MWO Tonya Pugh, Preventive Medicine Advisor, took the 60 Seconds challenge
Video / October 30, 2020
"Tell us an interesting fun fact about you."
Fun fact: I've never been to Halifax when there wasn't a hurricane.
Hi. My name is MWO Tonya Pugh and I'm a PMed Tech with the Director of Force Health Protection. I'm here today to do the 60 Seconds Challenge.
"What is preventive medicine?"
It's the protection of health and well-being in order to prevent illness and disease.
"What's the coolest thing about being a PMed Tech?"
The variety. Every day, you go into work and you have a new adventure that you probably didn't expect.
"What were your contributions as a PMed Tech during Op GLOBE as part of the Canadian Armed Forces COVID-19 response?"
I met with other governmental and prevention agencies in order to review the public health requirements.
"What does a typical work day look like for you?"
Typically, I'm responsible to provide public health advice. Right now, almost all of it is COVID-19 related.
"What does diversity mean to you?"
It means that everybody has individual differences, but we're all provided equal opportunities.
"What are the prerequisite skills to become a PMed Tech in the Canadian Armed Forces?"
Anyone in the CAF can apply as long as they make trade-level training.
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