Descriptive transcript
Start of video
[Music plays]
[Animation of text on screen.]
(Text on screen: Setting the Tone for Official Languages. Donner le ton en matière de langues officielles.)
[Animation of text and different shapes on screen.]
(Text on screen: Osez donner l’exemple. Soyez un leader efficace. Le leadership n’est pas un titre.)
[Animation of the text flipping on screen.]
(Text on screen: Dare to Lead by Example. Be an Effective leader. Leadership is not a Title.)
[Animation of text on screen with the word “#OLchampionsLO” in centre.]
(Text on screen: As leaders, why is it important to set the tone? En tant que dirigeants, pourquoi est-ce important de donner le ton?)
[Shot of Neil O’Rourke on the right of the screen and text appears on the left.]
(Text on screen: Neil O’Rourke, Assistant Commissioner, Canadian Coast Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Commissaire adjoint, Garde côtière canadienne, Pêches et Océans Canada)
(Text on screen: Il est essentiel que les dirigeants donnent le ton pour encourager une équipe diversifiée et très performante où le personnel est encouragé à partager son point de vue.)
(Text on screen: Un espace est offert à tous les employés pour qu’ils puissent pratiquer une langue seconde sans être jugés.)
(Text on screen: Ensuite, on crée un environnement de travail positif qui permet aux gens d’apprendre, de s’épanouir et d’être heureux.)
It’s critical that leaders set the tone to encourage a diverse, high performing team where staff are encouraged to share their views. Space is provided to all employees to practice a second language, without judgement. And that positive work environment that allows people to learn and develop and be happy is created.
[Animation of text appears on screen with a picture of Tim Pettipas in a circle shape.]
(Text on screen: Tim Pettipas. Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Public Service Renewal, Privy Council Office, Secrétaire adjoint du Cabinet, Renouvellement de la fonction publique, Bureau du Conseil privé)
(Text on screen: Inclusive leadership creates safe spaces to welcome different cultures.)
(Text on screen: Un leadership inclusif permet de créer des espaces sécuritaires pour accueillir les différentes cultures.)
[Animation of text on screen with the word “#OLchampionsLO” in centre.]
(Text on screen: Que faites-vous pour assurer l’utilisation des deux langues officielles ? What do you do to ensure the use of both official languages?)
[Shot of Kim Blanchet on the left of the screen and text appears on the right.]
(Text on screen: Kim Blanchet. Analyste principale de politique et recherche, Direction générale de la radiodiffusion, du droit d’auteur et du marché créatif, Patrimoine canadien. Senior Policy and Research Analyst, Broadcasting, Copyright and Creative Marketplace Branch, Canadian Heritage)
(Text on screen: I think it’s really the small gestures that matter on a daily basis.)
(Text on screen: In my case, I use the two official languages during my virtual meetings, but also in my exchanges, my communications both on MS Teams and by email.
I think it’s really the small gestures that matter on a daily basis. In my case, I use the two official languages during my virtual meetings, but also in my exchanges, my communications both on MS teams and by email.
[Animation of text appears on screen with a picture of Joshua Frame in a circle shape.]
(Text on screen: Joshua Frame. Président national, Réseau des jeunes fonctionnaires fédéraux. National Chair, Federal Youth Network.)
(Text on screen: J’offre la meilleure expérience possible aux employés en leur permettant de dire ce qu’ils ont à dire dans la langue officielle dans laquelle ils sont à l’aise.)
(Text on screen: I provide the best possible experience to employees by allowing them to say what they need to say in the official language they are comfortable with.)
[Animation of text on screen with the word “#OLchampionsLO” in centre.]
(Text on screen: What are the benefits of learning a second language? Quels sont les avantages et la valeur ajoutée de l’apprentissage d’une langue seconde ?)
[Shot of Neil O’Rourke on the right of the screen and text appears on the left.]
(Text on screen: Neil O’Rourke, Assistant Commissioner, Canadian Coast Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Commissaire adjoint, Garde côtière canadienne, Pêches et Océans Canada)
(Text on screen: L’apprentissage d’une seconde langue présente de nombreux avantages. De mon point de vue, cela m’a donné l’occasion, après avoir grandi dans une famille anglaise, de découvrir la riche culture francophone du Canada.)
