by the priorities of PWGSC’s LC program.

Fairness monitoring engagement and observations

BDO was engaged as the FM to observe the procurement process for LC’s proposed procurement of architectural and engineering services and to attest to the fairness, openness and transparency of this monitored activity.

In accordance with the terms of our engagement, we:

The following is a summary of the FM’s activities and related observations from the process start date of March 12, 2020 continuing through the consensus meetings phase that concluded on October 7, 2020.

Request for proposals process

In this section

Activity monitored

Documents reviewed

During the request for proposals (RFP) phase, the FM was provided with the following documents for review:

Bid open period

The RFP was posted on on April 15, 2020. During the bid open period 9 amendments were issued responding to 75 clarification questions. In amendment 8, posted on on June 18, 2020, the closing date was extended to June 26, 2020.

Five responses were received by the submission closing date and time.

Request for proposals technical evaluation

Technical submissions were reviewed to identify any instances where the bidder had failed to meet any eligible mandatory criteria.

Based on the phased bid compliance process: Phase 2, an examination of the submissions was undertaken to determine whether the submissions met the eligible mandatory criteria. A compliance assessment report (CAR) was sent to all bidders identifying the eligible mandatory criteria for which they did not yet demonstrate compliance.

Responses to the CAR were provided within the allotted timeframes. After review of the information submitted as a result of the CAR, 1 bidder did not meet the eligible mandatory criteria and was deemed non-compliant.

The FM attended the evaluation consensus meetings. Evaluation consensus meetings for the 4 proposals were held on August 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 and October 7, 2020.

The following process was undertaken to evaluate the responses to the RFP:


The FM attended the presentations and the consensus scoring sessions after each presentation. The dates for the presentations were September 28 and 29 and October 5 and 6, 2020.

The following process was undertaken to evaluate the presentations:

Request for proposals financial bid evaluation

Following the evaluation of the 4 technical proposals the financial scores were added to the technical scores to determine the successful bid based on the highest responsive combined rating of technical merit and price based on a ratio of 90% for the technical rating and 10% for the price rating.

Fairness monitor observations

The FM reviewed draft and final RFP documents and all draft amendments to the RFP including responses to clarification questions.

Requests for clarification by potential bidders during the bid clarification process were addressed by the LC team and by the CA and amendments were issued. The same information was provided to all participants via

Any observations or requests for clarification made by the FM were addressed by the LC team and by the CA.

Both the LC team and the CA were responsive in providing clarification when requested by the FM.

Reference documents

Documents related to solicitation number EP751-202885/A are available on CanadaBuys or through the project office.

Addendum to the final report

March 8, 2022

Addendum to the FM final report dated March 7, 2022 for the procurement process related to the to the acquisition of architectural and engineering services to modernize laboratory facilities in Western Canada as part of a program of work related to LC issued by PWGSC.

This addendum to the final report covers the period following the conclusion of the evaluation phase including contract award and debriefings.

Contract award, communications, and debriefing

The contract was awarded on October 14, 2022. Along with the notification of award, information was provided to bidders on October 14, 2022 explaining the results of the evaluations. Five debriefings were requested and took place November 3 and 6, 2020 via conference calls.

The process conducted conformed to the requirements of the RFP. All bidders were treated consistently and fairly.

Attestation of assurance

The FM hereby provides the unqualified assurance statement below concerning the competitive procurement process for PWGSC architecture and engineering services through the debriefings concluding on November 6, 2020.

It is our professional opinion that the procurement process we observed or monitored, was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

Original signed by:

Kelly Campbell
Master of Business Administration
Project Management Professional
Partner, Strategy, Management Consulting
Fairness Monitoring Contractor’s Representative

Ian Brennan
Certified Supply Chain Management Professional
Fairness Monitor


Jocelyn Décoste
Professional Engineer
Project Management Professional
Fairness Monitor

Rick Wilson
Fairness Monitor

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