Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information

Table of Contents

General Information

Introduction to Info Source



Institutional Functions, Programs and Activities

Classes of Personal Information


Additional Information

Reading Room

General Information

Introduction to Info Source

Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information provides information about the functions, programs, activities and related information holdings of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. It provides individuals and employees of the government (current and former) with relevant information to access personal information about themselves held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.

The Introduction and an index of institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act are available centrally.

The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act assign overall responsibility to the President of Treasury Board (as the designated Minister) for the government-wide administration of the legislation.


The background of the department can be viewed on the About Us page.


The responsibilities of the department can be viewed on the About Us page.

Institutional Functions, Programs and Activities

Economic and Fiscal Policy Framework

This Program is the main source of advice and recommendations to the Minister of Finance, other ministers and senior government officials on issues, policies and programs of the Government of Canada in the areas of economic, fiscal and social policy; federal-provincial relations; the financial sector; taxation; and international trade and finance. The Program ensures that ministers and senior government officials can make informed decisions on economic, fiscal and financial sector policies, programs and proposals. Ultimately, the Program contributes to building a sound and sustainable fiscal and economic framework that generates sufficient revenues and aligns the management of expenditures with the Budget Plan and the financial operations of the Government of Canada.


This Sub-Program provides analysis, research, and advice to the Minister of Finance and the Associate Minister of Finance so that they can make informed decisions on the Government of Canada's tax policy agenda. The Sub-Program focuses on personal income tax, business income tax, sales and excise tax, tax legislation and Indigenous tax policy. To support the government's tax policy agenda, senior departmental officials provide advice and recommendations on improving the competitiveness, efficiency, simplicity and fairness of the tax system while generating sufficient revenue to finance government programs and priorities. This Sub-Program develops and evaluates federal taxation policies and legislation, and negotiates international tax treaties, tax information exchange agreements, and tax elements of comprehensive land claim and self-government agreements with Indigenous governments. The Sub-Program is also involved with international tax policy matters, federal-provincial tax harmonization and coordination, federal-provincial tax collection and reciprocal taxation agreements, federal-Indigenous Tax Administration Agreements, and tax policy research and evaluation.

Business Income Taxation

Description: Information on federal business income tax policy including material dealing with corporations, small business taxation, resource sector taxation, tax incentives for a clean economy, the taxation of financial institutions, and the tax treatment of non-profits, co-operatives, and Crown corporations.

Document Types: Background studies, briefing notes, conference reports, correspondence, divisional work plans, draft legislation, draft regulations, draft speeches, emails, empirical models, estimates, gender-based analyses, house cards, international comparisons, interprovincial comparisons, Memoranda, policy papers, presentations, projections and forecasts), quantitative analysis (including calculations, evaluations, simulations, , strategic environmental assessments, and statistical reports.

Record Number: FIN TPB 001

Excise Taxes, Excise Duties and Other Sales Taxes and Charges

Description: Information on federal excise taxes and duties on specific goods, including fuel, alcohol and tobacco products, cannabis, vaping products, automobile air conditioners, fuel-inefficient vehicles and select luxury goods. It also includes information on the federal fuel charge, the Underused Housing Tax and Air Travelers Security Charges.

Document Types: Background studies; briefing notes, conference reports, correspondence, divisional work plans, draft legislation, draft regulations, draft remission orders, draft speeches, emails, empirical models, estimates, gender-based analyses, house cards, international comparisons, interprovincial comparisons, Memoranda, policy papers, presentations, quantitative analysis (including calculations, evaluations, simulations, projections and forecasts), strategic environmental assessments, and statistical reports.

Record Number: FIN TAX 755

Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

Description: Information on GST and HST issues such as: general operations, design and structural issues, harmonization issues, border issues, input tax credits, and zero-rated and exempt goods and services. Also includes information on the operation of the GST/HST in specific sectors such as: real property, financial services, and public sector bodies including governments and municipalities, schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, charities and other non-profit organizations.

Document Types: Agreements with provinces, background studies, briefing notes, conference reports, correspondence, divisional work plans, draft legislation, draft regulations, draft remission orders, draft speeches, emails, empirical models, estimates, evaluations, gender-based analyses, house cards, international comparisons, international tax agreements, interprovincial comparisons, Memoranda, policy papers, presentations, quantitative analysis (including calculations, simulations, projections and forecasts), strategic environmental assessments, and statistical reports.

Record Number: FIN TAX 747

Intergovernmental Tax Policy, Evaluation and Research

Description: Information on federal-provincial and Indigenous tax policy matters, and the evaluation and analysis of tax measures and policies. Specifically, this includes information on intergovernmental tax policy, federal-provincial meetings, provincial budgets, reciprocal taxation agreements, tax collection agreements, tax expenditures, tax evaluations and research. Also includes information on Indigenous tax policy issues such as court cases, Indian Act tax exemption, self-government and comprehensive claims, and tax administration agreements.

Document Types: Agreements with provinces, territories, and Indigenous governments, background studies, briefing notes, conference reports, correspondence, divisional work plans, draft legislation, draft regulations, emails, house cards, international comparisons, interprovincial comparisons, Memoranda, policy papers, presentations, quantitative analysis (including calculations, evaluations, simulations, projections and forecasts), and statistical reports.

Record Number: FIN TPB 002

International Taxation

Description: Information on all aspects of international taxation, including tax agreements between Canada and other countries. This includes double taxation agreements, international organizations, foreign income earned by Canadian residents, and the taxation of non-resident individuals and corporations who earn income in Canada.

Document Types: Background studies, briefing notes, conference reports, correspondence, emails, divisional work plans, documents relating to international tax treaty negotiations, draft legislation, draft regulations, house cards, remission orders, Memoranda, policy papers, and presentations.

Record Number: FIN TAX 731

Personal Income Taxation

Description: Information on federal personal income tax policy and tax-based transfers to individuals and families. This includes material dealing with the tax treatment of income from employment, investments, savings, and pensions, as well as expenses related to education, charitable donations, employment, childcare, disabilities, and medical expenses. Also includes information on personal income tax credits and deductions, tax-assisted savings vehicles (i.e. Registered Retirement Savings Plans, Tax-Free Savings Accounts, Registered Pension Plans, Registered Education Savings Plans, Registered Disability Savings Plans, Pooled Registered Pension Plans, and First-Home Savings Account), and other provisions of the income tax system relevant to specific segments of the population such as families, seniors, students, and homeowners.

Document Types: Background studies, briefing notes, conference reports, correspondence, divisional work plans, draft legislation, draft regulations, draft speeches, emails, empirical models, estimates, gender-based analyses, house cards, international comparisons, interprovincial comparisons, Memoranda, policy papers, presentations, quantitative analysis (including calculations, evaluations, simulations, projections and forecasts), strategic environmental assessments, and statistical reports.

Record Number: FIN TAX 730

Economic and Fiscal Policy, Planning and Forecasting

This Sub-Program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials so that they can make informed decisions on the Government of Canada's economic and fiscal agenda. The Sub-Program analyzes the economic and fiscal position of Canada, the provinces and other countries; advises on the government's economic policy framework, its budget planning framework, and policy priorities; monitors and prepares forecasts of Canada's economic and fiscal position; plays a lead role in the management of the government's fiscal framework; and provides analytical support on a wide range of economic and financial issues related to the government's macroeconomic and structural policies.

Canadian Forecast

Description: Information on short and medium term forecasts for the Canadian economic outlook, including surveys of private sector economists. Includes technical material related to the internal forecast model of the Canadian economy.

Document Types: Background and research papers, briefing notes, correspondence, Economic and Fiscal Updates, economic indicator tables, emails, house cards, presentations.

