Natural Climate Solutions Fund performance indicators
The Natural Climate Solutions Fund (NCSF) will measure its success against a set of performance indicators. The NCSF consists of three distinct, but related programs:
- The 2 Billion Trees (2BT) Program, led by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
- The Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund, led by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
- The Agricultural Climate Solutions Program, led by Agri-Food and Agriculture Canada (AAFC)
Approach to reporting
NCSF funding recipients are required to report on their program activities. The data collected from funding recipients will serve as the basis of performance reporting of the NCSF programs. The data collected will also be used by Government of Canada scientists to calculate and report on greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Some performance indicators are a shared responsibility and reflect shared results from all three departments, while others are specific to one or more of the programs that are part of the overall fund. Public reporting on all performance indicators will begin in 2023, and will be published as part of supplementary information tables in NRCan’s Departmental Results Report.
2 Billion Trees (2BT) Program performance indicators (NRCan)
- Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted
- Cumulative total area planted with incremental trees
- Annual greenhouse gas emission reductions (Mt CO2e)
- Projected long-term (2050) greenhouse gas emission reductions (Mt CO2e)
- Cumulative total area planted that contributes to forest habitat restoration for species at risk and other species of interest
- Cumulative total area planted that contributes to increased forest resilience to climate change
- Number of aggregate direct, indirect and induced jobs created
- Percent of large and medium organization funding recipients that have Diversity and Inclusion Plans
- Percent of under-represented groups in tree planting and related activity workforce of large and medium organization recipients
- Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted through the provincial and territorial funding stream
- Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted through private land stream
- Number of landowners supported through private land stream
- Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted through urban land stream
- Number of communities supported through urban land stream
- Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted through Indigenous stream
- Number of Indigenous organizations supported through Indigenous stream
- Cumulative total number of incremental trees planted through the federal land stream
- Production of estimates of 2BT-supported emission reductions for Canada’s National Inventory Report
- Cumulative total number of scientific and technical articles and reports published by Natural Resources Canada supported by 2BT
Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund performance indicators (ECCC)
- Annual greenhouse gas emission reductions (Mt CO2e)
- Projected long-term (2050) greenhouse gas emission reductions (Mt CO2e)
- Cumulative total area restored
- Cumulative total area conserved
- Number of direct jobs
- Number of methodological improvements for the land sector implemented in each annual edition of Canada’s National Inventory Report
- Total area stewarded for greenhouse gas mitigation
- Total area secured for greenhouse gas mitigation
- Number of indigenous-led projects supported
- Net change in policies driving ecosystem conversion relative to the land-base
Agricultural Climate Solutions Program performance indicators (AAFC)
- Annual greenhouse gas emission reductions (Mt CO2e)
- Projected long-term (2050) greenhouse gas emission reductions (Mt CO2e)
- Cumulative total area under improved management
- Number of partnerships established with various stakeholders, including breakdown for under-represented groups
- Percentage of farms adopting carbon-sequestering best management practices in priority locations
- Increase in annual Land Sector greenhouse gas sink due to Agricultural Climate Solutions program by 2030-31 (end of Natural Climate Solutions Fund)
- Number of additional farm practices that are included in Canada’s National Inventory Report
Mt CO2e = Megatonne of carbon dioxide equivalent
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