C20 Semi-Automatic Sniper Weapon
Snipers support the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) by providing skilled and highly accurate direct fire on selected targets, often at ranges beyond the capabilities of small arms. The C20 Semi-Automatic Sniper Weapon (C20 SASW) was specifically designed to meet the requirements of the CAF for a compact, ruggedized, sniper weapon capable of sub-Minutes of Angle (MOA) accuracy and rapid follow-up shots on targets ranging in distance from zero to 800 metres.
The C20 SASW is a gas-operated and magazine-fed sniper rifle. It is equipped with ambidextrous controls and a butt stock with length and cheek rest adjustments. The upper receiver is equipped with 20 MOA mounted on the uninterrupted rail system. The C20 SASW is can be used for a variety of operations, and can be equipped with a number of accessories to suit the requirements of the user.
The C20 will replace the C8 as the personal defence weapon of choice for sniper teams. It provides greater accuracy and range of engagements, which represents a greater safety margin for sniper teams who normally operate in small numbers behind enemy lines.
- Weight: 6.42 kg
- Length with butt stock fully extended and suppressor: 114.30 cm
- Semi-automatic rate of fire: 45 to 60 rounds per minute
- Sustained rate of fire: 12 to 15 rounds per minute
- Maximum effective range: 800 m
- 7.62-mm x 51-mm cartridge
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