Record Number: FIN EAF 133

Demand and Labour Analysis

Description: Information and analysis of the Canadian economy related to housing markets, labour markets, household consumption and finances, and business investment and finances.

Document Types: Background and research papers, briefing notes, correspondence, Economic and Fiscal Updates, economic indicator tables, house cards, presentations, statistical reports.

Record Number: FIN EAF 123

Economic, Financial, Provincial and Sectoral Analysis

Description: Information and analysis of the Canadian economy related to sectoral issues, commodities, inflation, trade and balance of payments, provincial economic and fiscal situations, and monetary policy. Includes information related to the coordination of International Monetary Fund (IMF) Article IV Consultations with Canada.

Document Types: Background and research papers, briefing notes, correspondence, Economic and Fiscal Updates, economic indicator tables, emails, house cards, presentations.

Record Number: FIN EAF 120

Expenditure Analysis and Forecasting

Description: Information on federal government expenditure planning. This section conducts the forecast of the Government's expenditure framework, and analyzes the fiscal implications of the federal budget.

Document Types: Briefing notes, cabinet briefings, correspondence, Economic and Fiscal Updates, emails, Fiscal Monitor, house cards, Memoranda, presentations.

Record Number: FIN FPD 055

Fiscal Policy Analysis

Description: Information on applied research and analysis concerning a wide range of fiscal issues such as population aging, long-run fiscal forecasts, structural budget balances, automatic stabilizers, intergenerational equity, health spending, and issues related to fiscal prudence/planning.

Document Types: Economic and Fiscal Updates, emails, house cards, Memoranda, presentations, research papers.

Record Number: FIN FPD 062

Tax Data - Evaluation and Formulation of Fiscal Policy

Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of evaluation and formulation of fiscal policy. The personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status, credit information, date of birth, financial information, physical attributes and social insurance number (SIN).

Class of Individuals: General Public (dependents, spouses and children).

Purpose: The personal information is used to for the evaluation and formulation of fiscal policy. Personal information is collected pursuant to 241(4)(d)(i) of the Income Tax Act (ITA), 295(5)(d)(i) of the Excise Tax Act (ETA) and 211(6)(e)(i) of the Excise Tax Act, 2001 (EA, 2001). The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the 241(4)(d)(i) of the Income Tax Act (ITA), 295(5)(d)(i) of the Excise Tax Act (ETA) and 211(6)(e)(i) of the Excise Act, 2001 (EA, 2001) and is used for the evaluation and formulation of fiscal policy.

Consistent Uses: The information may be used or disclosed for the evaluation and formulation of fiscal policy.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Under development

RDA Number: Under development

Related Class of Record Number: FIN FPD 062

TBS Registration: 20120169

Bank Number: FIN PPU 100

Model Development

Description: Information on the development, maintenance, and modernization of macroeconomic models and advanced techniques used for analysis and forecasting of the Canadian economic and fiscal situation. Includes information on the Department's Canadian Economic and Fiscal Model.

Document Types: Background and research papers, Economic and Fiscal Updates.

Record Number: FIN EAF 140

Macro Analysis

Description: Information on economic analysis to inform policy decisions on macroeconomic issues such as fiscal and monetary policy, population ageing, trade and climate change. This section is also responsible for the development and the maintenance of macroeconomic models to be used to perform the analyses on these topics and to examine and evaluate the medium-term economic challenges and risks facing Canada. The section is further responsible for overseeing the economic impact assessment requirements that form part of the Integrated Climate Lens.

Document Types: Analytical notes, house cards, emails, Memoranda, presentations, special Budget chapters, medium-term economic agenda, working papers.

Record Number: FIN SPA 137

Policy Analysis

Description: Information on economic research, including the development of models, to inform policy decisions on long-term issues related to competitiveness, foreign direct investment, productivity, competition, innovation, internal trade, long-term economic growth, taxation.

Document Types: Analytical notes, conference summaries, emails, house cards, Memoranda, medium-term economic agenda, presentations, special budget chapters, working papers.

Record Number: FIN EAF 135

Revenue Analysis and Forecasting

Description: Information on federal government revenue planning. This section conducts the forecast of the government's revenues, prepares revenue monitoring for the Fiscal Monitor, and analyses of the fiscal implications of the federal budget.

Document Types: Annual financial reports, briefing notes, cabinet briefings, correspondence, Economic and Fiscal Updates, Economic Statements, Fiscal Monitors, house cards, Memoranda, research papers, presentations.

Record Number: FIN FPD 057

Structural Analysis

Description: Information on economic research and relevant economic analysis to inform policy decisions on structural issues related to the labour force, immigration, income inequality, affordability, income security, skills and human capital, and socioeconomic policies.

Document Types: Analytical notes, correspondence, decks, emails, house cards, Memoranda, presentations, special Budget chapters, medium-term economic agenda chapters, working papers.

Record Number: FIN SPA 136

United States Economic Analysis and Forecasting

Description: Information and analysis of the United States economic and fiscal situation and outlook, including analysis of risks. Information and analysis of key international economies, notably G7 economies.

Document Types: Background and research papers, briefing notes, correspondence, Economic and Fiscal Updates, emails, emails, presentations.

Record Number: FIN EAF 115

Economic Development Policy

This Sub-Program provides research, analysis and advice to ministers and senior officials so that they can make informed decisions on the fiscal and economic implications of sectoral and microeconomic policy issues, policies and programs. The Sub-Program fulfills the challenge function of the Department of Finance Canada on sectoral and microeconomic policy issues by conducting research and policy analysis regarding the fiscal and economic implications of economic policies and proposals developed by other departments in areas such as the knowledge-based economy, business financing, defence, transportation, public infrastructure, environment, energy and resources, agriculture and fisheries. This Sub-Program provides research, analysis, and advice to the Minister of Finance, the Associate Minister of Finance, and senior government officials in support of meetings of Cabinet and Cabinet committees, the annual budget and fiscal updates. The Sub-Program also plays a lead role in advising the government on the management of its corporate assets.


Description: Information on the economic and financial situation of the agriculture and agri-food sector, the development of agricultural and food safety policies in Canada and the allocation of federal financial resources to various programs implemented under the portfolio of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Document Types: Analyses, correspondence, emails, Memoranda, proposals, reports, and studies.

Record Number: FIN EDD 480

Climate Change

Description: Information on policies and issues related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the status of international negotiations on climate change, as well as the development of domestic approaches to manage climate change and its potential impacts.

Document Types: Analyses, correspondence, emails, Memoranda, proposals, reports, and studies.

Record Number: FIN EDD 424

Corporate Analysis

Description: Information on issues affecting the corporate sector and industrial corporations in Canada, including institutional issues and policies, and economic and financial issues.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, corporate plans, correspondence, emails, and research papers.

Record Number: FIN EDD 520

Crown Corporations

Description: Information on selected Crown Corporations, including but not limited to the Canada Infrastructure Bank, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Business Development Bank of Canada, Canada Lands Company Limited, Canada Post Corporation, Cape Breton Development Corporation, and Defence Construction (1951) Limited (operating as Defence Construction Canada).

Document Types: Analyses, correspondence, emails,  Memoranda, proposals, Memoranda, reports, and studies.

Record Number: FIN PRI 400

Economic Development

Description: General information on the development of sectors of the economy.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, research papers.

Record Number: FIN EDD 430


Description: General information on energy and energy policy, except oil, gas and nuclear energy.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, Memoranda, proposals, research papers.

Record Number: FIN ERP 425

Energy Efficiency

Description: Information on issues affecting energy use and related greenhouse gas emissions in the Canadian economy as well as the development of energy efficiency policies and measures, including regulations and programming, targeted at end use sectors (e.g., residential, commercial buildings, transportation and industrial).

Document Types: Analyses, correspondence, emails, Memoranda, proposals, reports, studies.

