Fire safety in the kitchen

July 24, 2023 – Defence Stories

Kitchen fires are making a comeback! Many of them happen when people are not paying attention, they leave things unattended, or even place combustible items on stove tops. Find out how to keep your kitchen safe from fire and know what to do if a fire starts in your kitchen.

Kitchen Safety

Did you know that most home fires happen when an open flame or heat sources are left unsupervised? There are several things you can do to prevent fires in the kitchen which can save lives:

Cooking Safety

You can prevent cooking fires – either via stove or toaster - by following these simple tips:

Cooking with Oil

Use extreme caution when you are deep-fat frying or cooking with oil because hot oil can easily catch fire. Make sure you:

Ventilation Equipment in the Kitchen

Do not neglect your range hood!

Dealing with a fire in your kitchen:

If a pan catches fire -

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