Enroll in HR-Civ's Certificate in Data Excellence program today!

November 9, 2021 - Defence Stories


You’re invited to enroll in the HR-Civ Certificate in Data Excellence program (accessible only on the National Defence network) today. Whether you work with data every day or consider yourself a beginner, this program is for you.  Designed in ascending Tiers, this program will build your understanding and use of data, from the ground up.

Why does data matter? As you progress through this certificate program, you’ll learn about the ways we can use data to improve our work as we support the Defence Team in their mission. Data helps us measure, predict and understand, leading to improved decision making. With data, we can uncover patterns and trends, spot issues, and discover new opportunities to improve our services. 

Tier 1: Data Explorer

Beginners welcome! Dip your toes into the fundamentals of data – no prior data knowledge needed! To earn your Tier 1 Certificate:

  1. Download the Data Explorer course materials (accessible only on the National Defence network)
  2. Complete the self-guided course at a time that fits your schedule (about 2-3 hours).
  3. Send us your completed course materials to receive your HR-Civ Certificate In Data Excellence: Data Explorer.

If you have any questions during your course work, contact us! We’re here to support your success in this program.

Over the coming months, the next three program Tiers will launch, with each new Tier building on previous knowledge, and helping to establish a common understanding of data across all groups at HR-Civ. Coming soon:

Tier 2: Data Interpreter

Delve deeper into data with two more advanced learning opportunities, and practice making a data visualization product (a report, dashboard, placemat, etc.)

Tier 3: Data Storyteller

Receive expert advice and have meaningful conversations around data with a mentor, while you merge your burgeoning data skills into your everyday work.

Tier 4: Data Storyteller

You’re an experienced data user who’s ready to pass on their skills, working with Data Storytellers as they complete Tier 3.

The HR-Civ Certificate in Data Excellence program (accessible only on the National Defence network) is designed to build data literacy across our organization, but the real power of data is unleashed as we collaborate together, with our new data knowledge. Data points mean nothing without people across our organization to see them, discuss them, and act on them. Data needs all of us. Together, we can accomplish so much more.

Download your Tier 1: Data Explorer course today (accessible only on the National Defence network) and be part of this exciting learning opportunity.


The Certificate in Data Excellence Team

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