There are a lot of benefits to learning a second language, from my perspective it gave me an opportunity. Having grown up in an English family to learn about the rich francophone culture of Canada.
[Animation of text appears on screen with a picture of Boris Uléhla in a circle shape.]
(Text on screen: Boris Uléhla. Deputy Assistant Deputy Minister, Business and Regulatory Law Portfolio, Department of Justice. Sous-ministre adjoint délégué, Portefeuille du droit des affaires et du droit réglementaire, Ministère de la Justice.)
(Text on screen: In my career in the public service, being fluent in both official languages has helped me work better with my colleagues, regardless of their first official language.)
(Text on screen: Dans ma carrière à la fonction publique, le fait de maîtriser les deux langues officielles m’a beaucoup aidé à travailler de concert avec mes collègues, peu importe leur première langue officielle.)
[Animation of text on screen with the word “#OLchampionsLO” in centre.]
(Text on screen: How do you feel when your managers and colleagues encourage the use of both official languages? Comment vous sentez-vous lorsque vos gestionnaires et collègues font la promotion de l’utilisation des deux langues officielles ?)
[Shot of Nafissa Dramé Dia on the left of the screen and text appears on the right.]
(Text on screen: Nafissa Dramé Dia. Program Officer, Official Languages, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. Agente de programme, Langues officielles, Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique.)
(Text on screen: Cela donne un signal aux employés, un signal indiquant qu’il n’y a pas de mal à faire des erreurs dans votre langue seconde ou même dans votre langue maternelle.)
It gives the employees a signal, a signal that it is okay to make mistakes in your second language or even your first language.
[Animation of text appears on screen with a picture of Gabriela Quintanilla in a circle shape.]
(Text on screen: Gabriela Quintanilla. Senior Program Advisor, Prairies and Northern Region, Canadian Heritage. Conseillère principale des programmes, Région des Prairies et du Nord, Patrimoine canadien.)
(Text on screen: When my manager communicates and promotes the use of both official languages, it creates a safe and inclusive work environment where I feel comfortable to use the language of my choice. It also allows all employees to contribute to the discussion.)
(Text on screen: Lorsque mon gestionnaire communique et fait la promotion des deux langues officielles, il crée un environnement de travail sécuritaire et inclusif où je me sens confortable d’utiliser la langue de mon choix. Cela permet aussi à tous les employés de contribuer à la discussion.)
[Animation of text on screen with the word “#OLChampionsLO” in centre.]
(Text on screen: Comment pouvons-nous contribuer à renforcer la sécurité linguistique de nos collègues ? How can we help strengthen linguistic security amongst our colleagues?)
[Shot of Gabriela Quintanilla on the left of the screen and text appears on the right.]
(Text on screen: Gabriela Quintanilla. Conseillère principale des programmes, Région des Prairies et du Nord, Patrimoine canadien. Senior Program Advisor, Prairies and Northern Region, Canadian Heritage.)
(Text on screen: The important thing is just to create an inclusive space, but above all without judgement.)
The important thing is just to create an inclusive space, but above all without judgment.
[Shot of Nafissa Dramé Dia on the right of the screen and text appears on the left.]
(Text on screen: Nafissa Dramé Dia. Agente de programme, Langues officielles, Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique. Program Officer, Official Languages, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.)
(Text on screen: When those who must lead by example make the effort to speak the language that is not their first language, but make mistakes, which is understandable and it also sets the tone.)
When those who must lead by example, make the effort to speak the language that is not their first language, but make mistakes, which is understandable and it also sets the tone.
[Animation of text appears on screen with a picture of Fraser Valentine in a circle shape.]
(Text on screen: Fraser Valentine. Conseiller stratégique principal au président, Bureau du Président, Agence de la santé publique du Canada. Senior Strategic Advisor to the President, Office of the President, Public Health Agency of Canada.)
(Text on screen: Il faut être humble envers soi-même et envers ses collègues.)
(Text on screen: You have to be humble to yourself and to your colleagues.)
[Animation of text on screen with the word “Champions” in centre.]
(Text on screen: Dare to Lead by Example. Osez donner l’exemple.)
[Music stops]
(Government of Canada signature)
(Canada Wordmark)
End of video