Backgrounder: CED funds three projects to develop tourism in Montérégie region


Saint-Jude, Quebec, November 16, 2023Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED)

The following information is in addition to the news release issued on November 16, 2023, on CED’s financial assistance, the recipient organizations, and their respective projects.


  • 3 projects supported by CED
  • $780,250 in non-repayable financial contributions from CED
  • $2,810,328 in total investments generated


Recipient Municipality Project objective Main activities funded by CED CED contribution Total project cost

Union québécoise de réhabilitation des oiseaux de proie


The aim of the project is to update some of the infrastructure in the Chouette à voir! tourist attraction.

The main activity undertaken is the replacement of the access bridge (development of pathways, dismantling of the existing structure, and construction and installation of the new structure). The new bridge includes pieces of the former Champlain Bridge, a beautiful example of sustainable development.

CED’s contribution covers overall project costs.



Regroupement indépendant pour la relance économique de la région de Sorel-Tracy - Statera


The project involves improving Statera’s immersive multimedia experience.

The main activities undertaken are the acquisition of equipment to add new, innovative attractions, including FLYhéron and StatRALLYE; improvements to the technological and interactive elements in the reception facilities and along the indoor interactive route; and the enrichment of the content in existing attractions, such as the outdoor dome and indoor interactive route.

CED’s contribution covers the acquisition and installation of equipment, projections, the development of routes, and translation.



La Rabouillère inc.


The aim of the project is to enhance the organization’s accommodations and the visitor experience at the farm to strengthen this microdestination.

The main activities undertaken are the acquisition of property located on the current site, leasehold improvements, and the purchase and installation of interpretation panels.

CED’s contribution focuses on the cost of planned leasehold improvements and the acquisition and installation of interpretation panels on the site.




Media Relations, CED

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