60 seconds with BGen Greg Smith, Director General Intelligence Enterprise

Video / July 8, 2021


Hi. I'm BGen Greg Smith and I'm the Director General of Intelligence Enterprise and therefore responsible for the Defence Intelligence Enterprise Renewal and I'm here to do 60 Seconds with.

Go! Upside down. “Homebody or outdoorsy?”
Well, last year and a half, I've been very in the house, but now, I'm out of the house.

Upside again. “How will the Defence Intelligence Enterprise Renewal impact the Defence Team?”
We're gonna become better integrated so that we have better intelligence for Canada.

“Name a small change you’ve made that has had a positive impact on your life.”
I actually share books with my 18-year-old daughter. So I get to read what she reads and it's expanding my mind a little bit.

“Who does the DIER impact?”
Well, most immediately, anybody that works in intelligence within the Defence Department, but I would say much larger, it's gonna impact everybody.

Go! “What is your guilty pleasure?”
What's my guilty pleasure? Belgian beer. Let's go with that.

“What personal belonging would you bring to a deserted island?”
My iPad. Yeah, anyways.

“What changes can be expected from the DIER in the short and long term?”
Short term, we're gonna have a joint intelligence operation centre stand-up, we're gonna start integrating intelligence better. Longer term, we're gonna have a better overall enterprise for intelligence.

Oh! What did I get? Seven? Ah. Cut.

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