RCA Band and British Band of the Household Cavalry wow audiences in Edmonton region

October 16, 2023 - Cpl Jordan Smale, Royal Canadian Artillery Band

From Sept. 11 to 15, the Royal Canadian Artillery Band (RCA Band) had the pleasure and honour of hosting the Band of the Household Cavalry from the United Kingdom.

While our friends from the U.K. were visiting, we had a few events throughout the week to celebrate their time with us, including two concerts in Edmonton and Fort Saskatchewan.

The visit started with excitement from the RCA Band members, though we were a little unsure if we would have enough chairs, music stands and space to fit their 50 band members plus our 30 members all in one room! To some surprise, we were able to fit everyone (and their instruments) in the band room, which made for a loud—but very enjoyable—first rehearsal on Sept. 11.

In this first combined rehearsal, we prepared for the two upcoming concerts later in the week, on Sept. 13 and 15, and we finished the day with a social meet and greet at the garrison curling club. Band members were thrilled to get to know each other and learn about the similarities and differences between the bands and military life in the U.K. and Canada.

Later that week, on Sept. 13, the combined bands of the RCA and Household Cavalry hosted their first concert on the Centre Stage at West Edmonton Mall. Prior to the concert, chamber groups from both ensembles—including brass quintets and jazz combos—set up at different areas in the mall for a pre-show to entertain bustling shoppers. Though the staff at West Edmonton Mall forgot to turn off the mall’s background music during our show, the concert was very well received and enjoyed by the audience.

On Sept. 15, we held our final concert at the Shell Theatre in Fort Saskatchewan. A notable part of the concert was a performance by the Household Cavalry’s State Trumpeters of Charles Gounod’s March Militaire. Both bands combined for some final tunes together, including a suite of movie marches by John Williams, and Williams’ very moving and sombre Hymn to the Fallen. We finished our show with an encore to a happy and excited audience, and said our farewells to the Household Cavalry Band as they departed Canada for the U.K. the following day.

As a token of friendship, our Director of Music, Captain Curtis Bain presented a gift to the director of the Household Cavalry Band, Major Craig Bywater, who then presented the RCA Band with a gift as well.

Our time with the Household Cavalry Band was short, but busy. In the span of one week we managed to get together, rehearse and present two public concerts. We look forward to future collaborations with the Household Cavalry Band.

If you missed us in September, be sure to make it out to our free, family friendly holiday concert on Dec. 11 at the Winspear Centre! 


The combined bands of the Royal Canadian Artillery and Household Cavalry during their concert at the Shell Theatre in Fort Saskatchewan, Sask. on Sept. 15.

Photo by MBdr Samantha Hunt, Royal Canadian Artillery Band

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