Minister of Finance and acting Minister responsible for Intergovernmental Affairs and Internal Trade, Bill Morneau, met with Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Dwight Ball on electricity rate mitigation


September 3, 2019 – Ottawa, Ontario – Department of Finance Canada

Minister Bill Morneau today issued the following statement following a meeting with Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Dwight Ball to discuss electricity rate mitigation and the Lower Churchill projects:

“On August 7 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Dwight Ball met to discuss the important issue of electricity rate mitigation and the Lower Churchill projects.

The Government of Canada has provided two rounds of significant financial support to the projects, which have lowered the costs of those projects. 

Today Premier Ball and I continued the positive discussions on the Lower Churchill projects and agreed to work together to ensure progress toward the Province stabilizing electricity rates for the benefit of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. I’ve assured Premier Ball that Department of Finance officials would continue to work closely with his government on this matter over the next few months.”


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Pierre-Olivier Herbert 
Director of Media Relations
Office of the Minister of Finance 

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Department of Finance Canada

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