Record Number: FIN EDD 422


Description: Information on policies and programs to improve the quality of the environment and on issues related to such initiatives. Includes such issues as air and water quality, pollution, contaminated sites, national parks and historical sites, biodiversity, invasive species, national wildlife, sustainable development, and environmental assessments.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, environmental assessments, emails, research papers.

Record Number: FIN ERP 405

Fisheries and Oceans

Description: Information on fisheries and oceans management policies, the economic and financial situation of the fish and seafood harvesting and processing sectors, the allocation of federal financial resources to Fisheries and Oceans Canada programs and industry support initiatives, Indigenous, federal-provincial-territorial and international relations related to fisheries and oceans management, as well as legislation and regulations.

Document Types: Analyses, correspondence, emails, Memoranda, proposals and studies.

Record Number: FIN EDD 495


Description: Information on forestry policy and the forest industry, including pulp and paper.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, research papers.

Record Number: FIN EDD 521

Industrial Development

Description: Information on government policies and programs to promote the development of major Canadian industries and related issues. Includes analyses of individual sectors such as manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, tourism, and biotechnology.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, emails and research papers.

Record Number: FIN EDD 435


Description: Information on infrastructure policies and programs including initiatives and legislation, particular infrastructure projects, public-private partnerships and other infrastructure investments.

Document Types: Analyses, correspondence, emails, proposals, Memoranda, reports, studies.

Record Number: FIN EDD 525

Marketplace Frameworks

Description: Information on policies, laws and regulations related to key marketplace frameworks, including corporate and insolvency law, competition, foreign investment, copyright, patents and trade-marks, and internal trade.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, research papers.

Record Number: FIN EDD 526


Description: Information on mining and mine reclamation and the production and marketing of minerals, including reviews, associations, missions to other countries, federal and provincial legislation, and specific minerals.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, research papers.

Record Number: FIN ERP 410

National Defence

Description: Information on national defence, including policies, funding, procurements, domestic and international affairs and relations, infrastructure, and personnel.

Document Types: Analyses, correspondence, emails, proposals, Memoranda, reports, studies.

Record Number: FIN EDD 383

Nuclear Energy

Description: Information on electrical power generated by nuclear means including the Atomic Energy Control Act and Board, liability in case of accidents, building of nuclear reactors in Canada, sale of nuclear reactors and heavy water plants to foreign countries, production and sale of heavy water in Canada.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, Memoranda, research papers.

Record Number: FIN ERP 395

Oil and Gas

Description: Information on oil and gas policy, including initiatives and legislation, federal-provincial negotiations, particular energy projects (e.g. oil sands, Hibernia, upgraders) and proceedings of intergovernmental and interdepartmental committees.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, expert studies, research papers.

Record Number: FIN ERP 420

Regional Analysis and Development

Description: Information on policies and programs to promote the development of the economies of Canada's regions, and on issues related to such measures in specific sectors of the national economy and in provinces or regions of Canada including regional and sectoral analyses, industries, and sectors.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, federal, provincial and municipal agreements, research papers, studies.

Record Number: FIN EDD 450
Science and Technology

Description: Information on the development of policies related to science and technology in Canada, including research, development and innovation, and the federal government's programs for encouraging these activities.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, research papers.

Record Number: FIN EDD 460

Small and Medium Enterprises

Description: Information on policy and programs to promote small and medium enterprises as well as small business issues and access to capital.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, research papers.

Record Number: FIN EDD 461


Description: Information on the development of policies on telecommunications, including spectrum, broadband, satellites, and wireless services.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, research papers technical papers.

Record Number: FIN EDD 465


Description: Information on the development of policies on air, surface, and marine transportation systems in Canada, including airports, civil aviation, ports, highways, roads, bridges, motor vehicles and rail shipping.

Document Types: Analyses, correspondence, emails, Memoranda, Proposals, reports, studies.

Record Number: FIN EDD 470

Federal-Provincial Relations and Social Policy

This Sub-Program designs fiscal arrangements between Canada and the provinces and territories, to facilitate the funding of shared priorities and to support the provision of reasonably comparable services at reasonably comparable tax rates across the country. The Sub-Program prepares legislation and regulations on major transfers that fall under the responsibility of the Minister of Finance. This Sub-Program also provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the fiscal and economic implications of federal-provincial relations and social policies, programs and issues. The Sub-Program fulfills the challenge function of the Department of Finance Canada by conducting policy analysis and research regarding the fiscal and economic implications of federal social policies and programs in the areas of health care, justice, public safety, immigration, Employment Insurance and pensions, post-secondary education, Indigenous and cultural programs, and programs for seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans and youth. This Sub-Program provides analysis, research and advice to the Minister of Finance and senior government officials in support of meetings of Cabinet and Cabinet committees, the annual budget, fiscal updates, and responsibilities for Employment Insurance and Canada Pension Plan legislation.

Indigenous Policy

Description: Information on the development of policies related to Indigenous issues, including land claims; specific claims; self-government financing agreements; Indigenous litigation; treaties, and socio-economic conditions and programs for Indigenous people.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, presentations.

Record Number: FIN SPD 001

Conferences, Committees and Meetings

Description: Information relating to Finance Ministers' Meetings, Continuing Committee of Officials; Fiscal Arrangements Committee; and meetings, committees and sub-committees pertaining to federal-provincial-territorial relations.

Document Types: Agendas, backgrounders, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, presentations, speaking notes, summary notes of discussions and statements.

Record Number: FIN FPR 235

Income Security

Description: Information on the development of policies relating to income security programs, including elderly benefits, persons with disabilities, veterans, and information related to the Canada Pension Plan.

Document Types: Annual reports, background/analytic papers, briefing notes, consultations, correspondence, decision records, draft legislation, draft regulations, emails, house cards, information papers, presentations, statistics.

Record Number: FIN SPD 296

Labour Markets/Employment/Learning

Description: Information on policies and programs relating to the labour market, including immigration, post-secondary education, Employment Insurance, job creation and training programs, labour adjustment policies and programs, youth employment programming, and the Canada Labour Code.

Document Types: Briefing notes, consultations, correspondence, draft legislation, emails, house cards, presentations.

Record Number: FIN SPD 301

Northern Development

Description: Information on various aspects of development in the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut, and related federal policy.

Document Types: Analyses, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, research papers.

Record Number: FIN ERP 415

Quebec Abatement

Description: Information on Quebec Abatement including Alternative Payments for Standing Programs and the Youth Allowances Recovery.

Document Types: Background papers, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, evaluations, house cards, presentations, reports.

Record Number: FIN FPR 215

Social Policy

Description: Information on the development of social policies relating to health, justice, public safety, culture, heritage, multiculturalism, official languages, sport, labour markets, education, housing programs and women's issues.

Document Types: Background / analytic papers, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, presentations, statistics.

Record Number: FIN SPD 290

Financial Sector Policy

This Sub-Program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials so that they can make informed decisions on matters that impact the Government of Canada's financial sector policy agenda. The Sub-Program ensures the overall stability, soundness, efficiency, integrity and competitiveness of Canada's financial sector to support strong and sustainable economic growth. The Sub-Program also provides analysis of Canada's financial services sector and financial markets, and develops the legislative and regulatory frameworks for federally regulated financial institutions (banks, trust and loan companies, insurance companies and co-operative credit associations) and federally regulated pension plans. This Sub-Program also plays a lead role in the federal strategy to combat money laundering and terrorist financing; in representing Canada at international forums; and in conducting Canada's relations in the area of trade in financial services, including negotiating Canada's trade commitments. The Sub-Program works with provinces and territories to improve the capital markets regulatory system.

