Funding for Research on Assessments

The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC)’s Research Program aims to support research relevant to federal assessments.

The objectives of the program are to:

On this page

Who is eligible

Eligible recipients include:

What you need to know to apply

Applications will be considered on an ongoing basis subject to the availability of funds.

Eligible applicants can submit proposals at any time related to the following activities:

Additional information on funding requirements and criteria will be made available for specific funding opportunities.

How to apply

Eligible applicants must submit an expression of interest or proposal using Microsoft Word or PDF format.

Before submitting an expression of interest or proposal, please contact the Research Program for more information on proposal requirements.

Funding allocations

Most research initiatives are funded up to a maximum of $75,000 but funding allocations are determined on a case-by-case basis.

After you apply

IAAC will contact all applicants about funding decisions. Every effort will be made to do this within two months of a proposal being received.

If there is no funding available in a given fiscal year, a proposal could still be considered for the following fiscal year.

Grant agreement

Successful applicants will be asked to sign a grant agreement with IAAC.

Grants are paid out as soon as the grant agreement is accepted by the recipient, and there is no need to provide an expense claim for grants.

The grant agreement identifies the eligible costs, specifies the agreed-upon eligible activities to be undertaken, specifies conditions for payment, and requires the recipient to be accountable for the public funds received.

IAAC reserves the right to undertake, or have undertaken, a financial audit of the accounts and resources of the recipient to ensure compliance with the provisions of the agreement.

To support the dissemination of research findings, the grant agreement may also specify the requirement for a plain language research summary, submission of an infographic depicting the research findings, and delivery of a workshop to IAAC staff.

More information

Contact us

Research Program Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Email:

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