Archived - Fiscal Reference Tables October 2018
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The Fiscal Reference Tables provide annual data on the financial position of the federal, provincial-territorial and local governments. The data are presented on both a Public Accounts basis—corresponding to the accounting conventions used to report financial information to the respective legislatures—as well as on a National Accounts basis—as prepared by Statistics Canada and the International Monetary Fund.
The Fiscal Reference Tables for the Federal Government—Public Accounts have been revised to reflect the following changes:
- A restatement of the 2008-09 to 2016-17 results to reflect a change in the Government's discount rate methodology used in determining the present value of its unfunded pension obligations, which includes a restatement of direct program expenses, public debt charges, the budgetary balance, public sector pension liabilities and the accumulated deficit.
- The reclassification of certain figures to conform to the current year's presentation.
The Fiscal Reference Tables for Provincial Governments—Public Accounts have been revised to reflect the following change:
- Ontario revenue and expenditure data from 2005-06 onward are not directly comparable with earlier years as they have been restated to reflect a presentation change for hospitals, school boards and colleges. Third-party revenue for these organizations, previously netted against sector expenses, is now classified as revenue. This does not impact the Province's annual surplus/deficit results or net debt.
- Ontario expenditure, balance and net debt figures from 2016-17 onward are not directly comparable with earlier years as they have been restated to reflect a change in accounting for pension assets of jointly sponsored pension plans.
Where applicable, the Fiscal Reference Tables also incorporate recent Statistics Canada National Accounts revisions.
For information or clarification, please contact Bradley Recker at 613-369-5667, Fiscal Policy Division, Department of Finance, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G5.
- 1. Fiscal transactions (millions of dollars)
2. Fiscal transactions (per cent of GDP)
3. Revenues (millions of dollars)
4. Revenues (per cent of GDP)
5. Revenues (per cent of total)
6. Other taxes and duties
7. Expenses (millions of dollars)
8. Expenses (per cent of GDP)
9. Expenses (per cent of total)
10. Major transfers to persons
11. Major transfers to other levels of government
12. Direct program expenses
13. Public debt charges
14. Interest-bearing debt
15. Total liabilities, net debt and the accumulated deficit
16. Unmatured debt held by outside parties
17. Actual, cyclically adjusted and cyclically adjusted primary budgetary balances
- 18. Newfoundland and Labrador
19. Prince Edward Island
20. Nova Scotia
21. New Brunswick
22. Quebec
23. Ontario
24. Manitoba
25. Saskatchewan
26. Alberta
27. British Columbia
28. Yukon
29. Northwest Territories
30. Nunavut
31. All provinces and territories (millions of dollars)
32. All provinces and territories (per cent of GDP)
- 33. General government revenue
34. General government expense
35. General government saving and capital and financial account
36. Federal government revenue
37. Federal government expense
38. Federal government saving and capital and financial account
39. Provincial and territorial government revenue
40. Provincial and territorial government expense
41. Provincial and territorial government saving and capital and financial account
42. Local government revenue
43. Local government expense
44. Local government saving and capital and financial account
45. Total Canada Pension Plan and Québec Pension Plan
46. Total government actual, cyclically adjusted and cyclically adjusted primary budgetary balances
47. Federal government liabilities and assets
48. Provincial, local and Aboriginal governments' liabilities and assets
49. Social security funds
50. Total government liabilities and assets
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