Executive Summary

Joint Suicide Prevention Strategy
Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Canada

Suicide prevention is a major public health priority for the Government of Canada. The Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention defines an overall approach for government and its partners, as well as some areas where efforts will be focused.

One of these areas is Canada’s military community, including serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces, our many Veterans, and their families. Because of the unique conditions and stresses that come with military service, and the sometimes difficult transition out of active military service, the Prime Minister directed the Ministers responsible for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) to develop a Joint Suicide Prevention Strategy. Canada’s Defence Policy, Strong, Secured, Engaged, reaffirmed this direction.

“Suicidality” is the term for suicide (to end one’s life intentionally), suicidal behaviour (including suicide attempts) and suicidal ideation (having thoughts about suicide). Both CAF and VAC have been working on suicidality and mental health for many years, to assure the well-being of members and Veterans, and provide assistance in times of crisis to reduce the risk of suicide. The creation of this joint strategy is also aimed at continuous improvement to collect data, recognize system gaps and improve service delivery.

There is not a single or simple cause of suicide. Therefore, no single program can address the issue or eliminate all risks. Rather, action is required on a wide range of fronts to build resilience, treat mental and physical illness, open lines of communication, and support economic and social well-being. By recognizing where gaps may exist, we are committing to closing them so our members and Veterans and their families are able to get the supports they need. Only through concerted and comprehensive action can real progress be made. Together, CAF and VAC have identified seven lines of effort that define the key areas of focus that, combined, can help achieve the complex goal of overall suicide prevention.

Suicide in the military context

Suicide rates for the Canadian Armed Forces are broadly in keeping with those of the general population. We have less comprehensive information about Veterans available to us, but we are working to improve our knowledge of the Veteran community. Based on the information available, it would seem that suicide can be more common among Veterans as compared to the Canadian population. Why is this? There is no single answer. Instead we must look at the various factors that influence suicidal behaviour. While not all suicides are preventable, even one such loss is too many. We are working to do everything we can for Canada’s military members and Veterans.

We can make a difference

Our evolving understanding of suicidal behaviour indicates that – although every case is unique – mental illness, acute stress, or chronic cumulative stress can set some individuals on a path to suicide. Suicidal behaviour is often the cumulative outcome of multi-dimensional factors such as relationship loss, isolation, trauma, substance abuse, or feelings of burdensomeness that can lead to a suicidal act. The critical point to be drawn from this understanding is that suicide is not a pre-determined outcome, and that there are many points of intervention to move an individual away from a suicidal path. While it is impossible to prevent every suicide, we can take meaningful actions to reduce risks and build protective factors, support, and resilience among our comrades and loved ones. These points of intervention guide our joint strategy and inform the many actions described in this document.

Taking action

Looking at the big picture, we can highlight some major programs and actions:

This Joint Suicide Prevention Strategy details our Vision, our Mission, our lines of effort (as outlined on page 15), and the many actions undertaken to realise this vision. It aligns with the Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention, builds on the recent Expert Panel Report, and draws from the latest research on suicide, to create a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention for military members and Veterans. The CAF and VAC maintain the strongest commitment to suicide prevention and will continue to work together, now under the aegis of this Joint Strategy, to support and serve all members, Veterans, and their families.

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