Funding and benefits for producers in Canada

Read about the funding available for audiovisual treaty coproductions and the benefits for producers in Canada.

National status

Audiovisual treaty coproductions receive national status designation in their respective countries and as such, are able to access federal and provincial funding programs and are recognized as national content for broadcasting purposes.

Canadian broadcast quotas

Audiovisual treaty coproductions obtain national status, and can also be included in the Canadian content quota for the broadcasters. This allows producers spin-off benefits such as obtaining higher license fees for their productions while offering Canadian broadcasters the opportunity to show high budget quality Canadian programming to their audiences.
For more information related to Canada's regulations on Canadian content, please consult Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).

Federal tax credit

Canadian producers can apply to the federal tax credit, the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit

Provincial tax credits

In addition to the federal tax credit, Canadian producers can apply for a provincial tax credit in the province(s) where filming takes place.
Further information is available on the following sites:

Canada Media Fund

The Canada Media Fund, a public-private partnership, provides funding for the creation of television convergent digital content in both official languages and Aboriginal languages and leading-edge non-linear content and applications designed for distribution on multiple platforms.

Telefilm Canada's Canada Feature Film Fund

The overall goal of the Canada Feature Film Fund's development, production and marketing programs is to encourage the making and marketing of Canadian feature films that have high box office potential, while supporting a range of genres, budgets, companies and regions.

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