10041 JCR Program - CAF Famil

Cadets and Junior Canadian Ranger Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

On this page

  1. Identification
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Definitions
  4. Opportunities for Canadian Armed Forces Familiarization
  5. CAF Familiarization Activities and Requirements
  6. Publication
  7. References

1. Identification

Date of Issue: 2021-03-19

Date of Verification: n/a

Application: This order applies to DND/CAF personnel who provide support to the JCR Program.

Supersession: Nil

Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.

Office of Primary Interest (OPI): DCOS Strat Plans

Enquiries: CJCR/CA HQ LO

2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase
CA Canadian Army
CAF Canadian Armed Forces
Comd CJCR Commander Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers
CR Canadian Ranger
ETS Enhanced Training Session
Famil Familiarization
JCR Junior Canadian Ranger
RSO Range Safety Officer

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3. Definitions

Enhanced training session. ETSs are activities outside of regular JCR training and are designed to complement the community-level program. ETSs often provide a chance for JCRs to travel away from home, and should include activities that JCRs could not participate to within their own patrols.

Ranger Skills. Skills modelled on those of the Canadian Rangers, such as marksmanship, navigation, drill and wilderness survival.

4. Opportunities for Canadian Armed Forces Familiarization

4.1 The JCR Program is designed to include CAF Famil activities delivered by CR and other CA personnel. The Ranger Skills learned by JCR provide an opportunity for JCRs to observe and participate in typical CR activities.

4.2 During activities away from their home communities, JCR have opportunities to see a wider range of CAF Famil activities, both within the CA and other elements of the CAF. Opportunities for JCR to engage with CAF personnel and use CAF equipment may be scheduled as part of any ETS, where location and conditions permit.

4.3 JCR CAF Famil activities complement the overall JCR program desired outcomes.

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5. CAF Familiarization Activities and Requirements

5.1 When JCRs participate in activities involving CAF personnel, training or equipment, their participation must follow all relevant laws, CAF policies, and safety or security guidelines.

5.2 Examples of CAF Famil activities appropriate for JCRs to participate in include:

  1. small arms training, demonstrations and firing;
  2. vehicle operation, rides or demonstrations;
  3. operational demonstrations;
  4. tours of CAF facilities, vessels and aircraft; and
  5. interacting with CAF personnel as guest speakers or instructors.

5.3 Where JCRs will be operating CAF equipment or firing small arms:

  1. all JCRs must have passed the same handling test required by CAF personnel; and
  2. instructors, supervisors and RSOs must be appropriately qualified (eg, if JCR are firing the C-19, then the RSO must be qualified to run a C-19 range) as detailed in B-GL-381-001/TS-000 Training Safety, Section 2.

5.4 The requirements for JCR participation apply to adult personnel from the community when participating in CAF Famil activities.

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6. Publication

Frequency of Publication

6.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.

Errors/Omissions or Suggestions

6.2 Users of this document are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR/CA HQ LO.

7. References

Source References

Related References

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