Anti-money Laundering and Anti-terrorist Financing Issues

Description: Information on policies related to domestic and international anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing activities including the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and Regulations; the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada; the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering; the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force, and the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering.

Document Types: Agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, Memoranda, minutes of meetings, presentations.

Record Number: FIN FID 195

Bank of Canada

Description: Information on governance and administration of the Bank of Canada, including appointments of Board directors and of senior officers, as well as Bank financial statements. Includes information on policies and programs of the Bank of Canada including the composition and design of bank notes and treasury management services that the Bank provides for the Government of Canada, such as management of the public debt and of Canada's foreign exchange reserves, which are held in the Exchange Fund Account in the name of the Minister of Finance.

Document Types: Memoranda Bank of Canada publications, correspondence, house cards, Memoranda.

Record Number: FIN DMD 155

Consumer Affairs

Description: Information on consumer-related policies, regulations, and legislation in the financial services sector, including areas such as access to financial services, business practices, disclosure, and dispute resolution. Information on liaisons with the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, which is a federal agency established to ensure compliance with the consumer provisions in the federal financial institutions' statutes (e.g. the Bank Act), to promote consumer awareness of financial services and products, and improve Canadians' financial literacy.

Document Types: Agendas, briefing notes, contracts, correspondence, emails, house cards legislative and regulatory documents, Memoranda, minutes of meetings, procedures, policies, presentations, project plans, proposals, statements of work, statistical reports, surveys. .

Record Number: FIN FID 002

COVID-19 Business Support Programs

Description: Information on federal government's business support programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA). Information on terms and conditions of the program, governance and program administration discussions with Crown corporations such as Export Development Canada, and policy analysis and advice related to program changes and oversight.

Document Types: Agendas, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, funding notes, house cards, legal analysis, minutes of meetings, policies, presentations, regular program reports,  TB submissions.

Record Number: Under Development

Financial Services Trade and Relations

Description: Information on the federal government's international relations in the area of trade in financial services, namely trade agreements such as the administration of Canada's commitments under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement and the World Trade Organization General Agreement on Trade in Services, negotiations related to the development of such agreements, as well as international advocacy and outreach efforts.

Document Types: Agendas, agreements, contracts, correspondence, emails, evaluation criteria, house cards, negotiating instructions, Memoranda, minutes of meetings, policies, proposals, procedures, project plans, statistical reports, statements of work, surveys.

Record Number: FIN FID 155

Financial Services Innovation

Description: Information on policies and legislation related to innovation in financial services, including digitalization in the financial sector, financial technology, open banking and financial data, as well as crypto-assets and stablecoins. Research and analysis of legislative and regulatory issues surrounding financial services innovation in a domestic and international context.

Document Types: Agendas, agreements, briefing notes, contracts, correspondence, emails, evaluation criteria, house cards, legislative and regulatory documents, Memoranda, minutes and summaries, policies, project plans, policies, proposals, statements of work, surveys.

Record Number: Under Development

Financial Institutions Analysis and Transactions

Description: Information on major financial transactions, including mergers and acquisitions. Research on trends within the financial sector, including financial institutions' corporate strategies and performance, industry and market analysis, industry profiles, trends and performances. General information on Canada's financial institutions, including banks, trust and loan companies, insurance companies, cooperative credit associations, private pension plans.

Document Types: Agendas, briefing notes, contracts, correspondence, emails, evaluation criteria, house cards, Memoranda, minutes of meetings, policies, procedures, project plans, proposals, statements of work, statistical reports, surveys.

Record Number: FIN FSP 001

Financial Institutions Framework Policy and Structural Initiatives

Description: Information on planning and communications related to financial sector issues and priorities (including legislative and regulatory reforms) and policy development with respect to current issues. Information relating to the corporate organization, permitted activities, and regulation of financial institutions, including winding up of institutions. Specifically, information on ownership, business powers, investments, foreign entrants, holding companies and other restructuring, and corporate governance, including the review of past legislative developments, international considerations and best practices as they relate to changes in the Canadian financial services sector.

Document Types: Agendas, contracts, correspondence, emails, evaluation criteria, house cards, legislative and regulatory documents, Memoranda, minutes of meetings, presentations, proposals, procedures, policies, project plans, statements of work, statistical reports, surveys.

Record Number: FIN FSP 014

Financial Sector Integrity and National Security

Description: Information related to Canadian financial sector integrity and national security, including, supporting the administration of the Retail Payment Activities Act, Investment Canada Act and Bank Act; the development of policy and provision of advice on financial sector issues, including major transactions, emerging technologies, and trends; and coordination and engagement with security and intelligence partners, interdepartmentally and internationally

Document Types: Agreements, applications, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, memorandums, minutes of meetings, notifications, presentations, reports, research and position papers.

Record number: FIN FSP 015

Operationalization of the Retail Payment Activities Act

Description: This bank includes personal information of Payment Service Providers (PSPs) collected by the Bank of Canada (BoC) and shared with the Department of Finance. The BoC is responsible for the supervision of PSPs who perform retail payment activities in Canada, in compliance with the Retail Payment Activities Act (RPAA). The Minister of Finance has authorities under the RPAA to address national security risks posed by PSPs and may issue a directive to the BoC to refuse to register an applicant or revoke a PSP registration for national security reasons. Personal information relates to the PSP itself (if it is a person and not an entity) and PSP directors, senior management, certain creditors, agents and mandataries, affiliated entities, and controlling persons or entities. Personal information consists of legal name(s), date of birth, address(es), contact information, citizenship, country of residence.

Class of Individuals: General public; Individuals applying to be a Payment Service Provider and Representatives of applicants of Payment Service Providers

Purpose: Personal information is received and collected under the authority of part 4 – section 63(2) of the Retail Payment Activities Act to conduct an assessment for any national security concerns, to determine if there are any national security risks and whether the applicant can be registered as a PSP in Canada.

Consistent Uses: There are no consistent uses

Retention and Disposal Standards: The personal information collected will be retained by the Government of Canada for 10 years and disposed of accordingly.

RDA Number: Under Development

Related Record Number: FIN FSP 015

TBS Registration: 20240031

Bank Number: FIN PPU 200

Financial Stability Issues

Description: Information on financial stability and prudential issues, as well as Canada's supervisory framework for federally regulated financial institutions including policy and legislation, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, critical infrastructure, industry and market analysis from a stability perspective, as well as information related to the development of policies relating to financial institutions and federal deposit insurance, financial institution resolution issues, and international organizations including the Financial Stability Board.

Document Types: Agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, memorandums, minutes of meetings, presentations, reports.

Record Number: FIN FSP 005

Housing Finance Policy

Description: Information on the government's mortgage insurance guarantee. Research on trends within the housing finance sector, and analyses of legislative and regulatory issues concerning the provision of mortgage insurance and mortgage loans by financial institutions.

Document Types: Agendas, contracts, correspondence, emails, house cards, Memoranda, proposals, evaluation criteria, Memoranda, minutes of meetings, policies, procedures, project plans, statements of work, statistical reports, surveys.

Record Number: FIN FSP 012

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

Description: Information on the financial sector, legislation, regulation, and approvals administered by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions; information on accounting, capital and other prudential standards for federally-regulated financial institutions; information on financial stability, competition, and pension fund issues; information on administration, policies and programs of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.

Document Types: Agendas, contracts, correspondence, emails, evaluation criteria, guidelines, Memoranda, minutes of meetings, policies, procedures, project plans, proposals, rulings, surveys, statements of work, statistical reports.

Record Number: FIN FSP 004

Other Issues

Description: Other information on policies related to Canada's financial institutions and markets, such as directors' liability; environmental liability, and small business financing, information on relationships with parliamentary committees, parliamentarians and other government agencies and departments in the area of policy development.

