CDS Distinguished Achievement Award

June 19, 2020 - Defence Stories

Video / June 19, 2020


(Andrew McKelvey) Hello once again, Defence Team Members and welcome back to the 2020 Virtual Celebrating Excellence Awards taking place during National Public Service Week. The fifth and final award of the 2020 Virtual Celebrating Excellence Awards is the CDS Distinguished Achievement Award.

This award is presented to full-time and part-time Non-Public Funds (NPF) individual employees who have had a positive and substantial impact, directly or indirectly on the CAF or the CAF community.

This year there are 2 recipients of the award. They are:

Sandra (Suhn-drah) Campbell, for her work on the conceptual development and implementation of a modernized and culturally relevant approach to family violence awareness and services in Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) family communities.

Raewen Pappas, (Ray-win Pap-pas), for her instrumental role in enhancing the Canadian Defence Community Banking Program and securing a new ten-year partnership with the Bank of Montreal and taking a leading role in developing and securing digital channels to improve the marketing reach of the CFAppreciation Program as well as increasing the financial saving to the CAF community.

Congratulations Ray-win and Sandra!

This concludes this year’s Virtual Celebrating Excellence Awards Ceremony.

A big congratulations to all this year’s winners and a special thanks to colleagues who took the time to nominate their peers.

Stay safe and healthy everyone!

This award is presented to full-time and part-time Non-Public Funds (NPF) individual employees who have had a positive and substantial impact, directly or indirectly on the CAF or the CAF community. Here are this year’s recipients.

Sandra Campbell

Awarded to: Sandra Campbell

Citation: This award is presented to Sandra Campbell, for her work on the conceptual development and implementation of a modernized and culturally relevant approach to family violence awareness and services in Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) family communities.

Virtual “Shout-out” from the Nominator:: A tremendous thank you to Sandra from CFMWS - MFS for her innovation, leadership and commitment to the conceptual development and implementation of a modernized and a culturally relevant approach to family violence awareness and services in CAF family communities. Sandra you have our gratitude and admiration for all the work you do.

Raewen Pappas

Awarded to: Raewen Pappas

Citation: This award is presented to Rawena Pappas, for her instrumental role in enhancing the Canadian Defence Community Banking Program and securing a new ten-year partnership with the Bank of Montreal and taking a leading role in developing and securing digital channels to improve the marketing reach of the CF Appreciation Program as well as increasing the financial saving to the CAF community.

Virtual “Shout-out” from the Nominator:: Through her leadership and innovation, Raewen did a truly incredible job in creating vibrant financial programs that add value, benefit to the CAF community, while ensuring these programs connect to the CFMWS Vision of improving lives. Thank you Raewen, keep up the fantastic work!

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