Foreign Military Training Goose Bay
The Foreign Military Training Goose Bay (FMTGB) office actively promotes and coordinates the international use of the world-class training facilities and large low-level training area (LLTA) available at Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador. The low-level training is conducted with the protection of the environment in mind.
This Web site focuses on the environment programs and provides information on mitigation measures in use. A mitigation program is in place to minimize potentially harmful impacts on the environment that might result from military flying activity.
To provide world-class training opportunities to foreign militaries.
- spectacular terrain in vast uncontrolled airspace
- coastal approaches
- diverse landscapes
- day and night operations
- A major meeting place for NATO aircrew to fly together
- A key transit base for transport and tactical aircraft from Europe and the U.S.
- A centre of excellence for air and land forces training since 1941
- ISO 14001 Environmental Management
- Runways of 9600 ft and 11 000 ft
- Secondary landing site for the NASA Space Shuttle
- 130,000 square km (35,000 square miles)
- Ultra-low-level flying training to 100 feet Above Ground Level (AGL)
- High-level airspace to FL 600
- Night Vision Goggles (NVG) operations including NVG intercept training
- 60 target complexes for fighter strike training
- Infrared significant and radar reflective targets
- Chaff and flares
- Supersonic Flight areas
- 27 laser designation-training targets
- Joint air/land/maritime forces training opportunities
- Tactical transport flying and paradrops
- Low-level routes for tactical transport ingress
- All weather Terrain Following Radar (TFR) operations from takeoff to landing
- Inert conventional and precision guided (laser) munitions up to 2,000 pounds
- Forward Air Control (FAC) training with a variable target spectrum
- Special Forces training and composite Special Force/Fighter operation
- Capacity for large-scale exercises
- Availability of air and sea deployment and support
- A tradition of multinational training operations
- Realistic deployment conditions in a variety of terrains
- Arctic winter training and trials
- Summer desert-sand conditions
- Summer and winter training
- Live-fire ranges
- Parachute training
- Mountain flying
- Wilderness survival
- Urban operations
- Working with irregular/indigenous forces
- Sniper training in remote, unobserved areas
- Paradrops: personnel and equipment
- Aircrew survival/escape and evasion training
- Combat Search and Rescue (SAR)
- Summer and winter survival training in tundra and boreal forest
- Briefing/debriefing facilities for composite air operations
- Hangars for fighter and transport aircraft
- Locally based Combat Support/ SAR unit
- Test and evaluation support facilities
- Port access for joint operations training or logistical support
- High-quality accommodations for more than
- 1,000 personnel
- Meals served in the Allied Forces Dining Hall
- Fully equipped fitness centre
- Golf course
- Winter sports opportunities (snowmobiling, skiing)
- Unmatched fishing opportuities
- Medical and dental facilities available
- A friendly community
- Hotels, restaurants, shopping, local Aboriginal crafts
- Wilderness tourism oppportunities and outfitters available
- Aboriginal peoples pursue traditional hunting and harvesting throughout the region
- Wildlife species abound
Canadian Forces Air Staff
International Training Program
Telephone: 613-998-7889
Fax: 613-992-0065
Page details
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