Document Types: Agendas, contracts, correspondence, evaluation criteria, Memoranda, minutes of meetings, policies, procedures, proposals, project plans, statements of work, statistical reports, surveys.

Record Number: FIN FSP 157


Description: Information related to payments systems, including: the Department's oversight responsibilities over Payments Canada's activities and its clearance and settlement systems; the development of a new retail payments supervisory regime, and policies and regulations regarding credit and debit card networks.

Document Types: Agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, memorandums, minutes of meetings, presentations, reports.

Record Number: FIN FSP 007


Description: Information related to private pension plans in Canada, the legislative and regulatory framework for federally regulated private pension plans, developments in provincial pension legislative frameworks, initiatives of the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA), international trends and developments and activities of international organizations in the area of pensions, including the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Organization of Pension Supervisors (IOPS).

Document Types: Agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, memorandums, minutes of meetings, presentations, reports.

Record Number: FIN FSP 002

Markets and Securities Policy

Description: Information on the activities of the Sustainable Finance Action Council (SFAC) and policies to develop Canada's sustainable finance market. Information on Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System, the Canadian Securities Transition Office, the regulation of capital markets including legislation, rules and policies, capital markets economic analysis and research, investor protection, securities related enforcement, fair and efficient national capital markets and the management of systemic risk in capital markets. Information on key trends in capital markets (e.g., stock exchanges, bond markets, foreign exchange markets, derivatives markets, asset management) and market reports.

Document Types: Agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, memorandums, minutes of meetings, presentations, reports.

Record Number: FIN FSP 006

Structural Initiatives related to Financial Sector Issues

Description: Information on planning and communications related to financial sector issues and priorities (including legislative and regulatory reforms) and policy development related to current issues, including policy development related to federal credit unions and cooperative credit associations. General information on the structure and operation of the financial services industry and the associated legislative and regulatory framework.

Document Types: Agendas, contracts, correspondence, emails, evaluation criteria, house cards, legislative and regulatory documents, Memoranda, minutes of meetings, policies, project plans, procedures, proposals, statements of work, surveys, statistical reports.

Record Number: FIN FID 009

International Trade and Finance

This Sub-Program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials so that they can make informed decisions on the Government of Canada's international trade and finance policy agenda. The Sub-Program develops and implements policies on trade and tariffs, international development assistance and finance, and global macroeconomic coordination in order to foster sustainable international and domestic economic growth. The Sub-Program also manages the Department of Finance Canada's participation in international financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank; regional multilateral development banks, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; and international economic coordination groups, such as the G7, the G20 and the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum.


Description: Information on the negotiations and the development of policies on international agreements between Canada and other countries (e.g., Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with the EU) and between other countries.

Document Types: Agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, house cards.

Record Number: FIN IER 565


Description: Information on anti-dumping actions taken, including statements of reasons, decisions and panel (either World Trade Organization or North America Free Trade Agreement review of those decisions; Canadian commodities, cases other than steel, steel cases.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, Memoranda.

Record Number: FIN IER 551

Canada - United States Free Trade Agreement, North America Free Trade Agreement, Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement

Description: Information on initial tariff reductions negotiated with the United States and Mexico, accelerated tariff reductions following domestic industry consultations, rules of origin regarding which goods are entitled to preferential tariff treatment, special safeguard provisions for agricultural products (surtax).

Document Types:  Agreements, articles of the agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN TAR 695

Canada - United States of America, and Mexico Trade Agreement

Description: Information on the development and implementation of policies affecting trade relations between Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico.

Document Types: Agreements, correspondence, briefing notes, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN IER 557

Canada United States Trade Agreement

Description: Information on the development and implementation of policies affecting trade relations between Canada and the United States of America, i.e. anti-trust and business acquisition; Chapter 18, Chapter 19 panel; contingency protection; customs and tariffs; sectoral matters agriculture, automotive and aerospace, energy and the environment; mining and metals.

Document Types: Agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN IER 553

Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement

Description: Information on the development and implementation of policies affecting trade relations between Canada and Chile.

Document Types: Agreements, articles of the Agreements briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN WTO 001

Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement

Description: Information on the development and implementation of policies affecting trade relations between Canada and Israel.

Document Types: Agreements, articles of the Agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN WTO 002

Canadian Development Assistance Programs

Description: General information on the Canadian government's international assistance to developing countries and regions including Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East, as well as the Commonwealth and La Francophonie. It covers bilateral and multilateral allocations to global public goods such as health, food security, climate change, and peace and security, as well as responses to humanitarian crises. It may include committees, conferences, meetings, programs, reviews. It includes information on the federal government organizations that administer these programs, including Global Affairs Canada, the International Development Research Centre and FinDev Canada.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, Memoranda, projects, reports, reviews.

Record Number: FIN IFD 625

Commonwealth Relations

Description: Information on the administration, programs and policies of the Commonwealth and its organizations and the Canadian government's position on these policies and programs. This covers developmental assistance and technical cooperation in areas such as finance, food security, rural development, education, trade, and economic development. It may also include Commonwealth organizations, Commonwealth Secretariat administration, committees, conferences of Commonwealth officials, and meetings (heads of government, ministers).

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, Memoranda.

Record Number: FIN IFD 630

Economic and Statistical Reports on International Economic and Financial Activity

Description: Information on the global economy and international economic and financial activity (ie. Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy), other industrialized Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, the European Union; emerging market economies, such as the BRICS (e.g. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, reports.

Record Number: FIN IFD 610

European Union Trade Relations

Description: Information on the development and implementation of trade policies affecting trade relations between Canada and the European Union, including agriculture policy, external economic relations, policies; tariff and trade issues.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, Memoranda.

Record Number: FIN IER 554

Export Finance Programs

Description: Information on the administration, policies and programs of Export Development Canada, the Canadian Commercial Corporation set up by the federal government to facilitate and develop trade between Canada and other countries, long term export financing and financing projects; insurance and investment; and provisions for sovereign and commercial exposure.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, Memoranda.

Record Number: FIN IFD 635

Francophone Relations

Description: Information in regards to Canada's relations with La Francophonie, in particular activities of Global Affairs Canada, cooperation initiatives of the international Organisation of La Francophonie, and the Francophonie program for developing country partners.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, reports.

Record Number: FIN IFD 633

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Description: Information on the preparation of detailed positions on tariff matters, customs valuation (where customs authorities assign a monetary value to a good or service for the purpose of import or export), and the conduct of negotiations on multilateral trade issues under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

Document Types: Article XXVIII renegotiations for the multilateral reduction of customs duties, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN TAR 690

General Agreement on World Trade Organization

Description: Information on the development of policies, negotiations, decisions, reports, meetings, joint committee review of member countries subsidies, countervailing and anti-dumping legislation on the General Agreement on World Trade Organization.

Document Types: Articles of agreement, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN WTO 003

International Economic and Financial Relations

Description: Information on international economic and financial relations, including bilaterally and through international economic for a with other countries; G-7; G-20; Five Finance Ministers, Finance Ministers from member countries of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation; Finance Ministers of the Americas and Caribbean.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN IFD 605

International Financial Institutions - Individual Institutions

Description: Information on the administration, policies, and programs of individual institutions and the Canadian government's position on these policies and programs. Covers World Bank Group (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Development Association; International Finance Corporation; Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes); African Development Bank; African Development Fund; Asian Development Bank; Asian Development Fund; Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; Caribbean Development Bank; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Inter-American Development Bank; and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, publications, reports.

Record Number: FIN IFD 645

International Monetary Fund

Description: Information on the administration, operation and policies of the International Monetary Fund and Canada's membership in it. Includes information on executive directors, financial operations, lending facilities of the International Monetary Fund; resources of the International Monetary Fund (gold, quotas, special drawing rights, standing borrowing arrangements); International Monetary and Financial committee; international liquidity; relations - other countries.

