Safe & Happy Holidays - Fire safety Tips

December 1st, 2021 - Defence Stories

As we approach the holiday season, let’s keep it safe by following a few fire safety tips.

Home Fire Escape Plan –Take the time to make a home fire escape plan, and practice it; you never know when you and your family might need it.

Fireplace – Have your chimney inspected and cleaned by a professional. Ensure the flue is open before lighting up. Avoid burning wrapping paper, which may create a dangerous flash fire.

Indoor/Outdoor Decorative Lighting – Using decorative lighting correctly can be the difference between happy holidays and having more than just chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Follow these Do’s and Don’ts on decorative lighting to prevent injuries and fires.



Holiday Tree – Always place the tree out of the way of foot traffic and do not block doorways or exits to the outside.  Make sure the tree is well-secured in a sturdy stand, and place it away from any heat sources, including fireplaces and burning candles.

The Canadian Forces Fire Marshal’s office wishes you and yours a safe and happy holiday season.

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