Summary of decisions and notifications – January-February-March 2014


InvestorType of InvestmentCanadian BusinessType of Business
Office Depot, Inc.
Boca Raton, FL, USA
Indirect acquisition Grand & Toy Limited / Grand & Toy Limitée
Don Mills, ON
Ancillary sale of books


InvestorType of InvestmentCanadian BusinessType of Business
BroadbandTV Corp.
Vancouver, BC (GER)
Establishment of a new business VISO Online Video Productions Inc.
Vancouver, BC
Ancillary production of video products
H1 Canada Events Corp.
New Orleans, LA, USA
Establishment of a new business Pemberton Music Festival Limited Partnership
Vancouver, BC
Ancillary sale of audio and video music recordings
Halon Entertainment Vancouver Ltd.
Santa Monica, CA, USA
Establishment of a new business Halon Entertainment Vancouver Ltd.
Burnaby, BC
Production of film and video products (pre-visualization services)
Merching, GER
Direct acquisition Kenilworth Publishing Inc. and Kenilworth Media Inc.
Richmond Hill, ON
Publication of magazines
FFD Holdings Ltd.
Vancouver, BC (PRC)
Direct acquisition Gener8 Media Corp.
Vancouver, BC
Production of film and video products (2D to 3D conversion services)
Oriental Trading Company, Inc.
Omaha, NE, USA
Indirect acquisition SmileMakers for Children Company
Ajax, ON
Ancillary sale of books

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