Defence Team: Delays with employee pay stubs and paper pay cheques for February 3, 2021, pay

February 1st, 2021 - Defence Strories

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is continuing to process the high volume of Program and Administrative Services (PA) group collective agreement transactions.

As such, employees may experience a delay with the following for the February 3, 2021, pay:

As of February 1, 2021, employees will be able to see the details regarding their mass retroactive payments by logging into the Phoenix Pay System and accessing the Retro Details view page.

Employees will also be able to access their pay stubs in Phoenix employees self-service. If the employee doesn’t have access to Phoenix and requires their pay stub urgently, they can contact the Client Contact Centre (CCC) to obtain a secure electronic format of their pay stub.

These delays are not anticipated to be prolonged, and employees can expect to receive their paper stubs and/or paper cheques as soon as possible.

Departments and agencies are encouraged to inform their employees about these delays and, if requested, to consider issuing them a Priority Payment (PP) (Accessible only on the National Defence network) or Emergency Salary Advance (ESA) (Accessible only on the National Defence network).

Employees who may experience delays in receiving their paper pay cheques and/or paper pay stubs are those who:

On leave without pay (LWOP) (i.e. maternity or parental leave, family care, etc.) and;

Working offshore, without computer access or employees who have requested the option to receive paper pay cheques and/or pay stubs.


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