DM/CDS General Tom Lawson Team Builder Award

June 17, 2020 - Defence Stories

Video / June 17, 2020


(Andrew McKelvey) Hello Defence Team Members and welcome back to the 2020 Virtual Celebrating Excellence Awards.

The third award presented during this very special virtual ceremony, is the DM/CDS General Tom Lawson Team Builder Award.

This award recognizes individuals or teams who have made great strides in building the Defence Team by bringing both military and civilian staff together to meet Defence Priorities.

I am pleased to present the DM/CDS General Tom Lawson Team Builder Award to the The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre and Directorate Professional Military Conduct—Operation HONOUR Policy Collaboration Team, for steadfast commitment and collaboration on the development and review of policies aimed at providing a full range of services to victims of sexual misconduct.

Congratulations to this year’s winners, and stay tuned for more awards tomorrow!

This award recognizes individuals or teams who have made great strides in building the Defence Team by bringing both military and civilian staff together to meet Defence Priorities. Here is this year’s recipient.

Awarded to: SMRC and DPMC-OpH Policy Team

Kimberley Downey

Kimberley Downey

LCol David Ferris

LCol David Ferris

LCdr. Kevin Maarse

LCdr. Kevin Maarse

Britton MacDonald

Britton MacDonald

Maj Annie Maheux

Maj Annie Maheux

Maj Mark Roberts, Photo unavailable

Maj Mark Roberts,
Photo unavailable

Chantal Ruel

Chantal Ruel

Citation: Commended for steadfast commitment and collaboration on the development and review of policies aimed at providing a full range of services to members affected by sexual misconduct.

Virtual “Shout-out” from the Nominator: Congratulations on your remarkable commitment and collaboration on the development and comprehensive review of various policy measures aimed at providing a full range of support services to affected CAF members while instilling openness, transparency and high degree of professionalism. Despite the exceptionally complex undertaking, open and productive communication and collaboration were demonstrated throughout the process. Your combined efforts will enable the Department to address current and emerging sexual misconduct policy issues.

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