Directive Governing the Request Made By a Party Under the Official Languages Act for An Interpreter - Courts Martial and Other Judicial Hearings

5025-1 (DCMJ)
24 February 2020

Directive governing the request made by a party under the Official Languages Act for an interpreter – Courts Martial and other judicial hearings

References: A. Court Martial Rules of Practice – Amended on 24 February 2020
B. 5025-1 (DCMJ) 24 February 2020 – Promulgation of the amended Court Martial Rules of Practice
C. 5025-1 (CMJ) 15 June 2018 – Chief Military Judge Delegation to a military judge

1. In accordance with the administrative rules of practice of the Chief Military Judge (reference A), as amended under reference B, the Court Martial Administrator may receive a written request from a party under the Official Languages Act for providing an interpreter at a court martial or any other judicial hearing presided at by a military judge.

2. In order to ensure that proper administration of military justice will be provided and the efficiency of the court martial hearings and any other judicial hearings, I issue this directive, in accordance with the powers that are delegated to me at reference C, to the Court Martial Administrator to issue a policy specifying the requirements related to the requests for interpretation services. This directive must take into account the obligations related to this type of request, from the human resources, logistical and financial perspectives.


L.-V. d’Auteuil
Delegated judge 

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