Document Types: Agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, Memoranda, publications, reports.

Record Number: FIN IFD 600

International Trade Relations

Description: Information on the conduct and formulation of specific trade policies, including Trade Agreements in force or under negotiation - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; World Trade Organization; Free Trade Agreement; North America Free Trade Agreement; Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation; Free Trade Area of the Americas; automotive agreement; Canadian customs and tariffs; Canadian International Trade Tribunal references/studies; commodities - general textile, conferences, committees and meetings, includes international energy conferences, International Energy Agency, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. bilateral trade and economic relations; countervailing duties economic sanctions; Investment Policy, countries - review process; relations with Global Affairs Canada and Canada Border Services Agency; Special Import Measures Act subsidies; anti-dumping; government procurements; safeguards measures.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, reports.

Record Number: FIN IER 550

Multilateral Coordination of Aid and Export Financing

Description: Information on international policies, programs and projects to provide financial and other assistance to promote development. This includes information on development assistance programs of inter-governmental groups, such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, its Development Assistance Committee and Development Centre, meetings, reporting, programs, working parties and groups, Export Credits Group documents, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits, and practices of other export credit agencies.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN IFD 660

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Description: Information on the activities of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, including reports, analysis and positions of Canada with respect to activities of specific committees - including Economic and Development Review Committee, Economic Policy Committee, Investment Committee, and Ministerial Council Meeting.

Document Types: Briefing notes, Committee and meeting reports, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN IER 556

Other Import Measures

Description: Other information on the importation of goods into Canada, including information on the preferential treatment accorded to some countries, specific commodities, customs tariffs and duties and the government agencies that administer these tariffs and duties. Includes international commodity group; Canadian customs; Canadian customs tariff; border carbon adjustments; Canadian International Trade Tribunal; generalized system of preferences country files.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, house cards.

Record Number: FIN TAR 595

Other International Organizations

Description: Information on the administration, operations, and policies of international organizations dealing with international economic relations. United Nations; European communities; European Free Trade Area, European Economic Community, European Free Trade Association, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Includes information on the policies, programs, and reports on the activities of international organizations and the Canadian government's position on their policies, programs, and reports.

Document Types: Reports, correspondence, briefing notes, and house cards

Record Number: FIN IER 560

Special Import Measures

Description: Information on measures in respect of the importation of subsidized or dumped goods. Covers international anti-dumping, international countervailing duties, Special Import Measures Act, Canadian International Trade Tribunal, commodities, Canadian countervailing duties, low cost imports.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house, cards, reports.

Record Number: FIN IER 590

Tariff Items

Description: Information on representations from industry for specific changes reductions or elimination of rates of customs duty duties for individual tariff items or classes of items, rules of origin regarding which goods are entitled to preferential tariff treatment, concessionary codes according lower rates of duty for specific end-uses, and the Harmonized System , the internationally standardized system of names and numbers for classifying goods, developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization.

Document Types: Amendments, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, Harmonized System conversion, house cards.

Record Number: FIN TAR 700

Tariff Policy

Description: General information on the development of policies on customs tariffs and trade, including acts, legislation, agreements, tariff simplification; bilateral and multilateral trade agreements; surtaxes; remissions and drawbacks; preferences for developing countries; marking of imported goods; Canadian International Trade Tribunal procedures; orders in council.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, draft legislation and supporting documents, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN TAR 675

United Nations

Description: Information on the administration, policies, and programs of the United Nations and the Government of Canada's position on these policies and programs. Covers economic commissions (Europe) and committees; United Nations General Assembly economic and social committees(ad hoc) the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) session, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, international economic order, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (the London Convention), peacekeeping operations, programs, the United Nations Secretariat, Security Council, specialized agencies, financial operations and special United Nations summits.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN IFD 665

United Nations Agencies

Description: Information on the administration, policies, and programs of the agencies of the United Nations and the Canadian government's position on these policies and programs. Covers United Nations Conference on Trade and Development administration, committees, and conferences, financial operations; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - Trade and Development Board, permanent committee, sessions, transfer of technology; United Nations Development Programmes administration, financial operations, Economic and Social Council commissions, committees - standing, trans national corporation; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; United Nations Environmental Programme governing council; Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations conferences and meetings, council, world food publications; United Nations Industrial Development Organization conferences and meetings, International Atomic Energy Agency administration, conferences and meetings, financial operations, nuclear power; United Nations Children's Fund; International Fund for Agricultural Development; International Labour Organization administration, conferences; Law of the Sea and Ocean Dumping Convention - administration, conferences and meetings, negotiating issues; Pan American Health Organization; United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East; World Food Programme committees; World Health Organization administration, financial operations; World Health Assembly.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN IFD 670

Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs

This Program enables the Government of Canada to meet its transfer and taxation payment commitments. The Program administers transfer and taxation payments to provinces and territories and Indigenous governments in compliance with legislation and negotiated agreements. The Program also fulfills commitments and agreements with international financial organizations to support the economic advancement of developing countries. The Government of Canada sometimes enters into agreements or enacts legislation to respond to unforeseen pressures. These commitments can result in payments, generally statutory transfer payments, to a variety of recipients, including individuals, organizations and other levels of government.

Fiscal Arrangements with Provinces and Territories

This Sub-Program ensures that the Government of Canada's fiscal arrangements with provinces and territories are efficiently managed. The Sub-Program administers transfer payments to provinces and territories in compliance with legislation and negotiated agreements. In addition, the Sub-Program sometimes provides additional, time-limited, targeted support to provinces and territories in areas of shared priorities. The Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Fiscal Equalization (Part I—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act); Territorial Formula Financing (Part I.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act); Canada Health Transfer (Part V.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act); Canada Social Transfer (Part V.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act); Statutory Subsidies (Constitution Act, 1867Constitution Act1982, and other statutory authorities); Additional Fiscal Equalization to Nova Scotia (Part I—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act); Additional Fiscal Equalization Offset Payment to Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador Additional Fiscal Equalization Offset Payments Act); Youth Allowances Recovery (Federal-Provincial Fiscal Revision Act, 1964); and Alternative Payments for Standing Programs (Part VI—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act).

Canada Health and Social Transfer

Description: Information on the level of federal transfers to provinces and territories in support of health care, post-secondary education, social assistance and social services, including early childhood development and early learning and childcare.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, presentations, statistics.

Record Number: FIN SPD 307

Canada Health Transfer

Description: Information on the level of federal transfers to provinces and territories in support of health. The Canada Health Transfer provides long-term, growing support for health care to provincial and territorial governments, and is legislated to grow in line with a three-year moving average of nominal GDP, with total funding guaranteed to increase by at least 3 percent per year. It supports the government's commitment to maintain the national criteria and conditions of the Canada Health Act (comprehensiveness, universality, portability, accessibility, and public administration and the prohibitions against user fees and extra-billing). Canada Health Transfer payments have been deducted for violations in relation to extra billing and user charges. Deductions may be reimbursed once provinces and territories have taken corrective actions.

Document Types: Background papers, briefing notes, consultations, correspondence, decision records, draft legislation and regulations, emails, evaluations, house cards, Orders in Council, plans, policies, presentations, publications, , regulatory impact analysis statements, reports, statistics, studies.

Record Number: FIN FPR 230

Canada Social Transfer

Description: Information on the level of federal transfers to provinces and territories in support of post-secondary education, social assistance and social services, early childhood development and early learning and childcare. The Canada Social Transfer provides long-term, growing support to provincial and territorial governments to assist them in financing social programs, postsecondary education, and programs for children, and is legislated to grow by 3 per cent annually. The transfer is provided to provinces and territories on a largely unconditional basis with the exception of minimum residency requirements in the provision of social assistance. The provinces and territories are not required to report on how CST funds are disbursed. Payments for these major transfers are made in accordance with the terms and conditions established in the FPFAA and associated regulations.

