Description of Graphic - Pie chart of fictional companies' market share values
This graph is a pie chart that shows the percentage of market share values of the fictional company called ‘ABC Company’. The pie chart is divided into five parts, one for each individual company’s market share. The largest wedges are white and medium-blue in colour and are each 30.5 per cent. The white wedge is titled RED and the medium-blue wedge is titled NEW. The second largest wedge titled ABC is dark blue in colour and is 17.0 per cent of the pie chart. The remaining two wedges are light-blue and medium-blue is colour. The wedge titled XYZ occupies 13.5 per cent of the chart and the wedge titled MMM occupies 8.5 per cent.
As the pie chart indicates, ABC Company occupies 17.0 per cent of overall market shares, which means that the company does not own the most, nor the least.
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