ATIGS Results Summary 2023
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Long description of infographic
An infographic depicting a map of the Atlantic provinces. There are five text boxes displaying statistics on various aspects of Atlantic Canada’s economy.
The infographic title is: ATIGS Results Summary 2023
Text in the infographic reads:
Ultimate Outcomes: Measuring Atlantic Canada’s performance
From 2015 to 2022, Atlantic Canada:
- Increased the number of exporters by 5.8%
- Increased the value of export sales by 86.6%
- Increased by 15.8% the amount of machinery and equipment deployed in the region by foreign multinationals
- Source: Statistics Canada
Intermediate Outcomes: Measuring ATIGS outcomes from 2016 to 2021
ATIGS clients vs. non-clients :
- Increased exports by 43% vs. 42%
- Averaged an annual revenue growth of 3% vs. 1.2%
- Exporting to a single-partner country increased by 15.9% vs. 8%
- Exporting to multiple-partner countries increased by 15.9% vs. a decrease of 10.2%
- Source: Data from Statistics Canada based on ATIGS administrative data
Foreign Direct Investment from 2017-2021:
- 6512 jobs were estimated to have been created by FDI investments in Atlantic Canada (5.1% of the national total)
- Atlantic Canada attracted an estimated $4.5 billion in announced greenfield investments (3.7% of the national total)
- Source: Fdl markets
ATIGS & ATIGA investments 2022 -2023
- 16 projects were approved under the ATIGS for a total of $4 million (ATIGA: 14 projects/$3.1 million; other programming: 2 projects/$965,000)
- ATIGA Strategic Elements: Investments: 48% short-term market activities; 41% firm-centric activities; 9% long-term market activities; 2% ecosystem support activities
What are ATIGS-supported SMEs saying?
ATIGS Survey Results (based on 161 responses):
- 85% stated that the program/service improved their awareness of business growth opportunities.
- 81% stated that the program/service grew their interest in pursuing new markets.
- 73% stated that the program/service increased their business’ overall sales.
Direct quotes from SMEs who attended ATIGS activities:
“Working with ATIGS has given us the opportunity to more broadly tell our company’s story and introduce us to many of our current/potential clients. Without ATIGS support, we would not be able to attend some of the amazing conferences and tradeshows this industry has to offer. Being in front of these key stakeholders has been invaluable for eDNAtec on so many different levels.”
“Without ATIGs support, quite frankly, we wouldn’t have some of the clients or relationships we do today. We have not only been able to secure partnerships in Canada, but in the United States, and in Europe too.”
“Beyond just our company’s expansion, working with ATIGS overall has sped us up on our journey, if not by months, then by years. We can just do more. Develop things faster. Speak to more people. Get in front of more folks.”
The logos of all four Atlantic provinces and of the Government of Canada.
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