Document Types: Background papers, briefing notes, consultations, correspondence, decision records, draft legislation and regulations, emails, evaluations, house cards, plans, Orders in Council, policies, presentations, publications, reports, statistics, studies, Regulatory impact analysis statements.

Record Number: FIN FPR 240

Equalization and Policy Development

Description: Information on Equalization program. Equalization payments are made to eligible provincial governments in fulfillment of the constitutional commitment to ensure provincial governments have sufficient revenues to provide reasonably comparable levels of public services at reasonably comparable levels of taxation.

Document Types: Background papers, briefing notes, consultations, correspondence, decision records, draft legislation and regulations, emails, evaluations, house cards, Orders in Council, plans, policies, presentations, publications, speeches, reports, statistics, studies. regulatory impact analysis statements.

Record Number: FIN FPR 210

Fiscal Arrangements

Description: Information on transfer programs such as the Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer, Equalization, and Territorial Formula Financing.

Document Types: Background papers, briefing notes, consultations, correspondence, decision records, draft legislation and regulations, evaluations, house cards, Orders in Council, plans, policies, presentations, publications, reports, speeches, statistics, studies, regulatory impact analysis statements.

Record Number: FIN FPR 205

Territorial Formula Financing and Northern Policy Development

Description: Information on the Territorial Formula Financing program for Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. Territorial Formula Financing achieves the same objective for all three territorial governments, recognizing the unique circumstances in the North. The payments are made in accordance with the terms and conditions established in the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act and associated regulations.

Document Types: Background papers, briefing notes, consultations, correspondence, decision records, draft legislation, emails, evaluations, house cards, plans, policies, presentations, publications, reports, statistics, studies,  regulatory impact analysis statements.

Record Number: FIN FPR 220

Trust Funds

Description: Information on third-party trust funds administered by the Federal-Provincial Relations Division. A third-party trust fund is a financial vehicle used by the Government of Canada to provide funding to provinces and territories.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards.

Record Number: FIN FPR 255

Wait Times Reduction Transfer

Description: Information on the level of federal transfers to provinces and territories to reduce wait times according to their respective priorities. The government provided support for the development and implementation of patient wait time guarantees and vaccination against human papillomavirus to protect against cervical cancer. The payments are made in accordance with the terms and conditions established in associated legislation and regulations.

Document Types: Background papers, briefing notes, consultations, correspondence, evaluations, house cards, presentations,  reports, statistics, studies.

Record Number: FIN FPR 250

Tax Collection and Administration Agreements

This Sub-Program ensures that the Government of Canada's tax collection and administration obligations and arrangements and other tax policy-related payments are efficiently managed. The Sub-Program manages the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, the First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act, and payments to provinces and territories and Indigenous governments in compliance with the terms and conditions of Tax Collection Agreements, Tax Administration Agreements, and Comprehensive Integrated Tax Coordination Agreements. Payments relate to provincial and territorial personal income tax and corporate income tax, provincial revenue entitlements associated with the harmonized sales tax, and Indigenous sales and income taxes. The Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Incentive for Provinces to Eliminate Taxes on Capital (Part IV—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act).

Intergovernmental Taxation

Description: Information on the administration of federal provincial income Tax Collection Agreements; and of Tax Administration Agreements with Indigenous governments. Specifically, this includes information on: federal-provincial meetings, provincial budgets, administration and negotiation of Tax Collection Agreements, provincial legislation and the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act. Includes information on Indigenous tax policy issues such as court cases, issues related to the Indian Act, self-government and comprehensive claims, Tax Administration Agreements, First Nation government tax powers, treatment of First Nation government institutions, and First Nations taxation (policy, tax exemption).

Document Types: Contracts; general information material; legal issues (including court settlements); legislation and agreements; liaison documents - federal, provincial, Indigenous governments and other interested parties; payment calculations and requisitions.

Record Number: FIN TPB 768

Commitments to International Financial Organizations

This Sub-Program ensures that the Government of Canada's commitments to international financial organizations are efficiently funded. The Sub-Program administers the payments and capital subscriptions for Canada's commitments to international financial institutions, such as the International Development Association of the World Bank, and other regional multilateral development banks, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Payments to the International Development Association; Debt Payments on Behalf of Poor Countries to International Organizations Pursuant to section 18(1) of the Economic Recovery Act (stimulus); and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the Agriculture Advance Market Commitment (Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, section 8).

International Programs

Description: General information on programs and events in developing countries and payments made in respect of multilateral debt reduction agreements, and at the Paris Club, an informal group of international creditors who negotiate solutions to address debt-related issues of creditor's countries.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards

Record Number: FIN IFD 615

Receipts From AND Payments to Individuals AND Organizations

This Sub-Program ensures that payments owed to and due from individuals and organizations are efficiently managed. The Sub-Program administers payments in compliance with the agreed terms and conditions. The Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Harbourfront Centre Funding Program (Vote 5).

Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative

Description: Information on the participation of the Government of Canada in the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative and on the management of the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative contribution program. The Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative is both an infrastructure and an urban renewal investment. The Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation is the not-for-profit entity mandated with leading and implementing the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative. Funding from the three levels of government has been provided to the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation through contribution agreements for infrastructure projects such as the creation of parks, green spaces, and recreation facilities. Federal Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative funding has supported over 50 public infrastructure projects, including Canada's Sugar Beach, Sherbourne Park and the Don River Park. Federal funding for Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative projects sunsets on March 31, 2013, and the Secretariat supporting the initiative winds up by March 31, 2014.

Document Types: Briefing notes, contribution agreements, correspondence, emails.

Record Number: FIN EDD 001

Harbourfront Centre Funding Program

Description: Information on the management of the Harbourfront Centre Funding Program. The primary objective of the Harbourfront Centre Funding Program is to provide operational funding support to Harbourfront Centre, a not-for-profit organization that offers cultural and recreational programming on the Toronto waterfront. Such support assists Harbourfront Centre in covering its fixed operational costs and also facilitates Harbourfront Centre's ability to leverage funding from other levels of government and to pursue other revenue-generating strategies. The Harbourfront Centre Funding Program was renewed in 2011 for five years ending on March 31, 2016.

Document Types: Briefing notes, contribution agreements, correspondence emails.

Record Number: FIN EDD 002

Treasury and Financial Affairs

This Program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the management of the treasury and the financial affairs of the Government of Canada. The Program ensures that the treasury and financial affairs of the Government of Canada are efficiently managed on behalf of Canadian taxpayers. The Program provides strategic direction on Canada's debt management activities to ensure that the Government of Canada can fund its financial requirements on a timely and effective basis, i.e., refinancing government debt coming to maturity, payment of interest costs, and the execution of the Budget Plan. This Program manages investments in financial assets so that the Government of Canada can meet its liquidity needs. The Program provides advice on green, social and sustainable themed debt issues, including management of the federal government's green bond program. The Program supports other financial operations of the government, including governance of the borrowing activities of major federal government-backed entities, such as Crown corporations. The Program also oversees the system that ensures that Canada has an adequate supply of circulating Canadian currency (banknotes and coins) to meet the needs of the Canadian economy.

Federal Debt Management

This Sub-Program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the management of the federal market debt to ensure that the Government of Canada can fund its financial requirements on a timely and effective basis. This Sub-Program provides strategic direction for Canada's debt management activities, including the issuance of a diversified range of debt instruments to fund the Government, i.e., refinancing of government debt coming to maturity, payment of interest costs and the execution of the Budget Plan. This Sub-Program also provides advice on green, social and sustainable themed debt issues, including management of the federal government's green bond program.

