Message from NDWCC Champion - Giving Tuesday

November 30, 2021 -  Defence Stories

Banner - Stronger Together - GIVE

Dear Colleagues,

As NDWCC Defence Team Champion, I’d like to express my gratitude to all of you who have contributed so generously. As of November 26, we’ve raised over $1.6 million towards thousands of charities in our community that you have chosen. Despite the continued challenges of Covid-19, thank you all for truly embodying the NDWCC 2021 slogan, “Stronger Together”. Contributing in this year’s campaign provides you with many easy and convenient ways to give, such as donating online using ePledge, or via the FlipGive app, which gives you the chance to contribute while shopping for day-to-day purchases and helps teams earn cash every time they shop. In the aftermath of the devastating floods, NDWCC ePledge donations can also be allocated to support our friends and family in BC by selecting the United for BC Flood Response Fund

I’m reaching out to you once again because November 30, is GivingTuesday, the global day of giving. Founded nine years ago, GivingTuesday is a global movement taken place every year after Black Friday where individuals come together for their favourite charities.

It is a partnership of individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations who use social media to encourage donations of both money and time to make positive change in Canadian communities.

In the same spirit, I’d like to encourage my fellow Defence Team members who perhaps haven’t yet made an NDWCC donation, to consider doing so on this very meaningful day. If you have already contributed to this year’s campaign, we appreciate your support. Don’t forget you are eligible to donate more than once if you wish. Remember that no donation is too small. Every dollar counts!

Thank you again for helping to make NDWCC 2021 such a success, and let’s continue with a GivingTuesday push.


Vice-Admiral Craig Baines
Commander, Royal Canadian Navy 

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