Kedgwick and Saint-Quentin benefit from investments in tourism and local businesses


The Government of Canada invests more than $840,000 to boost tourism, improve community infrastructure and help businesses in the Kedgwick region succeed. 

Érablière Laplante et Fils Inc. Automate evaporation operations by purchasing an intelligent concentrator and an electric evaporator with automation functions to help reduce the carbon footprint.
Festival Western de Saint-Quentin Inc. Renovations to the stadium and various festival buildings to support tourism in the region.

$141,855 (ACOA)

$129,934 (PCH)

La Coopérative des Arcadiens Limitée Build a pavilion promoting Acadian and Indigenous history and culture.  The pavilion will offer a range of cultural activities for local communities, including courses in music, Indigenous languages, natural food nutrition, yoga, and history. $165,907
Les Entreprises Arpin Inc. Purchase of high-performance maple syrup equipment to maximize productivity in the coming seasons.    $200,000
Total   $840,696


Connor Burton
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Rural Economic Development and
Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Media Relations 
Canadian Heritage

Samantha Michaud
Senior Communications Officer
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

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