Be part of LGBTQ2+ History Month

November 8, 2021 - Defence Stories


Major John McDougall

Did you know that October was LGBTQ2+ History Month?

The Defence Team Pride Advisory Organization (DTPAO) is taking this opportunity to showcase people who have guided and shaped our organizational culture to advance the LGBTQ2+ cause at National Defence.


Major André P. Jean

You too can be a part of this cultural shift and enjoy rewarding successes that align with your passions and values. We need your help in coming up with original ideas to share our history and successes and, most importantly, to honour the people who have contributed to the LGBTQ2+ cause. The ideas will be used to create a calendar of outreach activities for LGBTQ2+ History Month 2022.

We invite you to contribute to DTPAO efforts to improve diversity and inclusion in the organization. We are looking for dynamic individuals to amplify the voices of the community, and the civilian co-chair position is available for a minimum period of two years. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please contact us at

Together, let's help build a strong LGBTQ2+ organization that gives everyone an opportunity to help change the culture of the CAF.

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