Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month 2020 - A message from the Defence Team Mental Health Co-champions

October 1st, 2020 - Defence Stories

The Defence Team celebrates Canada's Healthy Workplace Month, October 1-31, 2020


Defence Team members work in a variety of spaces – from offices, to shop floors, to operational environments, and now, for many, our homes. Thriving in the Workplace—this year’s Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month (CHWM) theme—has taken on a deeply personal meaning for many of Defence Team members who are making their home their place of work. 

As your Defence Team Mental Health Co-champions, we want kick-off the CHWM campaign by emphasizing the importance of a safe and healthy environment, no matter where your workplace is.  

This October’s CHWM campaign will be entirely virtual. The Defence Team CHWM page (launching October 2) will host a wide range of activities and resources throughout the month, including opportunities to: 

We encourage all Defence Team members to participate in the different initiatives aimed at encouraging healthy minds and bodies. 

As all of this year’s events will take place online, we encourage Defence Team members to follow DND and CAF social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay informed. Click on the social media icons at the top of the page to join any of these accounts, and stay-tuned for a month-long slate of activities.  

We look forward to being part of ongoing discussions across DND/CAF about how we can build safer, healthier workplaces for all Defence Team members.


Jody Thomas 
Deputy Minister 
Civilian Champion

LGen Mike Rouleau 
Vice Chief of the Defence Staff 
Military Champion

Mr. Jerry Ryan 
President, Federal Government Dockyard Trades
and Labour Council (East) 
Employee Champion

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