Salicylates Group

These substances were identified for action under the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP). This screening assessment focuses on 5 substances referred to collectively as the Salicylates Group.

Information sheet

Summary of publications

Summary of publications
Substance group CAS RN Common name DSL name Draft screening assessment Risk management scope Proposed conclusion on section 64 criteria Follow-up activities
Salicylates Group 69-72-7 Salicylic acid Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy- HTML  HTML  Meets one or more of the criteria Refer to risk management scope
87-22-9 Phenethyl salicylate Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 2-phenylethyl ester None Does not meet Under consideration
118-56-9 Homosalate Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexyl ester HTML  Meets one or more of the criteria Refer to risk management scope
68917-75-9Footnote a Wintergreen oil Oils, wintergreen
84012-15-7Footnote a Betula alba extract Birch, Betula alba, ext. None Does not meet None planned at this time
Footnote a

This CAS RN is a UVCB (unknown or variable composition, complex reaction products, or biological materials).

Return to footnote a referrer


Date Activity
March 2021 Anticipated publication of the Final Screening Assessment for the Salicylates Group and the Proposed Risk Management Approach for Wintergreen Oil, Salicylic Acid and Homosalate
March 14, 2020 Publication and start of 60-day public comment period on the Draft Screening Assessment for the Salicylates Group and the Risk Management Scope for Wintergreen Oil, Salicylic Acid and Homosalate. The related notice was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I: Vol. 154, No. 11 .


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