Check out the Guidelines for Inclusive Writing!
October 04, 2022 - Defence Stories
Want to write more inclusively in English or French? Looking for inclusive writing principles and techniques to help you do just that? You can now access the Guidelines for Inclusive Writing on the Language Portal of Canada!
The Guidelines for Inclusive Writing are designed to help the federal public service and any other organization produce writing that is free of discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, ability or any other identity factor. The Guidelines outline principles for writing inclusive texts and describe practical techniques to use in various contexts. Another new resource is the Inclusionary and its French counterpart, the Inclusionnaire, which can help you find inclusive alternatives to gendered words and expressions.
The Guidelines and the collections of inclusive solutions were developed by the Interdepartmental Working Group on Inclusive Writing, which is co‑chaired by Public Services and Procurement Canada (represented by the Translation Bureau), Women and Gender Equality Canada, and Canadian Heritage, and composed of various federal and provincial departments and agencies. These resources underwent extensive consultations with equity, diversity and inclusion networks, and language professionals and communications specialists.
Check out these resources today!
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