COVID-19 and the impact on services for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections: Survey among people who use drugs or alcohol

Certain populations in Canada have faced greater challenges in accessing healthcare services due to public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Between January and February 2021, we conducted an anonymous online survey among people who use drugs or alcohol to better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their ability to access:

Planning and implementation of the survey was done in collaboration with the Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs. They assembled the National Expert Working Group.

Survey respondents included anyone:

In total, 1,034 people from across Canada participated.

The collected information will be used to document unintended consequences of the COVID-19 public health measures on these communities, including changes in their access to health services. The survey will provide valuable information to analyze STBBI trends, inform policy and improve services in Canada.


For more information about this survey, contact

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