Natural Climate Solutions Fund performance indicators

The Natural Climate Solutions Fund (NCSF) will measure its success against a set of performance indicators. The NCSF consists of three distinct, but related programs:

Approach to reporting

NCSF funding recipients are required to report on their program activities. The data collected from funding recipients will serve as the basis of performance reporting of the NCSF programs.  The data collected will also be used by Government of Canada scientists to calculate and report on greenhouse gas emission reductions.

Some performance indicators are a shared responsibility and reflect shared results from all three departments, while others are specific to one or more of the programs that are part of the overall fund. Public reporting on all performance indicators will begin in 2023, and will be published as part of supplementary information tables in NRCan’s Departmental Results Report.

2 Billion Trees (2BT) Program performance indicators (NRCan)

Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund performance indicators (ECCC)

Agricultural Climate Solutions Program performance indicators (AAFC)

Mt CO2e = Megatonne of carbon dioxide equivalent

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