Strengthening equity, diversity and inclusion in research

When measures to increase equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strengthen the research ecosystem, Canada will be in a position to tap into its full potential for developing talent and new discoveries. EDI measures that reduce systemic barriers and biases experienced by underrepresented and equity-seeking groups in research also support a more innovative economy. By considering differing views, ideas and approaches, equitable and inclusive practices help promote research excellence that better addresses the needs of a diverse Canadian population.

In 2018, the CRCC led Canada-wide consultations with the research community to discuss barriers experienced by underrepresented groups, and mechanisms for providing fairer access to research funds and opportunities. These discussions contributed to Canada’s tri-agency (which includes the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) implementation of a number of initiatives. These include: a harmonized tri-agency statement on EDI, the Dimensions charter and pilot program for fostering greater EDI in postsecondary institutions, and adoption of EDI best practices in the New Frontiers in Research Fund.

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