Land command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance professional services

Fairness monitor final report: June 28, 2021

Addendum to final report: May 9, 2022

Submitted to: Director, Fairness Monitoring Program

Submitted by: Samson

On this page

Attestation of assurance

The fairness monitor (FM) hereby provides the following unqualified assurance statement concerning the competitive selection process for the Land command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (LC4ISR) professional services commencing with the issuance of the request for information (RFI) until the end of its request for proposals (RFP) evaluation phase.

It is our professional opinion that the competitive selection process we observed or monitored for the above activities, was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

Original signed by:

Mathieu Farley
Chartered Professional Accountant Auditor
Chartered Accountant
Certified Internal Auditor
Certified Information Systems Auditor
Fairness Monitor Contractor Representative Partner, Audit and Advisory Services

Ted Pender
Fairness Monitor



Samson was engaged on September 30, 2020, as an FM to observe the competitive selection process for the LC4ISR professional services initiative undertaken by Public Works and Government Services Canada, on behalf of the Department of National Defence (DND).

This report covers the activities of the FM starting with the request for information (RFI) and continuing through the request for proposal (RFP) evaluation phase on June 4, 2021.

While the RFI was issued prior to our involvement, we were able to obtain satisfactory documentation and information related to this stage process.

The procurement process was initiated to satisfy the requirement of DND for task-based as and when required professional services to support the Directorate, Land Command Systems Program Management. It was intended to result in the award of 1 contract, for 5 years plus 5 one-year irrevocable options allowing Canada to extend the term of the contract.

We reviewed all the information provided and observed all relevant activities.

This report includes:


In accordance with the terms of our engagement, we familiarized ourselves with the relevant documents and activities (for example, RFI and RFP documents, comments or questions resulting from the RFP, evaluation criteria) and identified fairness-related matters to the contracting and technical authorities and ensured that responses and actions were reasonable and appropriate.

In this section

Activities and observations: Request for information

The RFI to procure LC4ISR professional services was posted on on September 21, 2020, as solicitation W8486-207088/A.

The RFI had an initial closing date of October 2, 2020, which was extended through amendment until October 9, 2020. There were no other amendments.

There were approximately 60 comments and suggestions submitted in response to the RFI. While the RFI was issued prior to our involvement, we were able to obtain satisfactory documentation and information related to this stage of the competitive acquisition process. The FM reviewed the disposition table that was prepared to track comments and to identify any required actions or changes to the procurement documentation resulting from the RFI.

Activities and observations: Request for proposals

The RFP to procure LC4ISR professional services was posted on on February 25, 2021 as solicitation W8486-207088/B.

The RFP had an initial closing date of April 6, 2021, which was extended through amendment until May 4, 2021.

There were 30 questions submitted and addressed through the 7 amendments to the RFP. The FM reviewed the RFP documents, the amendments and related responses to submitted questions prior to their publication.

No fairness issues were identified.

Activities and observations: Request for proposals evaluation

A pre-evaluation briefing was held on May 11, 2021, by the contracting authority (CA) with the technical evaluators to review roles and responsibilities. The FM was in attendance and reviewed all the supporting documentation which he thought were clear and comprehensive. Additionally, prior to the initiation of the consensus meetings, the requirements of the evaluation process were reviewed with the evaluators in the presence of the CA and the FM.

There was only 1 response submitted to the RFP.

Evaluators conducted their individual evaluations separately and met virtually on 3 occasions between May 21, 2021 and June 4, 2021 for the consensus meetings, which the CA and the FM attended. As a result of the consensus the sole bidder was deemed responsive.

No fairness issues were identified.

Reference documents

Documents related to process W8486-207088 are available on CanadaBuys or through the project office.

Addendum to the final report

May 9, 2022

Addendum to the FM final report dated June 28, 2021 regarding the competitive selection process for the LC4ISR professional services.

This addendum to the FM final report covers the period following the conclusion of the evaluation phase, including contract award and debriefings.

Fairness monitoring activities related to contract award and debriefings

The contact was awarded to the sole bidder on March 3, 2022. The bidder requested debriefing information on March 8 ,2022. The CA provided the bidder with information on the results of the evaluation of their bid against the stated requirements.

The bidder requested additional debriefing information on March 16, 2022. The CA provided the bidder with additional information in a letter sent on March 21, 2022. The letter provided the bidder with a detailed breakdown of their technical evaluation score for some rated criteria, as requested. No further information was requested by the bidder.

The FM reviewed all correspondence sent to bidders prior to distribution.

Attestation of assurance

The FM hereby provides the following unqualified assurance statement concerning the competitive selection process for the LC4ISR professional services.

It is our professional opinion that the competitive selection process that we observed or monitored was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

Mathieu Farley
Chartered Professional Accountant Auditor
Chartered Accountant
Certified Internal Auditor
Certified Information Systems Auditor
Fairness Monitor Contractor Representative Partner, Audit and Advisory Services

Ted Pender
Fairness Monitor

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