Canada Savings Bonds

Description: Information on the history of Canada investment and savings; Bank of Canada; committees; co-operation and liaison - departments and agencies, international, provincial; treasury evaluation program; executive management reporting; product development and management; non-marketable bond product line; taxation and legislation; post-campaign audit; marketable securities; public relations - media; sales and distribution; payroll savings plan; information technology; projects.

Document Types: Advertising market research, agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, presentations, reports

Record Number: FIN CIS 170

Debt Management

Description: Describes records relating to cash management activities that ensure the Government has sufficient funds to meet its financial requirements. Includes information on domestic debt strategy planning, programs and reporting, including the Debt Management Report and the Debt Management Strategy, and the Funds Management Governance Framework. Records may also include information on legislative authority and documentation governing the Government of Canada's borrowing limit and debt management activities. Also contains records related to the Retail Debt Program, Canada's Budget 2021 commitment to issue Green Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds and Canada Premium Bonds.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, minutes of meetings, presentations, reports.

Record Number: FIN FSP 008

Public Debt

Description: Information on bonds and bonding - costs of issuing new loans - Bank of Canada; domestic borrowing - swap agreements; foreign currency borrowing; unmatured debt; accrued interest; interest due and outstanding; Interest expense; matured debt; redemption of interest and principal; specified purpose accounts - annuities, claims, deposit, and trust accounts; Government of Canada marketable bonds; investments by the Government in Purchase and Resale Agreements; non marketable bonds - Canada Savings Bonds; public accounts; revolving standby credit facilities; statements and statistics; securities investment account; source documents; green bonds; social and sustainable bonds; Treasury bills; trust.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, presentations, reports.

Record Number: FIN ADM 795

Bonds and Securities

Description: Information on Debt management policies; bonds; cancellation of securities; Government of Canada bonds; perpetual bonds 3% 1936; real return bonds; green bonds, social and sustainable bonds; securities deposit matters; Treasury bills; wartime loans and bonds; information on specific Government of Canada bonds is filed by date of issue.

Document Types: Briefing notes, correspondence, emails, , memorandums, presentations, reports.

Record Number: FIN DMD 165

Canada Investment and Savings

Description: Information on the History of Canada Investment and Savings; Canada Savings Bond; Bank of Canada; Committees; Cooperation and liaison - Departments and agencies, International, Provincial; Treasury evaluation program; executive management reporting; product development and management; non-market table bond product line; taxation and legislation; post-campaign audit; marketable securities; advertising; market research; public relations / media; sales and distribution; payroll savings plan; information technology; projects.

Document Types: Advertising, annual reports, agreements, briefing notes, business plans, correspondence, emails, market research presentations, reports,

Record Number: FIN CIS 001

Major Federal-Backed Entities Borrowing

This Sub-Program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the borrowing activities of major entities that are backed by the full faith and credit of the government such as Crown corporations and similar entities. The Sub-Program ensures that major federal government-backed entities receive timely and effective funding and that their borrowing is cost-effective and compliant with the principles of prudent risk management.

Financing Abroad

Description: Information on the borrowing of money in other countries by the federal, provincial and municipal governments and by Canadian corporations.

Document Types: Correspondence, house cards, emails, Memoranda, research papers, reports.

Record Number: FIN FPR 175

Prudential Liquidity and Reserves Management

This Sub-Program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the management of prudential liquidity and reserves. This Sub-Program ensures that foreign exchange reserves are managed to provide liquidity to the Government and to promote orderly conditions for the Canadian dollar in the foreign exchange markets, if required.  This Sub-Program also ensures sufficient Prudential Liquidity in the form of domestic cash deposits and foreign exchange reserves to safeguard the Government's ability to meet payment obligations in situations where normal access to funding markets may be disrupted or delayed.

Official International Reserves, Exchange Rates and Risk Management

Description: Information on official international reserves including the Exchange Fund Account, the external value of the Canadian dollar, foreign exchange, market and credit risks and treasury management and risk policies including the Currency Act, the swap program to fund the foreign exchange reserves, and IMF funding and hedging transactions.

Document Types: Agreements, briefing notes, correspondence, emails, house cards, memorandums, minutes of meetings, presentations, reports.

Record Number: FIN FAD 185

Domestic Currency System

This Sub-Program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the currency system, which involves the production of banknotes by the Bank of Canada and the circulation of coinage by the Royal Canadian Mint. The Sub-Program ensures that the Government of Canada has a cost-effective, adequate and robust supply of domestic currency to meet the needs of the Canadian economy.

Capital Markets

Description: Information on the federal government's involvement in capital markets and on capital markets development in the areas of foreign exchange, bonds and equities, venture capital, pension funds, hedge funds, mutual funds, and stock exchanges. Investment and pension policy, Canadian dollar and market reports, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, capital markets research, Investment and pension policy.

Document Types: Correspondence, emails, financial reports, funding agreements, house cards, Memoranda, research papers.

Record Number: FIN CMD 140

Government Financing

Description: Information on Crown corporation borrowings, financial risk management, and capital and dividend policy, project financing and loan guarantees, treasury audit and evaluation and the Consolidated Borrowing Program.

Document Types: Agreements, contracts, correspondence, emails, guidelines, Memoranda, reports, research papers.

Record Number: FIN FSP 011

Internal Services

Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization, and not those provided to a specific program. The groups of activities are Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; and Acquisition Services.

Acquisition Services

Acquisition services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfill a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.

Communications Services

Communications services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well-coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public—internal or external—receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.

Financial Management Services

Financial management services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.

Human Resources Management Services

Human resources management services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies and plans.

Information Management Services

Information management services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations.

Information Technology Services

Information technology services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public.

Legal Services

Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.

Management and Oversight Services

Management and oversight services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies or plans.

Materiel Services

Materiel services involve activities undertaken to ensure that materiel can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Travel and Other Administrative Services

Travel and other administrative services include Government of Canada travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.

Classes of Personal Information

In the course of conducting the programs and activities of the Department of Finance Canada, personal information may be accumulated that is not contained in the specific information banks described in this entry. This information exists in a fragmented form throughout the subject files of the Department. This information is stored as part of the general subject files, where records are normally retrieved by the name of the individual or other personal identifier. This form of information is retrievable only if specifics are provided concerning the subject matter, related departmental activity, as well as the date at which the information was received by the Department and to whom it was addressed.

The personal information contained in the subject files is retained for the same period of time as the related subject information and disposed of according to the appropriate record schedules.


Additional Information

Formal Access to Information Requests

Please see the Introduction to Info Source for information on formal access procedures under the provisions of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. The Department's Access to Information and Privacy Division's website includes links to request forms and contact information.

Completed Access to Information Requests

The Government of Canada encourages the release of information through requests outside of the formal ATIP process. Records released in response to completed Access to Information Act requests processed by the Department can be obtained informally. A list of completed request summaries and contact information for making a request are available here.

Privacy Impact Assessments

The Department of Finance Canada conducts Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) to ensure that privacy implications will be appropriately identified, assessed and resolved before a new or substantially modified program or activity involving personal information is implemented. Summaries of completed PIAs are available here.

For additional information about the programs and activities of the Department of Finance Canada please contact:

Consultations and Communications Branch
Department of Finance Canada
14th floor
90 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5

Phone: 343-548-2818
Facsimile: 613-369-4065
TTY: 613-369-3230

Reading Room

In accordance with the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, areas on the premises of this institution have been designated as public reading rooms. The addresses are:

Access to Information and Privacy Office
90 Elgin Street, 10th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
Finance Canada Library
90 Elgin Street, 9th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario

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