Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions: About us
Created on August 28, 2003, the Council is a horizontal organization of the Government of Canada within which departments, agencies, Crown corporations and regional federal councils all work together. It provides a voice for the community of official languages champions, which includes 215 members.

Text Version
Chart presenting the 25 members of the Council: 15 official languages champions ; 3 regional representatives ; 4 key organizations (Canadian Heritage, Justice Canada, Privy Council Office, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat) ; and 3 key partners (Federal Youth Network, Human Resources Council, National Managers’ Community).
The Council is comprised of twenty-five members, including fifteen official languages champions, three regional representatives, representatives from four organizations that play a key role in official languages (the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Department of Justice Canada, the Privy Council Office and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat), as well as representatives from three key partners (the Federal Youth Network, the Human Resources Council and the National Managers' Community).
To be a valued partner that promotes a culture of bilingualism within the public service and celebrates diversity through the use of English and French.
Act as an agent of influence for official languages within the Government of Canada and mobilize deputy heads and official languages champions, with the aim of promoting common approaches and ensuring that official languages are a top-of-mind issue at the senior management level.
Lucie Séguin
Assistant Deputy Minister, Receiver General and Pension Branch
King’s Printer for Canada
Public Services and Procurement Canada
Brigitte Gibson
Regional Director General
Prairie and Northern Region
Canadian Heritage
Official Languages Champion
Prairie Federal Council
Infographic: Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions
(215 Kb, 2 pages)
Infographic - Text version
Chart presenting the 25 members of the Council: 15 official languages champions ; 3 regional representatives ; 4 key organizations (Canadian Heritage, Justice Canada, Privy Council Office, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat) ; and 3 key partners (Federal Youth Network, Human Resources Council, National Managers’ Community).
To be a valued partner that promotes a culture of bilingualism within the public service and celebrates diversity through the use of English and French.
Act as an agent of influence for official languages within the Government of Canada and mobilize deputy heads and official languages champions, with the aim of promoting common approaches and ensuring that official languages are a top-of-mind issue at the senior management level.
215 Official Languages Champions working within departments, agencies, Crown corporations and regional federal councils are part of the Network of Official Languages Champions.
Council of the Network's composition
- 15 official languages champions
- 3 regional representatives
- 4 key organizations (Canadian Heritage, Justice Canada, Privy Council Office, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)
- 3 key partners (Federal Youth Network, Human Resources Council, National Managers' Community)
- Conference of Official Languages Champions
- Linguistic Duality Day
- Best Practises Forum on Official Languages
- Information sessions for new champions
Tools and resources
- Dare! Osez! website
- Sharing official languages resources
- Official Languages Champions' Toolbox
- Videos
- Strategic Plan
Other contributions
- Beyond 2020
- Working Group on the Public Service Employee Survey
- Several other working groups and committees
Lucie Séguin
Assistant Deputy Minister, Receiver General and Pension Branch
King’s Printer for Canada
Public Services and Procurement Canada
Brigitte Gibson
Regional Director General
Prairie and Northern Region
Canadian Heritage
Official Languages Champion
Prairie Federal Council
Maya Bélanger
National Manager
Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions
Page details
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